On-Line Teaching and Learning
Schedule of Events
All times are Eastern Standard Time
- logon to the Painted Porch MAUD
- welcome and introduction
- overview - what the MAUD is & why we're using it
- Breakout Sessions
- Getting the Right Mix between Synchonus and Asynchronus
(you know, I just can't spell that word ;) )
- Teacher/Student interaction over the internet - a description
of an internet teaching experience (Jeff)
- System requirements for internet distance delivery (hardware,
software, time, costs) (Stephen)
1:30- Breakout Sessions
- Evaluating students online (Terry)
- Mini-tour of the MAUD (Jeff)
- Advantages of interactive online learning generally,
and MAUDs in particular (Stephen)
2:00- Wrapup & overview discussion
2:30- Session is over, MAUD remains open for people to explore