certificate in adult

education introduction to instruction
introduction to the course

Course Overview [Page 2]

You can take the five sections in any order, but do not finish the course assignment until you have finished all five sections.

You are expected to bring to the course your life experiences as learner and/or instructor. It is important that you remember what you already know and then add to it the new information derived from the course. This is called scaffolding. Your ability to recall and use the new information is often contingent on this scaffolding process.

There are several advantages to taking a course on the Internet.

  • You can stop working through the material whenever you want to.
  • You can continue when it is convenient to you at the same place you left off.
  • You choose the sequencing of the sections after you have completed this introduction to the course
  • You can repeat any of the sections as many times as you want or need to. This repetition can take place long after you have completed the course.
  • You can take as many coffee breaks as you want and you can take them on the Internet. There are several of them built into the course. They are designed for your interest and also to continue your education of the Internet.

To gain credit for this course for the Certificate of Adult Education (CAE), you must complete one assignment satisfactorily. This will be explained later in the course (slide show "Course Assignment").

The focus of this course and program is on teaching adults. There are similarities between adult learners and young learners as well as differences. As well there are similarities and differences between teaching adults and teaching the youth. As you move through the course keep making the comparisons.

Have fun while you move through the various sections.

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Modified (  15, 1996