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Most Visited Links Today
October 27, 2010
Why did 17 million students go to college? Today: 201 Total: 201
OER in the disciplines: a joint Subject Strand conference Today: 178 Total: 294
Open content and the costs of online learning Today: 157 Total: 157
Discussing 3D Learning Archetypes Today: 146 Total: 146
Project Rome for Education Today: 140 Total: 355
Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies Today: 130 Total: 130
Fragment of an Overview of the Current "Crisis" Today: 106 Total: 106
Why Blog About Science? Today: 104 Total: 104
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2010 Today: 103 Total: 364
Amplifying a Talk on "Event Amplification Using Social Media" Today: 98 Total: 98
iTunes U: an Institutional Perspective Today: 94 Total: 94
A Student-Led Movement for a University Open Access Policy Today: 82 Total: 355
This is why you should use Internet Explorer 9 Today: 63 Total: 669
History of Philosophy Podcast Today: 62 Total: 218
A Superintendent Leading Change Today: 52 Total: 175
Risks and Safety on the Internet: The Perspectives of European Youth Today: 40 Total: 286
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age Today: 35 Total: 2085
Update on the semantic web, linked data and open Today: 26 Total: 204
PLENK 2010, Weeks 4-6: Learning Theories, Evaluation and Literacies Today: 25 Total: 224
Army Discovers the Weapon to Kill PowerPoint Briefings…Video Games Today: 21 Total: 448
Most Visited Links All Time
Totals are since September 7, 2010
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age Today: 35 Total: 2085
News Consumption, RSS Readers, and New Business Models Today: 14 Total: 1415
Goodbye @Diigo You Ain't for Me Anymore! Today: 1 Total: 1183
Introducing Edupunk Today: 13 Total: 1062
Clive Thompson on the New Literacy Today: 0 Total: 1049
The Future of Search is Verbs Today: 2 Total: 907
Parents vote to shut off Wi-Fi at Ont. school Today: 16 Total: 896
World University Rankings: A reality based on a fraud Today: 2 Total: 844
Deciding Not to Learn at Conferences? Today: 1 Total: 842
Nine Important Trends in the Evolution of Digital Textbooks and E-learning Content Today: 3 Total: 814
Chatroulette Today: 16 Total: 796
5 Pieces of Advice for Lawyers Trying to Scare Educators Who Think Outside The Ban Today: 7 Total: 782
10 reasons NOT to ban social media in organisations Today: 2 Total: 779
Think Tank: Flip-thinking - the new buzz word sweeping the US Today: 8 Total: 767
Reflections on 21st Century Education Today: 1 Total: 738
Maslow's Hierarchy of Organizational Social Media Needs Today: 3 Total: 729
How To Be Alone Today: 1 Total: 712
With Open Source Lectures, Who Needs So Many Lecturers? Today: 3 Total: 709
The World Is Full of Interesting Things Today: 19 Total: 706
Dear Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Gen Yers … Can We Please Move On? Today: 0 Total: 701