certificate in adult education introduction to

overview of the introduction to adult learners

Overview of the Introduction to
Adult Learners [Page 2]

This section is divided into three slide shows

  1. Principles about learning
    • This is a short slide show that explains the general principles about learning
  2. What do we know about adult learners
    • Begin by remembering what you already know about adults (young and old) and how adult learners learn
    • As you proceed through this slide show, keep relating the content to you as an adult learner.
      • What applies to you and what does not apply to you?
      • Who do you know who fits some of these characteristics?
    • As you proceed through the slide show, think of ways of how you will use this information for your future instructing
  3. Chain of response model
    • There are two parts to this slide show: the slides and the slide notes
    • As you proceed through the slide show, reflect on how you fit, or do not fit into this chain. How have these responses influenced your learning?
      • Who do you know who fits into parts of this chain. How have these responses influenced their learning?
      • How will you use this chain of responses to plan and instruct?
      • How will you change your teaching style as a result of this information?
    • You may need to print the slide notes so you may read them as you proceed through the slide show.

Each slide show will begin with its objective(s) and end with several self assessment exercises that reflect the objectives.

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Modified 04, 1996