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Edu_RSS ~ June 29, 2003

Most recent update: June 29, 2003 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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"The Cala Lilies Are In Bloom Again...."
Katharine Hepburn Dies "Hollywood legend Katharine Hepburn has died at the age of 96. Ms Hepburn, who lived in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, had suffered various health problems in recent years, including Parkinson's disease.... In all, she appeared in more than 50 films, but it was her role in The African Queen, in which she starred opposite Humphrey Bogart, which brought her iconic status. Her first book - The Making of The African Queen
From The Shifted Librarian on June 29, 2003 at 10:47 p.m..

My thoughts on RSS
My thoughts on the RSS mess. RSS has changed my life. I have tried to consider what the RSS/ECHO controversy has for the future of the platform. I experimented with several different forms of news aggregators and wound up paying for AND USING Radio Userland on a daily basis. <Dave Winer> We have to find a way to channel support when it's needed. If you like using your aggregator to read RSS feeds, please find a way of saying that publicly. If you want mature steady leadership for the technology, find a way to say that too. If you don't want th
From Handheld Instructional Technology on June 29, 2003 at 10:46 p.m..

EU Parliament to Vote on New Patent Rules
peter_sd writes "The Register has an article discussing the implications to the open source community and small software businesses of the new software patent ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 10:46 p.m..

It was an extraordinary week last week at the Supreme Court. Most of the press has focused on the Michigan affirmative action cases, which were of course important, and rightly decided. But I continue to be struck by the profoundly important decision in the Lawrence case, which found it beyond the government's power to regulate the private, consensual sexual behavior of adults. There will be gaggles of law review articles written about this, and lots of speculation about the continued life of privacy jurisprudence. But I was struck by a more tangible reaction to the decision that says a
From Sjoerd Visscher's weblog on June 29, 2003 at 9:47 p.m..

Jay Cross: Another look at learning
Jay Cross: "Another look at learning The point of learning is to prosper within our chosen communities. Learning enables us to enjoy relationships and knowledge. Learning involves exploring new ground, making discoveries, and clearing paths that let us go deeper. To learn is to optimize one's networks. Taking advantage of the double meaning of the word "network," learning is making...
From elearningpost on June 29, 2003 at 9:46 p.m..

Daniel Will-Harris: How to (and not to) work with a designer
Daniel Will-Harris: How to (and not to) work with a designer "Design makes you feel, so tell your designer how it makes you feel. Instead of saying, "I like yellow," get to the root of it and say "I want a site that feels warm," or "I want something upbeat and friendly." Focusing on your logical or emotional impressions give...
From elearningpost on June 29, 2003 at 9:46 p.m..

So many voices in this most tumultuous of the many tumultuous moments I've lived through, in my five years of involvement with the RSS phenomenon. So many people taking time away from friends and family, this weekend, to consider the matters at hand. So tempting to simplify it all as a silly-season little-endian/big-endian tempest in a teapot. So much at stake. Update: So sad the voice that started it all has, for now, gone silent. Further update: And now -->
From Jon's Radio on June 29, 2003 at 9:46 p.m..

Most Powerful Amateur Rocket in Canada
Alex Schmidt writes "A group of Canadian 'amateur' rocketeers successfully launched a 16 1/2 foot rocket to a height of about 5500 feet. The rocket is based on ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 9:46 p.m..

BBC: Katherine Hepburn dies.
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 9:46 p.m..

Okay I think I made my point. I take big risks on behalf of a community that does care. But the community lets others speak for it and stays silent, and lately the people who are speaking have turned abusive, then cruel, then destructive. I couldn't stand by and let that happen and continue writing Scripting as if nothing was happening. I say what I think here, and sometimes people don't like what I say. But that doesn't give them the right to destroy. We have to find a way to channel support when it's needed.
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 9:46 p.m..

Open source prepares to kiss EU patent ass goodbye
And it only has itself to blame
From The Register on June 29, 2003 at 8:45 p.m..

RealNetworks jumps onto Vodafone
The software maker signs a deal with Vodafone to power the audio and video playback on certain handsets for subscribers to the U.K. cell phone giant's rich media service.
From CNET on June 29, 2003 at 8:45 p.m..

Group Comments on Display
From Edweblogs: NECC 2003 on June 29, 2003 at 7:48 p.m..

Welcome to NECC!
Welcome to the National Education Computing Conference, and the weblog capturing and sharing the best of the best from the conference, both for attendees at the event, and for those that are unable to attend. This independently produced weblog captures...
From Edweblogs: NECC 2003 on June 29, 2003 at 7:48 p.m..

Los Alamos lends open source hand to life sciences
Having a BLAST
From The Register on June 29, 2003 at 7:46 p.m..

GF FX 5900 Ultra vs. ATi Radeon 9800 Pro
Mack writes " has their GF FX 5900 Ultra vs. ATi Radeon 9800 Pro article online detailing which card is more powerful. Running a plethora of ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 7:46 p.m..

Dog days of summer
(0 words)
From dive into mark on June 29, 2003 at 7:45 p.m..

ScriptingNews offline
After complaining today about developers that reinvent the wheel and not caring enough about cooperation on standards Davw Winer pulled his long running weblog »ScriptingNews« offline.Winer: »I'm not willing to go on without more support«I was reading daily - sometimes several times a day. 90% of it was not so interesting to me but 10% was darn interesting. I can't comment on the decision to stop, but I think Dave would have a hard time advocating
From owrede_log on June 29, 2003 at 6:48 p.m..

PHP 5 Beta 1
Sterling Hughes writes "The PHP development community is proud to announce the release of PHP 5 Beta 1. Downloads are available in both source and binary form ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 6:46 p.m..

iVideo: Video capture for iSight
Just came across iVideo on freshmeat. I downloaded it to see what it does, and lo and behold: it captures DV video from my iSight camera! I just captured a short (9 second) but huge (180MB) video clip, and it looks like it's a standard DV file (QT Player opened it - I didn't try importing it into iMovie, but that shouldn't be a problem). With this and evoCam, there are a few options for iSight users to record and publish stuff from the camera....
From D'Arcy Norman's Learning Commons Weblog on June 29, 2003 at 6:45 p.m..

Towards a Semantic Web for Heritage Resources
Professional Reading ShelfSemantic WebSource: DigiCultFull-Text, Towards a Semantic Web for Heritage ResourcesNumerous articles about how the sematic web will play a role with heritage resources. 43 pages .pdf.
From ResourceShelf on June 29, 2003 at 5:47 p.m..

Show Me Your Wound
I've been fairly busy with a few "real world" past times, however I managed to get in a couple hours of batting practice in the past two days. I mention this because I totally ripped up my hands yesterday afternoon....
From Tim Swanson on June 29, 2003 at 5:47 p.m..

Engaging with the OSS Community
s390 writes "Olliance has the second of its Open Source articles up at the Inquirer. It's called "Engaging with the Open Source Community (Part Two)", and it ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 5:45 p.m..

Pure Math, Pure Joy
e271828 writes "The New York Times is carrying a nice little piece entitled Pure Math, Pure Joy about the beauty and applicability of pure math as carried out ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 4:45 p.m..

Windows Tech Writer Looks at Linux
An anonymous reader writes "Three days ago I accepted Linux into my life and while I'm not yet a convert, the experience has shaken my faith in Windows. It's ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 3:45 p.m..

Jason DeFilippo: Another case for RSS.
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 3:45 p.m..

Vince, Jay and Bill
From Edweblogs: NECC 2003 on June 29, 2003 at 2:47 p.m..

Safeco Field
From Edweblogs: NECC 2003 on June 29, 2003 at 2:47 p.m..

Mariner's Game
From Edweblogs: NECC 2003 on June 29, 2003 at 2:47 p.m..

Leadership Symposium: Opening
I'm here for the ISTE Leadership Symposium in Seattle, WA. I will try to update this blog during the day and capture some highlights....
From Edweblogs: NECC 2003 on June 29, 2003 at 2:47 p.m..

Beautiful Night For Baseball...
Last night I went to the Seattle Mariners game at Safeco Field. Had a great time. It was my first time in Safeco and was very impressed. A beautiful facility and it was a very nice night for baseball....
From Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on June 29, 2003 at 2:47 p.m..

US Cell Phone Users Discover SMS Spam
The Llama King writes "It's a bigger problem in Europe and Japan/Asia, but as SMS text messaging or "texting" becomes more popular in the United States, its ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 2:45 p.m..

Ben Trott: Why We Need Echo.
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 2:45 p.m..

Sjoerd Visscher explains the diffs betw Echo and RSS.
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 2:45 p.m..

Web Search--GoogleSourc
Web Search--GoogleSource: The New York TimesIs Google God?I think most of you who read ResourceShelf on a regular basis can guess how I would answer this question. Google is not all-knowing. It's an information tool in a World where other hi-quality to
From ResourceShelf on June 29, 2003 at 1:47 p.m..

Resources, Reports, Tool
Resources, Reports, Tools, Lists, and Full-Text DocumentsCross Cultural ResourcesSource: U.S. Dept. of StateNew, Bibliography of Cross-Cultural Resources--ProtocolSource: U.S. Dept. of StateNew, Bibliography of Protocol Resources
From ResourceShelf on June 29, 2003 at 1:47 p.m..

The difference between RSS and Echo
In the recent heated debates about Echo (I'll call it that for now) the prevailing comment is that Echo is a replacement of RSS because of political issues. While this is not entirely untrue, there are actually big differences between Echo and RSS. I'm going to address the main difference for each version of RSS. …
From Sjoerd Visscher's weblog on June 29, 2003 at 1:46 p.m..

Verizon Sues Nextel For Espionage
jonknee writes "Verizon is going after Nextel for a little corporate espionage. Verizon says that Nextel got its hands on some internal prototypes of models ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 1:45 p.m..

Distance Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
Posted to the Development Gateway on E-Learning "Distance Education in Latin America and the Caribbean" is a project of the...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

RSS: Killer App For Education
I define a killer application as a program that gives average people the capability to use technology to solve everyday...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

Peace Diaries
eLearning technologies is not just about collaborative tools for educators or the pipe from teacher to student, it's also about...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

Introduction to Learning Objects
In this new educational landscape of weblogs and RSS, one of the technologies to gain a lot of traction quickly...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

Support for medical informatics
Two national organizations for medical informatics professionals have agreed to promote Oregon Health & Science University's medical informatics distance learning...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

Games 2 Train provides a number of good on-line examples of how games can be successfully incorporated into e-learning. Of...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

Distance Educating
Our own John Hibbs sends an alert on an excellent essay on the meaning of RSS -- RSS, for those...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

The Benjamin Franklin Institute of Global Education (the Institute), established in 1991, operates virtually through a worldwide network lead by...
From Almanack on June 29, 2003 at 12:48 p.m..

Introduction to Debian
[vmlinuz] writes "SitePoint has an article that I wrote that introduces Debian and has guidelines on installing it. This could be usefull for managers, new ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 12:45 p.m..

Survey: "Based on everything you've read in the last week or so, do you feel a need to change what RSS is, or is it good enough the way it is?"
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 12:45 p.m..

CEOs on the firing line
Performance-related dismissals are up and board tolerance is down at large companies around the world. Strategy + Business examines the numbers behind this annual Booz Allen Hamilton study.
From CNET on June 29, 2003 at 12:45 p.m..

PC Is working...
...knock wood, throw salt over my shoulder, kiss a leprechaun, pet a cobra, blow out the candles in one breath, pour out some wine, vote Republican. It seems to have been a conflict between my Asus P4P800 Deluxe motherboard and Kingston HyperX memory. The PC store (ICG Computer in Brookline) put in a lot of hours tracking this down, and now that they've switched out the HyperX for whatever is the next best type, the system seems to be stable. At least it's been up for almost 24 hours. (And now, of course, I just jinxed myself.) Let me add...
From Joho the Blog on June 29, 2003 at 11:47 a.m..

I'm a pundit! Now all I have to do is spot a yellow crested grebe and my Life List will be done! Unfortunately, it's a pretty biting and funny satire — the Internet Pundit Fantasy Camp — that accords me the accolade....
From Joho the Blog on June 29, 2003 at 11:47 a.m..

See you at Pop!Tech
It was a hard choice, but I've decided to go to Pop!Tech again this year. It was hard precisely because Pop!Tech is such a good conference, but it conflicts with DigitalID World, which was terrific last year and looks like it'll be at least as good this year. I really want to go to both, but physics is making that impossible. Damn physics. I finally decided on Pop!Tech because its territories are more unfamiliar to me. But I will sorely miss the friends and ideas at DigID World. I wholeheartedly recommend both events....
From Joho the Blog on June 29, 2003 at 11:47 a.m..

Fan-Made Space Quest Prequel Released
An anonymous reader writes "Earlier this week, a new fan-made prequel to Sierra's Space Quest series, Space Quest 0: Replicated, was released. Designed by Jeff ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 11:45 a.m..

Alan Cohen: "Google, combined with Wi-Fi, is a little bit like God. God is wireless, God is everywhere and God sees and knows everything."
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 11:45 a.m..

Fredrik Lundh: XML-RPC and the ASCII Limitation. Interesting history in Fredrik's piece. It's true that the Q&A near the end of the XML-RPC spec are responses
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 11:45 a.m..

Iraqi Cultural Heritage: Second UNESCO Mission - T ...
Iraqi Cultural Heritage: Second UNESCO Mission - The Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, has announced that a second UNESCO expert mission would be leaving for Iraq on 28 June 2003, to take stock of the situation of Iraqi heritage. The misson will include specialists in museums, archives, libraries, historical monuments and archaeological sites
From Peter Scott's Library Blog on June 29, 2003 at 10:47 a.m..

Sirsi Corporation has announced that INFOhio, a co ...
Sirsi Corporation has announced that INFOhio, a cooperative school library and information network that serves nearly 1 million Ohio K-12 students, has selected it's suite of software and services to support more than 2,000 school libraries in the state
From Peter Scott's Library Blog on June 29, 2003 at 10:47 a.m..

Does Google = God?
lgreco writes "In an op/ed for the NYT, Thomas Friedman wonders "Is Google God?" Interesting article that diseminates things mostly known to and hopefully well ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Is wi-fi good for developing nations?- Bill Thompson, BBC
Campaigning for internet access in developing countries can seem a bit of a distraction - the sort of thing that only the technologically obsessed would ever care about. After all, millions of people need clean water, enough food and adequate sh
From Techno-News Blog on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Google's New Toolbar Blocks Pop-Ups - Pamela Parker and Ryan Naraine, Internet News
Search technology powerhouse Google has released a new beta of its popular toolbar for Internet Explorer, adding a pop-up blocker, a controversial Blogger feature, and form-filling functionality. The pop-up blocker is aimed at suppressing the con
From Techno-News Blog on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Saint Leo program ranks No. 1 in black graduates - EBONY WINDOM, St. Petersburg Times
Talk about the tortoise beating the hare. More African-Americans graduated with degrees in business administration from Saint Leo University than any other in the United States last year. With 334 African-Americans earning bachelor's degrees, the
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Beyond the Current E-Learning paradigm: Applications of Role Play Simulations (RPS) - Roni Linser and Albert Ip
Introduction: Current E-learning models have been criticised by constructivists for providing content without a learning social context and have argued that such learning contexts need to be designed into E-learning programs. This paper takes issu
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Catching up on education, via web - Jay B. Hilotin, Gulf News Dubai
School dropouts and busy executives with no time to attend classroom lectures can now go back to a virtual college and learn from top experts. Officials of the e-TQM College, based in Dubai Internet City (DIC), yesterday said its customised e-lear
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

SkillSoft Students Can Receive Up to 20 Hours of Undergraduate Credit At No Cost in Online Drexel University Degree Programs
SkillSoft PLC a leading provider of e-learning courseware and referenceware for business and IT professionals, today announced that it has signed an articulation agreement with Drexel eLearning, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Drexel University
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Student-run camp lets teachers learn about technology - Liza Roche, Courier-News
Elgin High School math teacher Mary Aydt sat in front of her computer Wednesday, filling in potential subjects for a computerized version of Jeopardy!, while a handful of students from her school looked at the screen over her shoulder. But unlike
From Educational Technology on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Microsoft softens stance on licenses for donated computers - Corey Murray, eschool News
K-12 schools nationwide that receive donated or refurbished computers running the Windows operating system (OS) now can take advantage of a little-known initiative from Microsoft Corp. that lets administrators ensure the machines they
From Educational Technology on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Collaborating online strengthens cancer research - LINDA LAMB, the State
Scientific research has become incredibly complex. But with Web sites and e-mail, communication between scientists has become incredibly simple. That convergence promises great potential for the South Carolina Alliance for Cancer Chemoprevention,
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Interview: E-learning will mean quality education - Bassam Za'za', Gulf News, Dubai
The fast pace of change in today's world requires us to constantly train and educate ourselves. We increasingly need education and training that can be obtained at any place, any time and at any age. E-learning has brought down the distance barri
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Expanding Access to Learning: The Role of Virtual Universities - Carol A. Twigg
....What have we learned thus far about the advantages and disadvantages of different VUC organizational models? What business models work best? What are the political and policy obstacles that must be overcome in order for a virtual university ef
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Institutional Use of Learning Objects Three Years on: Lessons Learned and Future Directions - Tony Koppi and Neil Lavitt
Abstract: A learning resource catalogue (currently LRC 3 ) comprising records of learning objects has been used for 3 years by members of the Universitas 21 consortium. Five conceptually useful classes of learning objects are used. While almost a
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Plagiarism article sparks copycatting duel - John Murawski, Palm Beach Post
Two Florida Atlantic University researchers who published a paper on detecting plagiarism stand accused on committing the very wrong they set out to prevent. A plagiarized article about plagiarism!" is how Michael Heberling, a professor from Michi
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Teaching languages online: Deconstructing the myths - Uschi Felix, Australian Journal of Educational Technology
Debates on e-learning often begin by comparing apples with oranges. The 'theatre of the classroom' and the rich social tapestry of the campus are contrasted with a barren, solitary, inhuman online experience consisting of no more than downloading
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Panel examining access to college holds first meeting - Associated Press
A task force appointed by Attorney General Jerry Kilgore began examining Virginia's hodgepodge of transfer agreements between community colleges and four-year institutions Wednesday. The Task Force on Access to Higher Education also is investigat
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Improving Access to STM Literature: The Need for Continuing Dialogue - Bonita Wilson, D-Lib
On May 19 - 20, 2003, the National Academies Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy hosted the "Symposium on Electronic Scientific, Technical, and Medical Journal Publishing and its Implications" in Washington, D.C., to discuss the cr
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Online learning: Implications for effective learning for higher education in South Africa - Maylene Y Damoense, Australian Journal of Ed. Tech.
Over the last decade there has been an augmenting shift away from the conventional teaching and learning to modes where the Internet now plays a key role. E-learning is increasingly forming an integral part of course delivery and instruction, and
From Online Learning Update on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Before Napster was marked by the press as a haven for music piracy, Peter Lewis writing in the NY Times three years ago today, called it "the new Elvis of the Internet, the rebel that rocks the establishment because of its wild popularity among young people and its whiff of dangerousness." That captures what Napster meant to me. Of course Elvis did hang out with Tricky Dick.
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Adam Curry discovers that yesterday's outliner for Movable Type also works with Radio. Heh. Can't fool Adam. The cool thing about the common blogging API is that it also works with Blogger. How about that. We used to work together. We still do, but maybe not for very long. See below.
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

An old software industry joke. At Microsoft, a new version of Windows isn't ready to ship until it doesn't run Lotus. Read that carefully. And at Microsoft in the early nineties they used to wear T-shirts saying Delete Philippe. That was before they cut off Netscape's air supply. Of course all this michegas is totally against the interests of users because it decreases their choice, and
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Two years ago today a survey asked if Microsoft adds features to their operating system in order to eliminate competition. Eighty-nine percent said yes. Note that all this is about Microsoft because for the last thirteen years they've dominated the software industry (since Windows 3.0 shipped and pushed IBM aside). Before that IBM and within their own sphere, Apple, did exactly the same. When they didn't want to be competed with they just crushed the competition. That's why power in the so
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

I'll B.O.G.U. for Blogger
One of the many things the Echo folk want to reinvent is the MetaWeblog API. Of course this makes my teeth grind, because I know how much time and energy went into making it work, not just for UserLand's tools, but for many others. The only major holdout so far has been Blogger. Now, when the API was in development I asked Evan for feedback several times, directly, and he never responded. Now, over a year later, I hear that the API is inadequate for his purposes, because it doesn't have an element called appkey in its p
From Scripting News on June 29, 2003 at 10:45 a.m..

Need for support/documentation for eduBloggers
Pam Pritchard blogs: "One quick training inservice or workshop just isn't going to cut it for most educators attempting to integrate and apply this technology to their classroom world. " Comment: I agree. A "how-to" won't be enough. A "cheat-sheet" approach works as well, long term, as a simple in-service - not well at all. What educators need are concrete examples of how weblogs are being used in the disciplines, i.e.: writing, science, math, computing, etc. Show how weblogs ar
From carvingCode on June 29, 2003 at 9:46 a.m..

UN Recommends WiFi for Poor Countries
amerinese writes "UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is now advocating that third-world countries be given funds to implement WiFi technology and 'leapfrog into ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 9:45 a.m..

Workplace flexibility takes hold: Sun envisions mobile workforce competing for cubicles - Rachel Conrad, Associated Press
Amy Greene has a blatant disdain for her workplace. She shows up at the address on her business card only for mandatory meetings. "I don't like going into the office," said Greene, a computer systems manager for Sun Microsystems Inc. "You j
From Techno-News Blog on June 29, 2003 at 9:45 a.m..

Rural educators look into cyberspace - ERIC FRY, The Juneau Empire
Alaska educators hope new online courses will help students, especially in small rural schools, meet state standards and be prepared for college. The courses also will help schools obey new federal requirements to use highly qualified teachers. Al
From Educational Technology on June 29, 2003 at 9:45 a.m..

Harry Potter and the Entertainment Industry
VoidEngineer writes "In a surprisingly insightfull article entitled Harry Crushes the Hulk, Frank Rich discusses how "Harry Potter and the Order of the ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 6:45 a.m..

EduBlog Support
Anne posts an email from a teacher struggling with the how tos of Educational Blogging. "Is there an online blog 101-like resource that you would recommend (or book) I would greatly appreciate it." Anne continues the discussion on the confusion teachers have with the learning processes of edublogging and delivers this thought. "I think we're missing something really important here." Support, Support, of the big keys to all of this...I know I've said this on more than one -->
From Edublog News on June 29, 2003 at 4:47 a.m..

Europe's Largest Linux Event Draws Nigh
steman writes "On the 10th of July 2003 LinuxTag begins, the largest Linux event in Europe. It will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany. Four days will be packed ...
From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 4:45 a.m..

EasyNN-plus has been released!
Create, train, validate, query neural networks, import plain text or images. [PRWEB Jun 29, 2003]
From PR Web on June 29, 2003 at 4:45 a.m..

NC school districts offers iBooks to students
Greene County (North Carolina) leaders on Thursday approved a lease agreement that will provide lapt… []...
From IDT Matrix on June 29, 2003 at 3:47 a.m..

One size fits nobody
  I really liked John Naughton’s Observer piece last Sunday: If you really want to know, ask a blogger. From Stephen Downes’ summary: -->
From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

So isn't this just viral marketing?
Well yes, but deeper. And I'd make no apology for that. I've long thought that marketers could teach learning specialists a lot, particularly in these areas:
  • how to gain and sustain attention, particularly in today's confused, fragmented environment-->
  • From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

    Sims and blogs as viral learning tools
    I came across Papert’s thoughts on the role of computer programming in constructivist learning again recently, in this book. Basically, he says that by building an executable artefact – a computer microworld or simulation – the learner &
    From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

    Organisational learning should be like a disease
    The virus metaphor is a powerful one for organisational learning, particularly where supported by technology:
  • Catching a disease makes it more likely that others will catch it also (the Network Effect, as shown by
  • From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

    I just read this, from Transforming e-Knowledge: "Autonomic learning is like breathing, the beating of the heart, and the other autonomic responses of the human body." p57. Metaphors for learning are getting increasingly or
    From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

    The journey from WIIFM to WOMII
      Of course people need to be motivated to take part in online learning experiences. But many developers of these experiences misunderstand what motivates people in today’s online world.
    From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

    Learning designers need to become organisational change consultants
    As a designer of online learning experiences, dealing with the real world can be a real pain. I'm doing a fair bit of academic work at the moment, aimed at pinning down my understanding of the finer points of current learning theory. My reading of current literature takes me in the direction of the situative/pragmatist school, with a good dose of cognitive theory thrown in. But then I go out into the real world, and the real world doesn't want to know. Most large co
    From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

    Pedagogical patterns are learning objects
      What’s the difference between a pedagogical pattern ( and a learning object? Not much. Each deals with:
    From on June 29, 2003 at 2:48 a.m..

    Inter-organizational communities of practice
    Christine van Winkelen writes about communities of practice, and their particular role in bringing together different organisations. To quote: Communities of Practice are formed by groups of people who come together to learn from one another face-to-face and virtually. This...
    From Column Two on June 29, 2003 at 2:46 a.m..

    Intentional Teaching
    Summary: This entry will for those people who wish to demonstrate, even make the most of, their influence on the knowledge-building.knowledge-making of others. My concern will be to construct a 'handle' on that influence so that truly influential actions (and people who take those actions ) can be distinguished from those which are not (but which some claim to be), The influence can be indirect (funding research, for example,), but in this discussion I will focus on actions more-or-less direct (such as lecturing/explaining/demonstrating/leading - through such things as setting
    From Connectivity: Spike Hall's RU Weblog on June 29, 2003 at 1:47 a.m..

    The Real Reason for Sending Astronauts into Space
    Puneet writes "An article on New York Times discussing the need for astronauts for carrying out experiments in space. Too many of the planned experiments ...
    From Slashdot on June 29, 2003 at 12:45 a.m..

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