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Stephen Downes


Senior Research Officer

Digital Technologies Research Centre

National Research Council Canada


University of Alberta: PhD Candidate (All But Dissertation) 1993

University of Calgary: MA (Philosophy) 1987

University of Calgary: BA (Philosophy) 1986 (Honours First Class)


See full Career highlights

2019 – current. Distributed Learning Technologies. Digital Technologies Research Centre, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Projects Include:

  • E-Learning 3.0 - exploration of next generation e-learning using distributed learning technologies. Includes offering an E-Learning 3.0 MOOC and workshops offered in Edmonton, Canada and Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
  • Blockchain Exploration - survey blockchain technology, provide advice to IRAP clients, develop new model of open education resource using content addressing and Ethereum.

2014 – 2018. Learning and Performance Support Systems. Information and Communications Portfolio, Emerging Technologies Division, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Research Projects. Leading focused research and development technology in support of LPSS program objectives, beginning April, 2016.

Projects Include:

  • Canada School of Public Service - online delivery modernization project, and online data management project. Reserach current CSPS technology and practices, compare with bets practices, make recommendation and develop business plan for modernization.
  • Competency And Skills System - monitor and participate in the ADL CASS online community Project; installation and configuration of ADL open source technologies including technologies supporting CASS, xAPI, and TLA.
  • Open Course Aggregation Service - implementation of a course aggregation service with an API that can be employed by other services (for example, a course recommender); implementation of a stand-alone instance of the harvester, development and deployment of an API, and development of services that consume the API.
  • Learning Technology Landscape - environmental scan document, divided into relevant sectors, summarizing the state of the art in learning and technology research and development, a searchable database of this information for focused research.

Program Leader, Learning and Performance Support Systems (LPSS). Principal researcher leading portfolio of research projects related to the design and development of personal learning environments and supportive technology. Responsible for finding and liaising with commercial partners, defining program outcomes and objectives, managing a $22 million, delivering outcomes and reporting to NRC’s Senior Executive Committee.

Projects Include:

  • Concierge Open Marketplace Solutions – Development of an internet application to assist small and medium sized enterprises identify funding programs, experts, commercial opportunities, events and resources relevant to their domain expertise.
  • MOOC-REL – Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) delivered in conjunction with the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie to support capacity-building in the use and development of open educational resources.
  • LPSS.me – development and hosting of a web site enabling members of the general public to try and help improve the personal learning environment being developed by NRC.
  • Ten other projects (as of November, 2015) with six commercial partners and 35 NRC researchers).

November, 2001 – September, 2014. Learning and Collaborative Technologies Group, Institute for Information Technology, National Research Council, Moncton,New Brunswick, Canada

Senior researcher in e-learning with a focus on learning object, metadata repositories, online learning communities and new media. Responsible for initiating and coordinating world class research, participating in national and international discussions, and working with academic and private partners in product and service development.

Projects Include:

  • Personal Learning Environments – Development of an internet application to facilitate personalized access to learning resources. Project lead, responsible for all aspects of the project and team of 10 developers.
  • Connectivism and Connective Knowledge – Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 2008. With George Siemens. 2200-student online course.
  • Synergic3 – Development of a collaborative learning content development workflow system. Research lead, coordinating an R&D team of 12 people from NRC, a university, and a corporate partner.
  • OLDaily – Author and publisher of a daily email newsletter covering the field of e-learning. Read by an international audience of more than 20,000 people.
  • Learning Networks – Distributed learner-centered online learning environments employing content syndication, web services, and distributed resource management
  • EduSourceCanada – Researcher and chair of the ‘vision committee’ in a national initiative to develop a learning object repository network

March, 1999 to June, 2001– Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta

Information Architect. Responsible for architectural design and construction of learning, information and resources portal for the municipal sector in Alberta. Investigating new online learning and knowledge management technologies and their applicability to continuing professional development. Reporting of research results in seminars and academic papers. Providing leadership to Faculty staff and clients as a consultant in technology selection, writing and review of RFPs, and innovation in online learning.

Projects Include:

  • MuniMall –Team lead for development of online portal designed for the municipal sector in Alberta.
  • AMPIA – Conceptual design, review of tenders and liaison with contractor for Alberta Motion Picture Industries Association website.
  • PEGGasus – Architecture and conceptual design for a learning and services portal for the engineering and geophysics sector in Alberta

January, 1995 to March, 1999 – Assiniboine Community College  

Instructional Designer. As a distance education and new instructional media design specialist, assumed responsibility of all internet activities at the college, including the college website, staff training, and the development of online course materials.

Projects Include:

  • Assiniboine Community College Website –Primary designer and team lead for development of college website
  • General Business Certificate – Supervised conversion of program courses to distance and online delivery; designed and implemented online delivery procedures; supervised teaching staff; designed and developed learning management system
  • Brandon Adult Learning Centre – Team member for development and delivery of high school upgrading courses online

November, 1987 to December, 1994 – Athabasca University

Tutor. As a distance education tutor and seminar instructor with Athabasca University, delivered telephone based, online and in-person instruction in logic and critical thinking to students in urban, rural and cross cultural settings in northern Alberta and across Canada. This period also includes a sessional teaching appointment at Grande Prairie Regional College and several assistantship and teaching appointments with the University of Alberta.

Journal Publications

Stephen Downes. Nov 01, 2023. Ethics, Analytics and the Duty of Care. rivista di Digital Politics Volume 3, Number 2 253-304. Società editrice il Mulino.

Stephen Downes. Feb 01, 2022. Connectivism. Asian Journal of Distance Education Vol 17, Number 1 58-87. Asian Society for Open and Distance Education (ASODE).

Christian M. Stracke, Stephen Downes, Grainne Conole, Daniel Burgos, Fabio Nascimbeni. Apr 09, 2020. Are MOOCs Open Educational Resources? A literature review on history, definitions and typologies of OER and MOOCs. Open Praxis Vol. 11, No. 4 331-341. .

Stephen Downes. Nov 19, 2019. Recognising Achievement with Badges and Blockchain in a Connectivist MOOC. Journal of Learning for Development Vol 6, No 3 274-287. Commonwealth of Learning.

Stephen Downes. Sept 27, 2019. Recent Work in Connectivism. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning Vol. 22, No. 2 112-131. European Distance Education Network (EDEN).

Stephen Downes. Jul 05, 2019. A Look at the Future of Open Educational Resources. International Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 1, Issue 2, Spring/Summer . American Public University System.

Stephen Downes. Dec 01, 2018. Modernised learning delivery strategies: The Canada School of Public Service technology integration project.. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching Vol.1 No.2 15-25. Kaplan Singapore.

Stephen Downes. Oct 23, 2017. Open Learning, Open Networks  -  开放学习、开放网络. Distance Education in China 2017 - 10 36-46. .

Stephen Downes,Junhong Xiao trans.. Feb 28, 2017. Looking at the Future of Online Learning: a rejoinder to Contact North 2016 Report (在线学习未来之我见 — —评 2016 年度 Contact North 报告) . Distance Education in China 2017:2 5-17. .

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2016. Open Education and Personal Learning - 开放教育与个人学习. Distance Education in China . 2016-03 . .

Stephen Downes,Junhong Xiao trans.. Dec 30, 2015. Beyond assessment: recognizing achievement in a networked world - 超越常规评价方法:网络世界的成绩认定. Distance Education in China 2015:6 34-46. .

Stephen Downes, Junhong Xiao trans.. Oct 30, 2015. Beyond institutions: personal learning in a networked world - 突破机构教育之囿:网络世界的个人学习. Distance Education in China 2015:5 5-17. .

Stephen Downes. Oct 05, 2015. From MOOCs to Personal Learning. Revista FGV Online Year 5, Number 1 69-77. Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).

Stephen Downes. Dec 31, 2014. The resurgence of community in online learning. Italian Journal of Educational Technology (formerly Tecnologie Didattiche) 165-172. .

Stephen Downes. Jan 31, 2010. New Technology Supporting Informal Learning. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence 2 (1) 27-33. .

Stephen Downes. Feb 27, 2007. Models for Sustainable Open Educational Resources. Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects 3 29-44. Informing Science Institute.

Stephen Downes. Nov 30, 2006. A Patent Dilemma. Innovate Volume 3, Number 2 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Oct 17, 2006. Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge. ITForum 92 . University of Georgia.

Stephen Downes. Sept 30, 2005. Authentication and Identification. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning Volume 2 No. 10 Online. .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2005. Semantic Networks and Social Networks. The Learning Organization Journal Volume 12, Number 5 411-417. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Stephen Downes. Mar 31, 2005. Understanding PISA. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education Volume 6 Number 2 Online. .

Stephen Downes. May 20, 2004. Resource Profiles. Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2004(1), part. 6 Online. .

Rory McGreal, Terry Anderson, Gilbert Babin, Stephen Downes, Norm Friesen, Kevin Harrigan, Marek Hatala, Doug MacLeod, Mike Mattson, Gilbert Paquette, Griff Richards, Toni Roberts, Steve Schafer. Mar 01, 2004. EduSource: Canada's Learning Object Repository Network. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning Volume 1 No. 3 Online. .

Stephen Downes. Feb 29, 2004. The Rise of Learning Objects. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning Volume 1 No. 3 Online. .

Stephen Downes. Nov 26, 2003. The Regina Declaration. Pitch Journal Volume 1, Number 1 online. .

Stephen Downes. Aug 19, 2003. Public Policy, Research and Online Learning. Ubiquity online. Association for Computing Machinery.

Stephen Downes. Apr 17, 2003. Copyright, Ethics and Theft. USDLA Journal Volume 17, Number 2 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jan 17, 2003. Design and Reusability of Learning Objects in an Academic Context: A New Economy of Education?. USDLA Journal Volume 17, Number 1 online. .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2002. The Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards. The Technology Source May/June 2002 online. .

Stephen Downes. Oct 17, 2001. Unrest in the Ivory Tower: Privatization of the University. USDLA Journal Volume 15, Number 10 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2001. Learning Objects: Resources For Distance Education Worldwide. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning Volume 2, Number 1 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jan 01, 2001. Distance Educators Before the River Styx. The Technology Source January/February 2001 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2000. Nine Rules for Good Technology. The Technology Source July/August 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2000. The Internet and Transnational Education. The Technology Source May/June 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2000. Hungry Minds: A Commentary on Educational Portals. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration Volume III, Number I online. .

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2000. A Response to "Where Do We Go From Here?". The Technology Source March/April, 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. Oct 03, 1999. Hacking Memes. First Monday Volume 4, Number 10 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 1999. Web-Based Courses: The Assiniboine Model. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration Volume 2, Number 2 online. .

Stephen Downes. Sept 30, 1998. The Future of Online Learning. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration Volume 1, Number 3 online. .

Stephen Downes. Dec 01, 1994. Review of Cynthia MacDonald, Mind-Body Identity Theories. Canadian Philosophical Reviews 14 . .

Stephen Downes. Jun 15, 1992. Similarity: A Cognitive Foundation for Artificial Intelligence. Eidos Volume XII, Number 1 . University of Waterloo.

Stephen Downes. Nov 01, 1987. Models and Modality. Eidos Volume VI, Number 1 37-52. .

Stephen Downes. Sept 23, 1987. Conditional Variability. Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics Number 13 1-13. University of Calgary.


Bruno Emond;Jean-Francois Lapointe;Max Kinateder;Eric DeMarbre;Maxine Berthiaume;Irina Kondratova;Natalia Cooper;Noureddine Benichou;Stephen Downes. Jun 26, 2022. HCI Issues, Design and Development for a First Responders VR Training System on Dangerous Goods Transportation Incidents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 13329 69-82. Springer-Nature.

Stephen Downes. Mar 17, 2021. Ethical Codes and Learning Analytics. European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Proceedings2020 Annual Conference, Editors: Sandra Kucina Softic, Diana Andone and András Szucs 20-72. European Distance and E-Learning Network.

Stephen Downes. Nov 04, 2019. A Distributed Content Addressable Network for Open Educational Resources. Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age CELDA 2019 16 . International Association for Development of the Informatio.

Stephen Downes. Nov 06, 2018. Vision 2030: Redesigning Education for the Future. The 3rd Asbar World Forum 2018 . (Authored for proceedings, publication not verified).

Stephen Downes. May 02, 2018. Online Learning and MOOCs: Visions and Pathways. China International Distance Education Conference, Beijing, China . (Authored for proceedings so publication not verified).

Stephen Downes. Aug 25, 2017. Becoming Connected. Konferencja Pokazać – Przekazać, Centrum Nauki Kopernik . (Authored for proceedings - publication not verified).

Stephen Downes,Junhong Xiao trans.. Aug 30, 2015. Beyond free: open learning in a networked world - 不仅仅是免费:网络世界的开放学习. Distance Education in China 2015:4 4-16. .

Inge de Waard, Michael Sean Gallagher, Ronda Zelezny-Green, Laura Czerniewicz, Stephen Downes, Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and Julie Willems. Jun 12, 2014. Challenges for conceptualising EU MOOC for vulnerable learner groups. Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit, Ulrike Cress and Carlos Delgado Kloos, eds. 2014 33-42. Open Education Europa (European Commission).

Stephen Downes. Apr 22, 2010. Managing Metadata with Resource Profiles. Position Papers, ADL Learning Content Registries and Repositories Summit . ADL.

Stephen Downes. Feb 27, 2010. The Cloud and Collaboration. Human Nature: Ars Electronica 2009, Edited by Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schöpf . Hatje Cantz.

Stephen Downes, Luc Belliveau, Saeed Samet, Md. Abdur Rahman, Rod Savoie. Jan 09, 2010. Managing Digital Rights Using JSON. 6th IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management . IEEE - CCNC.

Guillaume Durand and Stephen Downes. Jul 25, 2009. Toward Simple Learning Design 2.0: Simple interoperability for learning activities. Computer Science & Education, 2009. ICCSE '09. 4th International Conference 894 - 897. IEEE.

# Stephen Downes, Gilbert Babin, Luc Belliveau, Raphael Blanchard, Gérard Lévy, Pierre Bernard, Gilbert Paquette, Sylvie Plourde. Apr 24, 2004. Distributed Digital Rights Management: The EduSource Approach to DRM. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL pp. 109-135. .

Stephen Downes. May 06, 1996. On-Line Conferencing. Distance education & technology: Future visions, Second annual professional development workshop Online. University of Maryland University College.

Book Chapters

Stephen Downes. Sept 27, 2022. Newer Theories for Digital Learning Spaces. Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education 1-18. .

Stephen Downes and Daniel Stoller-Schai. May 23, 2019. The Locus of Value in Learning Innovation. 10 Jahre Learning Innovation Conference, Alexander Petsch, Dr. Daniel Stoller-Schai, eds. ISBN 978-3-9820702-1-6 35-41. HRM research Institute Gmbh.

Stephen Downes. May 02, 2018. Visiones y rutas: Aprendizaje en línea y MOOCs. Háblame de TIC: Cursos masivos abiertos en línea (MOOCs) El caso de México, Ricardo Mercado del Collado, ed. Volumen 6 pp. 43-72. Asociación Civil Social TIC.

Stephen Downes. Nov 02, 2016. Open Learning in the Future. FutuOER, Norman Bier and Brandon Muramatsu, eds. . (No publisher, may be a web site only).

Stephen Downes. Aug 18, 2016. New Models of Open and Distance Learning. Open Education: from OERs to MOOCs, Editors: Mohamed Jemni, Kinshuk, Mohamed Koutheair Khribi. 1-22. Springer.

Stephen Downes. Apr 30, 2015. Where there are Networks, Life Exists. Ecuador En La Capacitaxion Masiva En Linea: Memorias Del Congreso MOOC IAEN 2014 (Can't find might not exist) Forward. Instututo De Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN), Ecuador.

Stephen Downes. Mar 22, 2015. The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses. International Handbook of E-Learning Edited by Badrul H. Khan, Mohamed Ally Volume 1 Theoretical Perspective . Routledge.

Stephen Downes. May 15, 2014. From technology enhanced learning to technology enhanced learner. The New Development of Technology Enhanced Learning: Concept, Research and Best Practices, edited by Ronghuai Huang, Kinshuk, Nian-Shing Chen Foreword. Springer.

Stephen Downes. Aug 11, 2013. The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning: Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice, Rory McGreal (Editor), Wanjira Kinuthia (Editor), Stewart Marshall (Editor), Tim McNamara (Editor) 207-221. COL, Athabasca University (May 2013).

Stephen Downes. Feb 28, 2013. Musability. Prethinking Work: Insights on the Future of Work (ISBN 978-3-643-90240-5), pp. 67-69. Lit Verlag (Dec 16 2012). Sabina Jeschke, Frank Hees, Anja Richert, Sven Trantow, eds. 67-69. .

Stephen Downes. Oct 05, 2011. Innovation, Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning - Innovation, Erwachsenenbildung und lebenslanges Lernen. Enabling Innovation Innovative Capability - German and International Views, P.S.J.; Isenhardt, I.; Hees, F.; Trantow, S. (Eds.) 81-84. RWTH Aachen University.

Stephen Downes. Sept 17, 2010. Homeschooling, Abuse and Qualifications. Opposing Views: Homeschooling Volume 1 . Gale Cengage Learning.

Stephen Downes. Mar 31, 2010. Social OS and Collective Construction of Knowledge. El Proyecto Facebook y la post-universidad. Sistemas operativos sociales y entornos abiertos de aprendizaje (The Facebook Project and Post-University. Social OS and Open Learning Environments). Forward. Editors: Alejandro Piscitelli, Iván Aidaime, Inés Forward. .

Stephen Downes. Jan 06, 2010. Blogs in Learning. Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education (STRIDE) 8 88-91. Indira Gandhi National Open University.

Hasan Caliskan. Sept 01, 2008. How Do You Know?. Theoretical Foundations of Distance Education Online Course . .

Stephen Downes. Jul 08, 2008. An Introduction to Connective Knowledge. Media, Knowledge & Education: Exploring new Spaces, Relations and Dynamics in Digital Media Ecologies, Theo Hug (editor) 77-102. Innsbruck University Press.

Stephen Downes. Sept 07, 2007. Learning Environmentalism. Publication in Manual and CD-Rom for 2 Courses, Theoriques en formation a distance (EDU 6101) in French and Theoretical Foundations of Distance Education (EDU 6111) . Tele-universite of the Universite of Quebec.

Stephen Downes. Nov 16, 2006. Tumbleweeds: The problem of Empty Discussion Spaces. The University in the Information Age (Never seen, might not exist) . Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2000. Nine Rules for Good Technology. The CyberUnion Handbook: Transforming Labor through Computer Technology, by Arthur B. Shostak, et al., M.E. Sharpe . .

Stephen Downes. Nov 11, 1992. Self Interest and Self Government. Philosophy in Canada Volume 2 . Agathon Books.

Stephen Downes. Nov 01, 1991. Resemblance and Mental Imagery. Philosophy in Canada Volune 1 . Agathon Books.

Stephen Downes. Apr 27, 2009. Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge. Collective Intelligence and E-Learning 2.0: Implications of Web-Based Communities and Networking, Harrison Hao Yang and Steve Chi-Yin Yuen, eds. . IGI Global.

Stephen Downes. Jul 23, 2007. Adults and MySpace. Current Controversies: Online Social Networking (CCOSN-1) . Gale Group.

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2004. Learning objects: construction and creation. Online Education Using Learning Objects, Rory McGreal, ed. . Routledge Falmer.

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2004. Learning objects: resources for learning worldwide. Online Education Using Learning Objects, Rory McGreal, ed. . Routledge Falmer.


John Allan Baker, Kenneth Chapman, Benjamin Craig, Stephen Downes, Guillaume Durand, Rodrigue Savoie, Danny Cormier, Dany Benoit, Luc Belliveau, Jeremy Jason Auger, Brian John Cepuran, Ali Ghassemi, Dimitrije Jankovic, Norman Daoust, Gregory Beckman. Jun 14, 2012. Systems and methods for guided instructional design in electronic learning systems. United States Patent Offi ce US20120149000A1 . .

Stephen Downes,Rod Savoie. May 17, 2016. Systems, methods, and apparatus for facilitating client-side digital rights compliance. United States Patent Office US9342665 B2 . .

Magazine Articles

Stephen Downes. Jul 03, 2017. Is Technology Making Us Smarter? Yes. The Costco Connection Volume 30, Number 4 15. .

Stephen Downes. Feb 17, 2016. Personal and Personalized Learning. EMMA Newsletter Online. European Multiple MOOCs Aggregator.

Stephen Downes. Dec 02, 2014. More Than Apps and Gadgets. The Educationist . OpenLearning Global Pty Ltd.

Stephen Downes. Jan 06, 2009. Reviewing Last Year's E-Learning Predictions. eLearn Magazine . ACM.

Stephen Downes. Jun 30, 2008. Principles for Evaluating Websites. TAFE NSW EZine . TAFE NSW.

Stephen Downes. Apr 18, 2008. Seven Habits of Highly Connected People. eLearn Magazine . ACM.

Stephen Downes. Mar 25, 2008. Ten Web 2.0 Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes to Be a More Successful E-Learning Professional. eLearn Magazine . ACM.

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2008. Options and Opportunities. Threshold Vol. 6, No. 1 24-27. Cable in the Classroom.

Stephen Downes and Lisa Neal. Jan 31, 2008. Advertising and Education. eLearn Magazine . ACM.

Stephen Downes. Oct 18, 2007. How the Net Works. CEGSA RAMPage Magazine . .

Stephen Downes. Feb 15, 2007. Courses Vs. Content (NRC name: OpenCourseWare and OpenLearning). eLearn Magazine Online. Association for Computing Machinery.

Stephen Downes. Oct 16, 2005. E-Learning 2.0. eLearn Magazine . Association for Computing Machinery.

Stephen Downes. Dec 05, 2004. Cascades and Connectivity. eLearn Magazine . Association for Computing Machinery.

Stephen Downes. Sept 01, 2004. Educational Blogging. EDUCAUSE Review Volume 39, Number 5 14-26. EDUCAUSE.

Stephen Downes. Jun 01, 2004. RSS: Grassroots Support Leads to Mass Appeal. Learning Circuits . ASTD.

Stephen Downes. Apr 10, 2004. From Classrooms to Learning Environments: A Midrange Projection of E-Learning Technologies. College Quarterly Volume 7 Number 3 . Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology.

Stephen Downes. Apr 04, 2004. Nine Rules for Good Technology. Robin Good online. .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2003. More than Personal: The Impact of Weblogs. After 5 online. TeleEducation NB.

Stephen Downes. Oct 01, 2001. The Fragmentation of Learning. Education Canada Vol. 41, No. 3 4-7. .

Stephen Downes. Sept 01, 2000. Mmm, Good technology. University Business . .

Stephen Downes. Apr 26, 1996. Logical Fallacies: Index. Chinese Community Forum 9617 Online. China-Net.


Stephen Downes. Jul 27, 2009. Dis-Integrating E-Portfolios. The Knowledge Tree 18 . Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

Stephen Downes. Aug 26, 2008. Ten Futures. WE Magazine Volume 1, Number 1 22-27. we-magazine.net.

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2008. Places to Go: YouTube. Innovate . Volume 4, Number 5 . Nova Southeastern University ..

Stephen Downes. Apr 01, 2008. Places to Go: PISA. Innovate Volume 4, Number 4 . The Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova.

Stephen Downes. Oct 01, 2007. Places to Go: Facebook. Innovate Volume 4, Number 1 . The Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova.

Stephen Downes. Mar 31, 2007. Places to Go: Google's Search Results for Net Generation. Innovate Volume 3, Number 4 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Jan 31, 2007. Places to Go: OpenCourseWare Consortium. Innovate Volume 3, Number 3 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Nov 30, 2006. Places to Go: OpenLearn. Innovate Volume 3, Number 2 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Sept 30, 2006. Places to Go: Intute. Innovate Volume 3, Number 1 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Jul 31, 2006. Places to Go: The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Innovate Volume 2, Number 6 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Jan 31, 2006. Places to Go: Sakai. Innovate Volume 2, Number 3 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Nov 30, 2005. Places to Go: Moodle. Innovate Volume 2, Number 2 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Sept 30, 2005. Places to Go: Robin Good's Master New Media. Innovate Volume 2, Number 1 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Jul 31, 2005. Places to Go: Apolyton. Innovate Volume 1, Number 6 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Jun 30, 2005. Places to Go: Connexions. Innovate Volume 1, Number 5 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Mar 31, 2005. Places to Go: New York Public Library Digital Gallery. Innovate Volume 1, Number 4 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Jan 31, 2005. Places to Go: IncSub. Innovate Volume 1, Number 3 Online. Nova Southeastern University.

Stephen Downes. Apr 06, 2004. Creating and Capturing New Knowledge. LearnScope . Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

Stephen Downes. Mar 04, 2004. Learning in Communities. LearnScope . Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

Stephen Downes. Feb 13, 2004. Beyond Learning Objects. LearnScope . Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

Stephen Downes. Dec 01, 2003. Componentization. Learning Place online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. Sept 09, 2003. Learning Object Standards. LearnScope . Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

Stephen Downes. Sept 01, 2003. BBC Learning. Technology Source . .

Stephen Downes. Aug 01, 2003. Designing Learning Objects. LearnScope . Australian Flexible Learning Network.

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2003. Weblogs at Harvard Law. Technology Source . .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2003. Open Archives Initiative. The Technology Source May/June 2003 online. .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2003. From Knowledge Management to Learning on Demand. LearnScope online. Australian Flexible Learning Network.

Stephen Downes. Apr 10, 2003. So What is Knowledge Management Anyway?. LearnScope online. Australian Flexible Learning Network.

Stephen Downes. Mar 11, 2003. What Do We Know About Knowledge?. LearnScope online. Australian Flexible Learning Network.

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2003. elearnspace. The Technology Source March/April 2003 online. .

Stephen Downes. Nov 01, 2002. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Technology Source November/December 2002 online. .

Stephen Downes. Nov 01, 2002. Design Principles for a Distributed Learning Object Repository Network. Learning Place online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. Oct 01, 2002. Problems and Issues in Online Learning. Learning Place online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. Sept 20, 2002. Net*News. Net*Working 2002 online. Australian Flexible Learning Network.

Stephen Downes. Sept 01, 2002. LearnScope Virtual Learning Community. The Technology Source September/October 2002 online. .

Stephen Downes. Sept 01, 2002. The New Literacy. Learning Place online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. Aug 01, 2002. Peder Jacobsen looks at the Crystal ball. Learning Place online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2002. e-Learning Centre. The Technology Source July/August 2002 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2002. The Science of Education. Learning Place July, online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. Jun 01, 2002. How to Send Email. Learning Place online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2002. Smart Learning Objects. Learning Place online. Education Queensland.

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2002. The George Lucas Educational Foundation. The Technology Source March/April 2002 online. .

Stephen Downes. Feb 01, 2002. eLearning Forum. The Technology Source January/February 2002 online. .

Stephen Downes. Nov 01, 2001. Research Matters at Harvard University. The Technology Source November/December 2001 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jan 01, 2001. JURIST: The Legal Education Network. The Technology Source January/February 200 online. .

Stephen Downes. Nov 01, 2000. Distance-educator.Com. The Technology Source November/December 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. Sept 01, 2000. UMUC-Bell Atlantic. The Technology Source September/October 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2000. XanEdu. The Technology Source July/August 2001 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2000. MarcoPolo. The Technology Source July/August 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2000. Illinois Online Network (ION). The Technology Source May/June 2001 online. .

Stephen Downes. May 01, 2000. Advanced Distributed Learning Network. The Technology Source May/June 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2000. Online Journalism Review. The Technology Source March/April 2001 online. .

Stephen Downes. Mar 01, 2000. NetTech: The Educational Technology Coordinator Web Site. The Technology Source March/April, 2000 online. .

Stephen Downes. Jan 01, 2000. The Masie Center. The Technology Source January/February, 2000 online. .

Research Reports

Stephen Downes (With the Feasibility Study Committee). Sept 01, 1995. The Transfer of Technology to Rural Business Through Training: A Feasibility Study. Human Resources Development Canada . .

Stephen Downes. Sept 20, 2022. The Future of Learning Technology: 10 Key Tools and Methods. . Contact North.

Stephen Downes. Mar 17, 2021. Change in Education and What Needs to be Done. Publication 15 pages. Maysan Center for Future Studies.

Stephen Downes. Oct 25, 2017. Quantum Leaps We Can Expect in Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age: a Roadmap. Contact North - World Conference on Online Learning 48 pages. Contact North.

Stephen Downes. Nov 15, 2002. The Learning Object Economy. Contact North . .

Terry Anderson and Stephen Downes. Jul 01, 2000. Models and Strategies Towards a Canadian On-line Education Infrastructure. Industry Canada, Advisory Committee for Online Learning online. .

Stephen Downes (With 'Team B'). May 01, 1993. Strategic University Plan White Paper. Athabasca University . Athabasca University Governing Council.

Stephen Downes. Mar 15, 1992. A Computer Bulletin Board Service in Distance Education: Athabasca BBS. . Faculty of Humanities, Athabasca University.

Keynote Addresses

Why Do Digital Transformations Fail?. May 25, 2023. CNIE 2023, Online via Zoom. CNIE.

How to Make the Most of Online Learning. Mar 02, 2023. Congreso Líderes Digitales, Matrid, Spain. Dirección General de Bilingüismo y Calidad de la Enseñanza.

Universities at the Crossroads: Technologies, values and the role of the institution. Dec 02, 2022. 1r Congres Internacional de la SCP-IEC, Lleida, Spain. Catalan Pedagogical Society.

The Next Generation of MOOCs. May 20, 2022. Iranian Conference of Health Professions Education (ICHPE), Tehran, Iran, by Zoom. Education and Development Center of the Ministry of Health.

Learning and Teaching in a Pandemic: Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons Learned. Sept 14, 2021. TILT Annual Learning and Teaching Conference (ALTC) 2021, Online, to Nottingham, UK, via MS Teams. Nottingham Trent University.

Being Online: Facing the Digital Future Together. Nov 28, 2020. Professional Development, Toronto, Online via Zoom. LINC Home Study.

Ethics, Analytics and the Duty of Care. Nov 29, 2019. XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino Superior a Distância (ESUD) e o V Congresso Internacional de Educação Superior a Distância (CIESUD) 2019, Teresina, Brazil. Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede).

The Third Wave: the Next Generation of Distributed Learning Technology. May 22, 2019. Canadan Network for Innovation in Education, Vancouver, British Columbia. CNIE.

Future Learning in an Advanced Decentralized Learning Ecosystem. May 10, 2019. Individual Training and Education (IT&E) Symposium, Canadian Forces Base Borden. Canadian Armed Forces.

Vision 2030: Redesigning Education for the Future. Nov 06, 2018. Asbar World Forum 2018, Riyadh, Saudia Arabia. Asbar.

How Open Education Can Change the World (Reprise). Apr 26, 2018. Educacion y Technologia en y Para La Diversidad, Medellin, Colombia. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

How Open Education Can Change the World . Apr 24, 2018. Educación para la Paz, Rionegro, Colombia. Universidad Catolica de Oriente.

Innovation in Educational Technology. Jan 24, 2018. EIDOS64, Bayonne, France. Le département des Pyrénées atlantiques .

Applications, Algorithms and Data: Open Educational Resources and the Next Generation of Virtual Learning. Nov 30, 2017. Education Ouverte: Ressources Educatives Libres et Ingenierie de Formation, Hammamet, Tunisia. Université Virtuelle de Tunis.

Online Learning and MOOCs: Visions and Pathways. Nov 07, 2017. China International Distance Education Conference, Beijing, China. Distance Education in China.

Becoming Connected. Aug 25, 2017. Konferencja Pokazać – Przekazać, Warsaw, Poland. Centrum Nauki Kopernik.

A Model of Personal Learning (Take Two). Jun 20, 2017. Learning Tech Day, Ghent, Belgium. .

A Model of Personal Learning. May 16, 2017. 1er Simposium Internacional de Investigacion, Desarrolle e Innovacion en la Sociedad Digital, Mexico City, Mexico. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Open Learning, Open Networks. Mar 09, 2017. SUNY Open COTE 2017, Syracuse, New York. .

Trends in education: Facts, Fads and Fiction. Nov 26, 2016. Digital trends challenging learning and training in the workplace, Brussels, Belgium. Belgium Network for Open and Distance Learning.

Personal Learning and Assessment. Nov 07, 2016. Regional Forum on ICTs in Higher Education of the Arab States, Beirut, Lebanon. UNESCO.

Theories of learning – epistemology of connectivism. Nov 07, 2016. Regional Forum on ICTs in Higher Education of the Arab States, Beirut, Lebanon. UNESCO.

Learning Communities. Oct 13, 2016. moocs4all.eu Extended Virtual Symposium , Online, Via Adobe Connect and YouTube Live. MOOCs4All.

The MOOC Identity: Designing Learning Environments. Sept 09, 2016. International MOOC Colloquium, Anacapri, Italy. U di Napoli Federico II.

The Role of Incremental and Transformative Change in Future Prediction. Aug 03, 2016. Campus Technology 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. Campus Technology Magazine.

Disruptive Innovations in Learning . Jul 27, 2016. TCU International e-Learning Conference 2016 , Bangkok, Thailand. Thailand Cyber University, Thailand Ministry of Education.

Connectivism, MOOCs and Innovation. Jul 25, 2016. MOOC and Innovation Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chiang Mai University.

The importance of faculty in the higher education experience. Jul 04, 2016. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.

New Trends in Online Learning. Jun 08, 2016. Atlantic Universities and Colleges Technology Conference, Sackville, New Brunswick, via WebX. Mount Allison University.

The Final Frontier: Space. Jun 03, 2016. SALTISE, Montreal, Quebec. l'Université du Québec à Montréal.

Extending Moodle. May 19, 2016. Moodle CONNECT - CONNECTER Moodle, Gatineau, Quebec. Canada School of Public Service.

Personal and Personalized Learning. Apr 21, 2016. Spring VirtCon, Washington D.C.. Discovery Education Network.

From Individual to Community: The Learning Is in the Doing. Mar 19, 2016. World Congress on Continuing Professional Development, San Diego, California. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education.

Virtual Worlds on the Go. Mar 13, 2016. VWBPE16, Online, via AvaCon. Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education.

The Future of Educational Media. Mar 05, 2016. Educational Technology Summit, Istanbul, Turkey. EÄŸitim Teknolojileri Zirvesi.

Programme Systèmes d’aide à l’apprentissage et au rendement (SAAR). Nov 20, 2015. Organisation internationale de la francophonie, Carthage, Tunisia. Organisation internationale de la francophonie.

Imagining Canada's Future. Nov 17, 2015. SSHRC Fall Conference: Imagining Canada's Future, Ottawa, Ontario. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

Personal Learning in Virtual Environments. Nov 13, 2015. VI Jornadas pedagógicas en tecnología e innovación educativa, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Universidad Casa Grande, Guayaquil.

Personal Learning in the Workplace. Sept 07, 2015. AMEE 2015, Glasgow, Scotland. Association of Medical Educators of Europe .

The MOOC Ecosystem. Sept 06, 2015. Association of Medical Educators of Europe (AMEE) E-Learning Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland. Association of Medical Educators of Europe.

MOOCS and Social Learning Networks. Jul 21, 2015. MOOCs Y Aprendiazaje en Redes Sociales, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñaría.

Open Education and Personal Learning. Apr 23, 2015. Open Education Global, Banff, Alberta. Open Education Consortium.

What is Innovation in Education?. Mar 30, 2015. ‘Education day 2015: festival of innovation in education, Ghent, Belgium. Artevend University College.

Learning and Connectivism in MOOCs. Mar 16, 2015. 1º Simpósio brasileiro sobre novas tecnologias educacionais, Online, to Brazil. Hackademia.

Design Elements in a Personal Learning Environment . Mar 04, 2015. 4th International Conference e-Learning and Distance Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. National e-Learning Center KSA.

New Learning, New Society. Feb 23, 2015. Chang School Talks 2015, Toronto, Ontario. The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University.

Developing Personal Learning. Dec 20, 2014. 6th IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education, Kerala, India, online via A-View. Amrita University, Kerala.

Beyond Borders: Global Learning in a Networked World. Nov 02, 2014. Unbordering Education, Yerevan, Armenia. Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, KASA Swiss Humanitarian Foundation.

Creating a Learning Network. Oct 07, 2014. 20º CIAED - Congresso Internacional ABED de Educação a Distância, Curitiba, Brazil. Associação Brasileira de Educação a Distância.

Personal Learning in a Connected World: Learning and Performance Support Systems. Sept 18, 2014. Future of E-Learning Environments, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. King Saud University.

Learning and Connectivism in MOOCs. Sept 11, 2014. Desconectado IV Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en EducaciÓn Virtual, Pereira, Colombia. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira .

Beyond Assessment - Recognizing Achievement in a Networked World. Jul 11, 2014. 12th ePortfolio, Open Badges and Identity Conference , Greenwich, UK. University of Greenwich.

Beyond Free - Open Learning in a Networked World. Jul 08, 2014. 12th Annual Academic Practise & Technology Conference, Greenwich, UK. University of Greenwich.

The Massive Course Meets the Personal Learner. Apr 03, 2014. EDUCON2014 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Bogazici University and the IEEE Education Society.

The MOOC of One. Mar 10, 2014. INTED 2014, Valencia, Spain. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED).

A Personal Learning Framework. Feb 10, 2014. Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning 2014, Online, via WizIQ. WizIQ.

MOOC – Diversity and Community in Online Learning. Nov 27, 2013. 26e Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Lyon, France. Centre Jacques Cartier.

Open Access and Open Learning. Oct 25, 2013. Open Access Week, Nova Scotia Community College, Online via BB Collaborate. Nova Scotia Community College.

Supporting a Distributed Online Course. Oct 14, 2013. Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training ITHET 2013, Antalya, Turkey. UNESCO Chair on Mechatronics of Bogazici University, Istanbul.

What Are Cultures of Learning?. Sept 12, 2013. ALT-C, Nottingham, UK. Association for Learning Technologies.

The Semantic Condition: Connectivism and Open Learning. Jul 11, 2013. Instituto Iberoamericano de TIC y Educación – IBERTIC, Online via Adobe Connect to Madrid and Buenos Aires. Organizacion de Estados Iberoamericanos.

Free Learning and the Wealth of Nations. Jun 28, 2013. Encuentro Internacional de Educación 2012 - 2013, Caracas, Venezuela. Telefonica Foundation.

What Constitutes Student Success?. Jun 21, 2013. Online Teaching Conference, Long Beach, California. California Community Colleges.

MOOC - La résurgence de la communauté dans l'apprentissage en ligne. May 30, 2013. REFAD, Edmunston, NB. le Réseau d'enseignement francophone à distance du Canada.

Against Digital Research Methodologies. May 10, 2013. Digital Research Methodologies, Preston, UK, via Skype. University of Central Lancashire.

We don’t need no educator: The role of the teacher in today’s online education . Feb 15, 2013. Utdanningskonferansen 2013, Bergen, Norway. HiOA Directorate.

MOOCs and OERs. Feb 06, 2013. Conference Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, via Hangout. Área de Tecnología Educativa.

The Virtual Learning Organization. Dec 06, 2012. Ibague Primer Congreso de Pedagogía y TIC, Ibague, Colombia. Universidad de Ibagué.

The LMS and the MOOC. Nov 23, 2012. MoodleMootUY, Montevideo, Uruguay. Universidad de la República Uruguay.

Sustainability and MOOCs in Historical Perspective. Nov 15, 2012. Simposio Internacional Estado Actual Y Prospectiva De La Educacion Virtual, Bogota, Colombia. Asociación Colombiana de Instituciones de Educación Superior con Programas a Distancia y Virtual.

L'apprentissage ouvert et les affaires. Nov 01, 2012. Forum sur l'économie du savoir, Edmunston, via Google Hangout. Université de Moncton.

The Connective Learning Environment. Oct 08, 2012. Tele-TASK Symposium, Potsdam, Germany. Hasso Plattner Institut.

Learning in a Digital Age: The reality and the myth. Apr 13, 2012. Learning and Teaching in a Digital Age: Myths and Reality, Tallinn, Estonia. Estonian e-Learning Development Centre.

Education as Platform: The MOOC Experience and what we can do to make it better. Mar 14, 2012. EdgeX, Delhi, India. EDGE Forum.

E-Learning: Générations. Feb 14, 2012. Clair 2012, Clair, New Brunswick. Centre d'@pprentissage du Haut-Madawaska.

Engagement and Motivation in MOOCs. Nov 23, 2011. CQU OLT Educational Technology, Online to Queensland, via WebX. Central Queensland University.

We don’t need no educator: The role of the teacher in today’s online education. Nov 13, 2011. NFF konferansen: Utdanning i bevegelse, Oslo, Norway. Norsk forbund for fjernundervisning og fleksibel utdanning.

Social Network Technologies for Learning (2). Oct 29, 2011. Competencia Digital Docente en la enseñanza de español, New York City. Instituto Cervantes.

Social Network Technologies for Learning. Oct 27, 2011. Competencia Digital Docente en la enseñanza de español, Providence, Rhode Island. Instituto Cervantes.

Public Support for Free Learning: A Policy Framework. Oct 24, 2011. VLHORA - studiedag 'The Education Highway', Flemish Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. Vlaamse Hogescholenraad.

Connectivist Learning: How new technologies are promoting autonomy and responsibility in education. Oct 21, 2011. XII Congresso Internacional de Teoria de la Educacion, Barcelona, Spain. Universitat de Barcelona.

Connectivism and Personal Learning. Oct 17, 2011. Charles University Prague, Online, vie DimDim, to Prague. Charles University Prague.

MOOC 2011: The Massive Open Online Course in Theory and in Practice . Sept 06, 2011. IV Innovar para Trascender Simposio de la COMINAIC, Guadalajara, Mexico. Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES).

After Moodle. May 04, 2011. Moodle Moot Canada 2011, Edmonton, Alberta. The Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University .

The role of open educational resources in personal learning environments. Apr 29, 2011. Center for Distance Education 2011, Saratoga Springs, New York. Empire State College Centre for Distance Learning.

exploring the o-rizon of online learning. Apr 14, 2011. Professional Development Forum - Exploring the e-Horizons of Open Learning, Western Australia, via Elluminate. Central Regional TAFE, Western Australia.

Beyond Workplace Learning. Apr 05, 2011. Swiss eLearning Conference #SeLC11, Zurich, Switzerland, online via IPMediaSuite. LerNetz AG.

The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning. Mar 29, 2011. Adult Learning Online Conference, Calgary, via Adobe Connect. NorQuest and Bow Valley College.

Supporting an Open Learning Network. Mar 29, 2011. V Jornadas SIG Libre, Girona, Spain. Universitat de Girona.

Educational Projection: Supporting Distributed Learning Online. Mar 15, 2011. II Conferencia Internacional e-Learning 2011, Madrid, via GoToMeeting. ITMadrid – IT Business School.

Networked Learning: Making the Best Use of What We've Already Got. Feb 25, 2011. Emerging Social Technology UK, Dundee, Scotland via Skype, join.me. Heriot Watt University.

The Role of the Educator in the Digital World. Nov 30, 2010. TasEDay, Hobart, Tasmania, via Skype and join.me. Skills Tasmania and the Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

The Future of Open Educational Resources. Oct 26, 2010. Open Educational Resources in the disciplines: a joint Academy Subject Strand conference , London, UK, via video. Newcastle University.

Dimensions of a Learning Network. Oct 25, 2010. XXVI Simposio Internacional de Computación en la Educación 2010, Monterrey, Mexico. Sociedad Mexicana de computación en la Educación, SOMECE.

Learning to Learn. Jun 03, 2010. DeLC Forum, Toronto, Ontario. Humber College.

Personal Learning Environments. Apr 22, 2010. Interactive Technology in Education - conference , Hämeenlinna, Finland, by Video. Hämeen kesäyliopisto (Häme Summer University).

The Experience of Learning. Mar 12, 2010. 3rd Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference, Second Life. Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education.

Trends in Personal Learning 2. Feb 09, 2010. Trends in e-Learning 2.0, Online to Madrid, via DimDim. IT Madrid.

Pedagogical Foundations For Personal Learning. Jan 11, 2010. Learning Futures Festival, Leicester, UK., via Elluminate. University of Leicester.

Beyond Management: The Personal Learning Environment. Dec 03, 2009. IV Jornada del Programa Compartim de Gestió del Coneixement, Barcelona, Spain. Departament de Justícia, Generalitat de Catalunya..

The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning. Dec 01, 2009. International Seminar on Open Social Learning (OSL), Barcelona, Spain. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

The Cloud and Collaboration. Sept 06, 2009. Ars Electronica Symposium on Cloud Intelligence, Linz, Austria. Ars Electronica.

Beyond Management: The Personal Learning Environment. Jun 24, 2009. Ed Media, Honolulu, Hawaii. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

New Technology Supporting Informal Learning. May 14, 2009. Challenges 2009, Braga, Portugal. Universidade do Minho.

Social Media for Journalists. May 02, 2009. Atlantic Journalism Awards, Moncton. Université de Moncton.

Providing Learning in Social Networks. Apr 16, 2009. Symposium on Advanced Learning Technologies, Gagetown, NB. Department of National Defense, Canada.

Personal Professional Development. Apr 01, 2009. LearnX, Sydney, Australia. LearnX.

Why Integrate the Internet into the Classroom?. Dec 18, 2008. PEI Teachers, Charlottetown, PEI. PEI Teachers.

Connectivism: A Theory of Personal Learning. Dec 03, 2008. Educational Development Centre, Ottawa. Carleton University.

International Perspective. Oct 31, 2008. Annual Conference 2008, Edinburgh, Scotland, via Elluminate. eLearning Alliance.

Integrating the Internet Into the Classroom. Oct 23, 2008. PEITF Annual Convention, Charlottetown, PEI. PEI Teachers' Federation.

Stephen Downes on Connectivism. Oct 11, 2008. Edcamp 2008, Germany, via Skype. WE Magazine.

The National Research Council in New Brunswick. Oct 06, 2008. Invited Presentation, Moncton, New Brunswick. Correctional Services Canada.

Personal Learning Environments. Sept 25, 2008. Brandon Hall Innovations in Learning 2008, San Jose, California. Brandon Hall.

How I Know What I Know About The Web. Sept 09, 2008. iPED International Conference 2008, Coventry, UK, via Skype. Coventry University.

Free Learning. Jul 17, 2008. Free Knowledge, Free Technology, Barcelona, Spain. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

The Future of Online Learning - Ten Years On. Jul 09, 2008. Academic Fest, Online, from Canary Islands to Madison, Wisconsin. Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL).

Beyond the Classroom: From Virtual to Reality. Jun 28, 2008. Congreso Internet en el Aula, Madrid, Spain. El mInistro de Industria, la ministra de Educación, Spain.

What Learning Design Could Be. Jun 26, 2008. 2008 European LAMS Conference, Cadiz, Spain. LAMS Foundation.

The Web of Data: Next Generation Internet Services. Jun 22, 2008. ResNet 2008, Fredericton, New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick.

Light, Agile and Flexible: Collaborating the Web 2.0 Way. Jun 04, 2008. Innovations in e-Learning, Fairfax, VA. George Mason University.

Ten Futures. May 16, 2008. TLt Summit, Saskatoon, SK. Campus Saskatchewan and The Educational Technology Consortium.

My Digital Identity. May 06, 2008. e-Portfolios, Montreal, Canada. Concordia University.

Two Approaches to E-Learning. Apr 19, 2008. EduCamp 2008, Germany, via Skype Video. .

E-Learning 2.0: What It Means, Where It's Going. Feb 21, 2008. The Business Case for eLearning 2.0, Online - WebX. Mzinga.

The Reality of Virtual Learning. Jan 30, 2008. DNDLearn, Cornwall, Ontario. Department of National Defense.

Why Integrate the Internet Into the Classroom?. Dec 18, 2007. 2007 Conference, Charlottetown, PEI, by videoconference. PEI Teachers Federation.

Educamp Colombia - Medellin. Dec 07, 2007. Educamp Colombia - Medellin, Medellin, Colombia. Office for the Promotion of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education of Colombia.

Educamp Colombia - Bogota. Dec 05, 2007. Educamp Colombia - Bogota, Bogota, Colombia. Office for the Promotion of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education of Colombia.

Learn Yourself. Nov 22, 2007. Sosiaalinen media opetuksen ja oppimisen tukena (SMOOT), Finland, Online. TOP Oppimiskeskus.

Free Learning and Control Learning: On the So-Called Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching. Nov 13, 2007. SURF Education Days Keynote, Utrecht, Netherlands. SURF.

Reflections from the 2007 AECT Convention. Oct 27, 2007. AECT Annual International Convention, Anaheim, California. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).

Second Annual Forum on Creativity. Oct 26, 2007. AECT Annual International Convention, Anaheim, California. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).

A Kaleidoscope of Futures: Reflections on the Reality of Virtual Learning. Oct 25, 2007. AECT Annual International Convention, Anaheim, California. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).

E-Learning 2.0 in Development. Sept 25, 2007. Research Innovations in Learning Conference, San Jose, California. Brandon Hall Associates.

How the Net Works. Jul 19, 2007. Annual Conference 2007, Videoconference to Adelaide, Australia. Computers in Education Group of South Australia.

Trends and Impacts of E-Learning 2.0. Jun 13, 2007. International Conference on OpenCourseWare and e-Learning, Taipei, Taiwan. Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System (OOPS).

Things You Really Need To learn. May 29, 2007. Landelijke Dag Studievaardigheden, 's Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. Stoas Hogeschool.

Personal Learning the Web 2.0 Way. May 19, 2007. Webheads in Action Online Conference, Global, online. Webheads in Action.

The Future of Online Learning and Personal Learning Environments. Apr 18, 2007. Congreso Internacional de e-Learning, Bogota, Colombia. National University Telecommunications Network.

Understanding Learning Networks. Oct 28, 2006. Fourth EDEN Research Workshop, Castelldelfels, Spain. European Distance education Network.

Groups vs Networks: The Class Struggle Continues. Sept 27, 2006. eFest, Wellington, New Zealand. Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand.

Blogging and Learning. Sept 15, 2006. IT Integrators Conference, Sydney, Australia. Association of Independent Schools.

Learning objects: What are they good for?. Sept 06, 2006. WWW Applications, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Central University of Technology, Free State.

Cooperation and Competition: National Learning Object Repositories. Jul 28, 2006. Objetos de Aprendizaje (OA) y Redes de Alta Velocidad, Bogota, Colombia. Ministry of Education, Colombia.

Learning Objects: Their Use, Their Potential, and Why They Are Not Dead Yet. Jul 27, 2006. Objetos de Aprendizaje (OA) y Redes de Alta Velocidad, Bogota, Colombia. Ministry of Education, Colombia.

E-Learning 2.0: Why The New Tools?. Jul 18, 2006. e/merge 2006 - Learning Landscapes in Southern Africa, Online, Elluminate. Centre for Educational Technology at the University of Cape Town.

How I became (blog) literate and what (blog) literacy meant to me. Jun 02, 2006. blogs.ac.uk, London, UK. blogs.ac.uk.

What do we see when we look through a computer?. May 30, 2006. CAUCE 2006, Toronto, Ontario. Canadian Association For University Continuing.

The Unkeynote. Apr 21, 2006. BCEd Online Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. BC Education.

Distributed Learning. Apr 03, 2006. 11th Annual IT Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Middle Tennessee State University.

From EduBlogs to the Collective Consciousness. Feb 27, 2006. ASTE 2006, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Society for Technology in Education.

On Being Radical. Nov 18, 2005. SACE 2005, Regina, Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Association for Computers in Education.

Riding the Wave: Personal Professional Development in an Age of Chaos. Oct 27, 2005. TESIC, Gander, Newfoundland. Technology Education Special Interest Council.

Ruby, Blackboard and the Challenge for Open Source. Oct 24, 2005. Free Software and Open Source Symposium, Toronto, Ontario. Seneca College.

Collaboration and Technology. Sept 12, 2005. Alt-C, Manchester, UK. Association for Learning Technology.

Principles of Distributed Representation. Aug 09, 2005. Seminars in Academic Computing, Snowmass, Colorado. EDUCAUSE.

E-Learning 2.0 (Alberta Cut). Jun 10, 2005. Interface 2005, Edmonton, Alberta. Alberta Distance Education and Training Association, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

How To Be A Good Learner. May 26, 2005. This Is IT, North Bay, Ontario. Canadore College.

New Directions in Learning. Nov 18, 2004. New Directions in Learning, Whitehorse, Yukon. Yukon College.

Ten Years After. Oct 19, 2004. NAWeb 2004, Fredericton, New Brunswick. NAWeb.

The Buntine Oration: Learning Networks. Oct 09, 2004. Checking the Pulse, Perth, Australia. Australian College of Educators and the Australian Council of Educational Leaders.

Reusable Media, Social Software and Openness in Education. Sept 04, 2004. Instructional Technology Institute, Logan, Utah. Utah State University.

Forced Education: Schools of the Future. Aug 21, 2003. TeLearning Conference, Videoconferenced to Hobart, Australia. Department of Education, Tasmania.

E-Learning Decisions: Modes, Models and Strategies. Feb 25, 2003. Government On-Line Conference, Ottawa, Canada. Government On-Line (GOL) initiative.

No, Really, This is What We Want. Feb 20, 2003. IMS Open Technical Forum, Vancouver, Canada. IMS Global.

The Learning Web. May 29, 2002. AMTEC 2002, Regina, Saskatchewan. Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada (AMTEC).

Learning Objects, Learning Repositories and Future Trends in eLearning. May 15, 2002. E-learning: Let's Talk About It conference, Gatineau, Canada. DLN/ODLG.

Toward a Distributed Learning Object Repository Network. May 02, 2002. LearnTec, Miramichi, Canada. New Brunwsick Community College (NBCC) Miramichi.

Online Learning: From Virtual to Reality. Oct 15, 2001. Net*Working, Brisbane,Australia. Australian Flexible Learning Network.

Effective Interaction and Communication with Web Courses. Nov 11, 1996. World Wide Web Course Development and Delivery, online, to Maryland. University of Maryland University College.

Lectures and Paper Presentations

Open Learning in the Fediverse. Oct 19, 2022. Open Education Conference, Online, via Zoom. .

Opportunities for Education in the Metaverse. May 13, 2022. Smart Education Summit: Reinventing education in the Metaverse era, Online, via Teams, to Rabat, Morocco. Smart Cities Week.

Supporting Open Educational Resources. Jan 07, 2022. LISACON-2021, Bangalore, India, via Zoom. LIS Academy.

Applications of Analytics. Oct 19, 2021. Ethics, Analytics and the Duty of Care. .

What Does It Mean to Enrol in a Course?. Oct 19, 2021. Open Education 21, Online, Via Zoom. .

A Personal Learning Platform. Dec 11, 2020. Lightning Talks, Online, via Jitsi. .

What's Next For MOOCs. Dec 08, 2020. The Learning & Training Conference 2020, Online, via BeaconLive. Contact North.

Reimagining Open Educational Resources. Nov 10, 2020. Open Education 2020, Online, via Zoom. .

Open Learning, Open Networks - Online Learning in 2020. Nov 02, 2020. Numeriq2020, Montreal online via Zoom. Teluq.

Being There: What Presence Means in a Digital World. Aug 31, 2020. CIET: EnPED 2020, Brazil, via video recording. Federal University of São Carlos.

The Future of Online Learning 2020. Apr 28, 2020. Emerging Learning Technologies (Curt Bonk class), Bloomington, IN, via Zoom. Indiana University.

A Distributed Content Addressable Network for Open Educational Resources. Nov 09, 2019. Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA) 2019, Cagliari, Italy. University of Cagliari.

Philosophical Foundations of Connectivism. Oct 16, 2019. Class presentation (Gerald Ardito), New York City, online via Blue Jeans Network. PACE University.

Personal Learning Versus Personalized Learning - Making Lifelong Learning Happen. Oct 11, 2019. Online Learning 2019, Toronto, Ontario. Contact North.

Trends in e-Learning and Virtual Education. Jan 28, 2019. 7 Internacional e-Learning Seminar, Online, via Zoom. IT Madrid.

E-Learning 3.0. Oct 18, 2018. Online Learning 2018, Toronto, Ontario. Contact North.

Personal Learning vs Personalized Learning: What Needs to Happen. Oct 17, 2018. Online Learning 2018, Toronto, Ontario. Contact North.

Trends in the Future of Learning. Dec 15, 2017. Learning Futures Workshop, Gatineau, Quebec. College@ESDC.

A Roadmap of the Future of Teaching and Learning. Dec 07, 2017. Online Educa Berlin, Berlin, Germany. .

A Personal Learning Framework. Oct 18, 2017. ICDE2017 World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Canada. International Council for Open and Distance Education.

Change, Challenge and Opportunity. Oct 18, 2017. ICDE2017 World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, Ontario. International Council for Open and Distance Education.

The Semantic Condition. Oct 12, 2017. YouTube Video Presentation, Ottawa, Ontario. .

Personal learning environments and technologies. Nov 30, 2016. Impuls, Berlin, Germany. Cornelsen Publishing.

Learning with Open Resources. Nov 09, 2016. Invited Presentation, Beirut, Lebanon. Notre Dame University.

Strategies for Personal Learning. Apr 25, 2016. VI e-Learning International Conference 2016, Madrid, Spain, online via Zoom. ITMadrid IT Business School.

Ed Tech Moonshot. Apr 21, 2016. Invited Presentation, Arlington, Texas. LINK, University of Texas at Arlington.

Critical Literacies and the Challenge of Online Learning. Oct 30, 2015. TESL Canada 2015, Lake Louise, Alberta. Teachers of English as a Second Language - Canada.

Beyond Instructional Design: Open Spaces and Learning Places. Oct 22, 2015. October ADEC Program Panel, Online, via GoToMeeting. American Distance Education Consortium.

Where are MOOCs Going? What is the Future of Distance Learning?. Sept 26, 2015. International MOOC Conference 2015, Anacapri, Italy. U di Napoli Federico II.

Design Elements in a Personal Learning Environment. Aug 27, 2015. Invited Talk, Guadalajara, Mexico. University of Guadalajara.

Open Education and & Personal Learning. Aug 20, 2015. Lunch and Learn Workshop, Tempe, Arizona. University of Arizona.

A Blogger's Springtime. Mar 21, 2015. Spring Blog Festival, Online, via WizIQ. WizIQ.

Digital Research Methodologies Redux. May 26, 2014. Ringvorlesungen (Lecture Series), Tübingen, Germany, online via Adobe Connect. E-Teaching.org.

The Rise of MOOCs: Past Successes, Future Challenges. Mar 24, 2014. ICT advisory board meeting, Tunis, Tunisia. Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

Life-Long Learning. Jun 04, 2013. Encuentro Educación, Caracas, Venezuela, by Adobe Connect. Telefonica Foundation.

Knowledge, Learning and Community: Elements of Effective Learning. Feb 29, 2012. Change 11 Online Course, Moncton, via Blackboard Collaborate. .

Effective Learning Networks: The 'Groups Versus Networks' Argument Explained. Feb 15, 2011. Connectivism and Connective Knowledge MOOC CCK11, Online. National Research Council.

Dimensions of a Learning Network. Oct 06, 2010. The Power of Peer, Vancouver. TTI Vanguard.

Resource Profiles Markup Language. Jun 14, 2010. Atlantic Workshop on Semantics and Services, Fredericton, NB. National Research Council.

The End of Books. May 08, 2010. Festejar con Libros, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Feria-Libro Buenos Aires.

Connectivism and Transculturality. May 07, 2010. Telefónica Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telefónica Foundation.

Connectivist Learning and Teaching. May 06, 2010. Invited Lecture, Pilar, Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires.

We Learn. May 03, 2010. Symposium, Rosario, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

Free software and education: fighting the digital divide. Apr 29, 2010. Special Lecture, Cordoba, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Trends In Personal Learning. Feb 04, 2010. The Gaggle, Canberra, Australia, online via Wimba. Camberra Institute of Technology.

Managing Digital Rights Using JSON. Jan 09, 2010. 6th IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. IEEE CCNC.

New Tools for Personal Learning. Nov 25, 2009. MEFANET 2009 Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, via MVU Videoconference. Masaryk University.

Speaking in Lolcats, Take 2. Nov 24, 2009. ECI 381 (Alec Couros), Online to Saskatchewan via Elluminate. University of Regina.

Speaking in Lolcats: What Literacy Means in teh Digital Era. Nov 12, 2009. Educational Computing Organization of Ontario, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Educational Computing Organization of Ontario.

Open Education: Projects and Potential. Nov 12, 2009. Educational Computing Organization of Ontario, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Educational Computing Organization of Ontario.

Four Struggles. Oct 02, 2009. Invited Talk, Fredericton, NB. St. Thomas University.

Communities and Networks. Jul 07, 2009. VII seminari especialitzat en gestia del coneixement, Barcelona, online via Sclipo. Centre D'Estudis Juridics i Formacio Especialitzada.

Where is ICT Leading Education. Apr 06, 2009. Australian College of Educators, Melbourne, Australia. Australian College of Educators.

Connectivist Learning and the Personal Learning Environment. Apr 03, 2009. Invited Talk, Wollongong, Australia. University of Wollongong.

gRSShopper. Oct 28, 2008. Innovation Forum, Saint John, New Brunswick. NRC.

Applications of Social and Collaborative Technologies in Education. Apr 08, 2008. Symposium on Advanced Learning Technologies, Fredericton, NB. LearnNB/ApprendreNB and the Combat Training Centre Gagetown.

Learning 2050. Feb 25, 2008. Faculty Development Institute, Online - ZoomCall. Learning Resources Network (LERN) .

Reality. Feb 12, 2008. New Learners need New Teaching, Online video presented in Bloemfontein, South Africa. DreamEngineers.

Web 2.0, E-learning 2.0 and the New Learning. Jan 30, 2008. Learning Technologies Conference, London, UK, presented online (WebX). Learning and Skills Group.

Collaboration Tools and Web 2.0. Aug 14, 2007. Invited Talk, Online to Toronto. Council of Ontario Universities.

Web 2.0 and Your own Learning and Development. Jul 23, 2007. Invited Talk, Online to London, UK. British Council.

OERs in Sustainable Perspective. Jun 03, 2007. Standing Conference of Presidents (SCOP), Heerlen, Netherlands. International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE).

Virtual Worlds in Context. May 09, 2007. Symposium 2007, London, England. Eduserv Foundation.

The Recognition Factor. Feb 08, 2007. Online Connectivism Conference, Online, Elluminate. University of Manitoba: Learning Technologies Centre.

E-Learning 2.0 - Platform, Not Medium. Jun 09, 2006. Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: Gaining the Big Picture, Innsbruck, Austria. Micromedia.org.

E-Learning 2.0. Jun 03, 2005. CIDER, Online, Elluminate. Canadian Institute of Distance Education Research.

Learning Networks: Theory and Practice. Mar 09, 2005. International Conference on Methods and Technologies for Learning, Palermo, Italy. Institute for Educational Technology - Italian National Research Council.

Living in a Distributed World. Feb 23, 2005. KnowTIPS First Annual Online Conference, Online, Elluminate. KnowTIPS.

Community Blogging. Feb 19, 2005. Northern Voice, Vancouver, British Columbia. University of British Columbia.

Blogging and RSS in Learning. Dec 17, 2004. Invited Presentation, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Acadia University.

Blogging in Learning. Dec 16, 2004. Invited Presentation, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mount Saint Vincent University.

Global Learn Day. Nov 20, 2004. Global Learn Day, online. Benjamin Franklin Institute.

Theory of Learning Networks. Nov 10, 2004. Maritime Open Source Technology, Moncton, New Brunswick. Moncton Cybersocial.

The Future of Online Learning and Knowledge Networks. Sept 29, 2004. Special Session, Adelaide, SA, Australia. education.au.

E-Learning in Easy Pieces. Sept 24, 2004. Invited Lecture, Darwin, NT, Australia. Training Advisory Council, Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

New Students, New Learning. Sept 16, 2004. Invited Lecture, Canberra, ACT, Australia. Australian Defense Force Academy (ADFA).

Projecting Quality. May 07, 2004. Quality Learning: Making IT Click, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Manitoba Association for Distributed Learning and Training (MADLAT).

Distributed Digital Rights Management: The EduSource Approach to DRM. Apr 24, 2004. First International Workshop, Vienna, Austria. Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL).

Distributed Digital Rights Management. Mar 30, 2004. Learning Object Summit, Fredericton, New Brunswick. eduSource.

Divergence and Collaboration in eduSource. Mar 29, 2004. Learning Object Summit, Fredericton, New Brunswick. eduSource.

Distributed Digital Rights Management. Jan 27, 2004. Invited Lecture, Online. TeleEducation New Brunswick.

Questions and Possibilities: The Four-Dimensional Future of Metadata. Sept 20, 2003. Canadian Metadata Forum, Ottawa, Ontario. National Library of Canada.

Coping With Digital Rights Management. Mar 24, 2003. eduSource Industry Forum, Toronto, Canada. eduSource.

One Standard for All: Why We Don't Want It, Why We Don't Need It. Jan 17, 2003. Guest Lecture, Edmonton, Canada. Athabasca University.

Web Services and Semantic Web for Next Generation of Learning Repositories and Content Management Systems. Nov 18, 2002. Advanced Networks Workshop, Montreal, Canada. CANARIE.

Design and Reusability of Learning Objects in an Academic Context: A New Economy of Education?. Nov 12, 2002. eLearning: una sfida per l'universita, Milan, Italy. Università degli Studi di Milano.

The Role of Quality in e-Learning: From "Page-Turners" to Motivating and Engaging Online Courses. Oct 28, 2002. TExpo 2002, Fredericton, Canada. Enterprise Fredericton/Entreprise Fredericton.

Elements of a Distributed Learning Object Repository. May 31, 2002. AMTEC 2002, Regina, Canada. Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada (AMTEC).

Distance Learning and the Daily News. May 27, 2002. CADE 2002, Calgary, Canada. Canadian Association for Distance Education.

A World of Opportunity: E-Learning and Atlantic Canada. Mar 20, 2002. Invited Lecture, Fredericton, Canada. University of New Brunswick.

Building a Learning Community. Apr 18, 2001. TAFE Frontiers, Melbourne, Australia. University of Melbourne.

Understanding Online Learning. Feb 22, 2001. Invited Lecture, Melbourne, Australia. Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne.

Content Syndication and Online Learning. Oct 16, 2000. NAWeb 2000, Fredericton, Canada. University of New Brunswick.

MuniMall: A Review. Oct 06, 2000. Invited Lecture, Edmonton, Canada. Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta.

Aspects of Smart Communities. Jun 26, 2000. Municipal Refresher Course, Edmonton, Canada. Government Studies, University of Alberta.

Learning Objects. May 05, 2000. Leaders in Learning, Edmonton, Canada. University of Alberta.

The New Knowledge Economy. Mar 20, 2000. Invited Lecture, Edmonton, Alberta. Government Studies, University of Alberta.

On-Line Conferencing. May 06, 1996. Distance education & technology: Future visions, Second annual professional development workshop, Maryland, Online. University College of the University of Maryland.

In Defense of Meaning Holism. Jun 16, 1994. Canadian Philosophical Association National Conference, Calgary, Alberta. Canadian Philosophical Association.

Critical Thinking in the Classroom. Feb 01, 1994. Instructors' Conference, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Grande Prairie Regional College.

In Defense of Meaning Holism. Nov 15, 1992. Western Canada Philosophy Association Annual Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Western Canada Philosophy Association.

The Problem of Perceptual Error. Mar 15, 1992. 5th Annual Canadian Graduate Students' Conference in Philosophy, Toronto, Ontario. University of Toronto.

Comment on David Martens (Mount Royal College), First-Person Attitudes and Intentional Action. May 15, 1991. All-Alberta Philosophy Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta. Western Canada Philosophy Association.

Foundationalism. Mar 15, 1991. 4th Annual Canadian Graduate Students' Conference in Philosophy, Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta.

Comment on Susan-Judith Hoffman, Post-Foundationalism: An Alternative to the Debate. Mar 15, 1991. 4th Annual Canadian Graduate Students' Conference in Philosophy, Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta.

Relevant Similarity. Nov 15, 1990. Philosophy Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta.

Self Interest and Self Government. Nov 11, 1989. 3rd Annual Canadian Graduate Students' Conference in Philosophy, St. John's, Newfoundland. Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Evidence and Theory Confirmation. Oct 11, 1989. Western Canada Philosophical Association, Calgary, Alberta. Western Canada Philosophical Association.

Moore and Wittgenstein on Scepticism. Oct 01, 1989. Philosophy Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta.

Resemblance and Mental Imagery. Nov 01, 1988. 2nd Annual Canadian Graduate Students' Conference in Philosophy, Hamilton, Ontario. McMaster University.

A Zen Critique of Transcendental Phenomenology. Oct 01, 1988. Philosophy Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta.

Humanism and the Copernican Revolution. Mar 01, 1988. University of Alberta Graduate Research Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta. Graduate Students' Association of the University of Alberta.

Models and Modality. Nov 01, 1987. 1st Annual Canadian Graduate Students' Conference in Philosophy, Guelph, Ontario. University of Guelph.


Designing For A Viable Online Professional Development Community. Apr 25, 2001. AusWeb01, Coff's Harbour, Australia. AusWeb.


Introduction to AI Policies, Guidelines, and Frameworks. Nov 16, 2023. Microlearning Series, Online, via Zoom. Maskwacis Cultural College.

Ethics, Analytics and the Duty of Care: The Workshop. Nov 23, 2022. Online Educa Berlin 2022, Berlin, Germany. .

Supporting Everyday Learning. Apr 19, 2021. Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) 2021, Online, via Zoom. .

Your Instant Decentralized Learning Community. Mar 08, 2021. INTED, Online, via Zoom. .

How to Help Students Succeed by Taking Ownership of Their Learning Online Through Personal Learning. Jul 30, 2020. Contact North Webinars, Online, Via Zoom. Contact North.

Distributed Learning Technologies and Next Generation E-Learning. Oct 18, 2019. eLearning Africa 2019, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. eLearning Africa.

Topics in Distributed Learning Technology. Oct 03, 2019. Faculty of Health Disciplines Professional Development Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta. Athabasca University.

gRSShopper in a Box. Dec 06, 2017. Online Educa Berlin, Berlin, Germany. .

The Living Library Session. Aug 25, 2017. Konferencja Pokazać – Przekazać, Warsaw, Poland. .

Leading Into Our Futures. Jul 08, 2017. CICan Leadership Institute for Presidents and Directors General, Mont Tremblant, Quebec. Colleges and Institutes Canada.

Developing a Personal Learning Infrastructure. Nov 30, 2016. OEB 2016, Berlin, Germany. Online Educa Berlin.

Developing a Personal Learning Infrastructure. Jul 29, 2016. TCU International e-Learning Conference 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. Thailand Cyber University, Thailand Ministry of Education.

Learning, Doing, and the Golden Ratio. Jun 16, 2016. Workshop, Kapuskasing, Ontario. Université de Hearst.

Developing a Personal Learning Infrastructure with Stephen Downes. Dec 02, 2015. Online Educa Berlin 2016, Berlin, Germany. Online Educa Berlin.

Designing Personal Learning Environments. Aug 26, 2015. Invited Talk, Guadalajara, Mexico. University of Guadalajara.

How to Build a MOOC. Nov 04, 2014. Unbordering Education, Yerevan, Armenia. Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, KASA Swiss Humanitarian Foundation.

MOOC Tools (Not what you think) . Nov 02, 2014. Unbordering Education, Yerevan, Armenia. Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, KASA Swiss Humanitarian Foundation.

MOOC Workshop. Dec 07, 2012. Primer Congreso de Pedagogía y TIC, Ibague, Colombia. Universidad de Ibagué.

How to Organize a MOOC. Sept 10, 2011. IV Innovar para Trascender Simposio de la COMINAIC, Ameca and Guadalajara, Mexico. Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES).

Web 2.0 in Learning. Jan 14, 2008. Web 2.0 in Learning, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. FiK International.

E-Learning 2.0: Tools and Topics. Sept 05, 2006. WWW Applications, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Central University of Technology, Free State.

From EduBlogs to the Collective Consciousness (Director's Cut). Feb 26, 2006. ASTE 2006, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Society for Technology in Education.

Grande Yellowhead Seminar. Jan 19, 2006. Invited Workshop, Edson, Alberta. Grande Yellowhead School Division.

I'm Toasting the Presentation Slides.... Nov 12, 2005. Open Source for Education in Europe, Heerlen, Netherlands. Open University of the Netherlands.

E-Learning 2.0. Oct 28, 2005. TESIC, Gander, Newfoundland. Technology Education Special Interest Council.

E-Learning 2.0. Jun 10, 2005. Invited Workshop, Gatineau, Quebec. Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN).

Blogs, RSS and Cool Stuff. Nov 19, 2004. New Directions in Learning, Whitehorse, Yukon. Yukon College.

Blogs, Learning Objects, and Other Cool Stuff. Oct 19, 2003. NAWeb 2003, Fredericton, New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick.

The Learning Object Economy. Oct 20, 2002. NAWeb 2002, Fredericton, New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick.

Syndicated Learning. Aug 13, 2002. Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, Madison,United States. University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Online Learning Communities. May 15, 2001. Invited Workshop, Roanoke, Virginia. Virginia West Community College.

Knowledge Management. Jan 15, 2001. Invited Presentation, Vancouver, British Columbia. Justice Institute of BC.

Exploring New Directions in Online Learning. Oct 14, 2000. NAWeb, Fredericton, Canada. University of New Brunswick.

Practical Issues in Getting Your Course On-line. Oct 03, 1998. NAWeb98, Fredericton, New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick.

Getting Your Course On-line. Oct 05, 1997. NAWeb97, Fredericton, New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick.

How to Build a (Dynamic) Web-Based Course. Feb 21, 1997. Invited Presentation, Edmonton, Alberta and Fort McMurray, Alberta. University of Alberta, Keyano College.


Introduction to Open Online Learning. Feb 28, 2024. Microlearning, Online via Zoom. Mackwacis Cultural College.

Connectivism: What is it? How to apply it.. Jan 26, 2024. Microlearning Series, Online via Zoom. Maskwacis Cultural College.

Introduction to Social Constructivism. Dec 15, 2023. Microlearning Series, Online, via Zoom. Maskwacis Cultural College.

Three Frameworks for Data Literacy. Oct 21, 2023. 20th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in a Digital Age, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. IADIS.

Introduction to AI. Oct 12, 2023. Invited Talk, Online, via Zoom. Maskwacis Cultural College.

Navigating the AI Revolution. Feb 10, 2023. Navigating the Al Revolution, Bellevue, WA, vs MS Teams. Bellevue College.

The Future of Learning Technology: 10 Key Tools and Methods. Sept 21, 2022. Webinar, Online, via Zoom. Contact North.

Data Literacy. May 11, 2022. In-house, Ottawa. NRC.

The Search for the Social Algorithm. Oct 19, 2021. . .

Future Learning Environments. Apr 28, 2021. Conversation with Task Force, Online, via Zoom. Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan.

Connectivism. Apr 27, 2021. Webinar Sharing Session on Connectivism Learning Theory, Online, to Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia, via WebEx. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: How to Improve How We Teach and Learn Online . Mar 01, 2021. Seminar Series, Online, via Zoom. Contact North.

Thinking Aloud About Open Data Repositories. Dec 01, 2020. Team Presentation, Online vs MS Teams. National Research Council.

Open Recognition Networks. Oct 26, 2020. ePIC 2020 – 18th International Conference , Online via Zoom. Open Recognition Alliance.

Ethical Codes and Learning Analytics. Jun 22, 2020. EDEN 2020 Annual Conference, Timisoara, Romania, via Zoom. European Distance Education Network.

Toward a Distributed OER Network. Jun 11, 2019. ICOE “Smart Education” Webinar , Beijing, via Adobe Connect. International Community for Open Education (ICOE).

A Quick Look at the Future of OER. Mar 05, 2019. Open Education Week: 24-Hour Global CC Network Web-a-thon, Online, via Uberconference. .

Electron Express. Feb 28, 2019. In-House, Ottawa. National Research Council.

Distributed Ledger Technologies like Blockchain…looking under the hood. Nov 23, 2018. Internal Seminar, Ottawa. National Research Council Canada.

Topics in Distributed Ledger Technology. Aug 30, 2018. In-house Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario. National Research Council Canada.

Review of Ethically Aligned Design. Mar 13, 2018. HCT Reading Club, Ottawa, via Jabber. National Research Council.

MOOCs, OERs and Consciousness. Nov 14, 2017. AU 801 - Advanced Topics and Issues in Distance Education, Athabasca, via Adobe Connect. Athabasca University.

Topics in Connectivism. Aug 28, 2017. Konferencja Pokazać – Przekazać, Warsaw, Poland. .

Informal Discussion on the Future of Educational Media. Mar 05, 2016. Educational Technology Summit 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. EÄŸitim Teknolojileri Zirvesi.

LPSS: Learning and Performance Support System. Apr 28, 2015. In-House Presentation, Ottawa, Ontario. National Research Council.

The MOOC Workshop. Feb 05, 2015. Education Technology Strategies 2015, Toronto, Ontario. Strategy Institute.

The Challenges (and Future) of Networked Learning. Sept 05, 2014. Invited presentation, Medellin, Colombia, Online via Vidyo. Escuela de Administración, Finanzas y Tecnología, Medellín .

Free Learning from a Development Perspective. Jul 18, 2014. Invited talk, Gatineau, Quebec. Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.

Beyond Institutions - Personal Learning in a Networked World. Jul 09, 2014. Network EDFE Seminar Series, London, England. London School of Economics.

Cooperation and Collaboration. May 26, 2014. International Workshop on Mass Collaboration and Education, Tübingen, Germany. Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien.

Learning and Performance Support Systems. Feb 27, 2014. Invited Presentation, Toronto, Ontario. Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) .

TIC y Educación. Dec 10, 2013. Tecnologías de la Información y Modelos Alternativos, Ajusco, México, via Skype. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico.

Notes for UNCTAD's Advisory Group. Dec 10, 2013. Advisory Group on Developing skills, knowledge and capacities through innovation: E-Learning, M-Learning, cloud-Learning, Geneva, Switzerland, by Google Hangout. United Nations Committee on Trade and Development.

The Habits of Highly Connected Learners. Oct 25, 2013. Integrating Technology 4 Active Lifelong Learning, Online, via WizIQ. WizIQ.

Through the MOOC Darkly - Reflections on Life, Learning and the Future of Education. Jul 24, 2013. Saylor Speaker Series, Washington D.C., online, via Google Hangout. Saylor Foundation.

Connectivism, Online Learning, and the MOOC. Jun 17, 2013. Integrating Technology 4 Active Lifelong Learning, Online, via WizIQ. WizIQ.

MOOCs and OERs in Moncton. Jun 06, 2013. GTA Seminar, Moncton, New Brunswick. Université de Moncton.

OERs, MOOCs and the Future. May 25, 2013. Vancouver Island University's Online Learning and Teaching Diploma - OLTD 505: OERs, Online, via Blackboard Collaborate. Vancouver Island University.

Massive Open Online Support for Education (MOOSE). May 06, 2013. University College of the North, Thompson, Manitoba via Google Hangout. University College of the North.

MOOCs in Context: the re.mooc in Africa . Mar 11, 2013. Invited Talk, Lausanne, Switzerland, via Skype. EPFL Media Design Lab.

MOOC et REL. Feb 05, 2013. Atelier REL , Moncton. Université de Moncton.

OER Minicourse. Nov 23, 2012. MoodleMoodUY, Montevideo, Uruguay. Universidad de la República Uruguay.

MOOC Online Support. Sept 10, 2012. , Chile, via Hangout. .

The World Beyond the Word. Aug 19, 2012. Destination: Innovation, Banff, Alberta. Learn.ca Education Society.

Models, Technological Resources and Knowledge Management. Jun 21, 2012. XIII Encuentro Virtual Educa, Panama City, Panama. Organización de los Estados Americanos.

Publishing Paradigms of the Future: Where are We Headed?. May 27, 2012. Congress of the Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences , Waterloo, Ontario. Canadian Association of Learned Journals.

Patterns of Progress. May 07, 2012. Comment survivre au progrès, Hearst, Ontario, via Skype. Université de Hearst.

Facilitating a Massive Open Online Course. Feb 24, 2012. IMU-LS, Kuala Lumpur, online, via WizIQ. International Medical University Malaysia.

The Limits of Learning Design. Feb 23, 2012. Association for Learning Technology Seminar, London, online via Elluminate. Association for Learning Technology.

The Role of Educator in a Networked World. Nov 09, 2011. for EC&I 831: Social Media & Open Education, Alec Couros, Online, via Elluminate. University of Regina.

Elements of Connectivism. Sept 22, 2011. Creativity and Multicultural Communication CMC11, Online to Saratoga Springs, NY via Elluminate. Empire State College Centre for Distance Learning.

Informal Conversation. Apr 29, 2011. Center for Distance Education 2011, Saratoga Springs, New York. Empire State College Centre for Distance Learning.

The PLENK, The PLE and We. Dec 01, 2010. Service New Brunswick Regional managers Meeting, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Service New Brunswick.

The Role of Educator in a PLE World. Nov 17, 2010. EC&I 831: Social Media & Open Education, Online, via Elluminate. University of Regina.

Personal Learning Environments and PLENK2010. Oct 20, 2010. Training Development Officers, Halifax, via Skype and join.me. National Research Council.

The Representative Student. Jun 23, 2010. Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI) at Athabasca University, Edmonton, Alberta. Athabasca University.

Buenos Aires Meetup. May 08, 2010. MeetUp, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Colegio Las Cumbres.

A Conversation in Tigre. May 02, 2010. Informal Conversation, Tigre, Argentina. .

Connectivism in Practice: Critical Thinking as a Distributed Course. Apr 22, 2010. Interactive Technology in Education - conference , Hämeenlinna, Finland, by Skype. Hämeen kesäyliopisto (Häme Summer University)..

OERs and DIYU. Apr 09, 2010. R685 on the Web 2.0 (The World Is Open With Web Technology) , Online, via Breeze. School of Education, University of Indiana.

Decentralized Learning. Mar 17, 2010. APOP Lunchtime Presentation, Montreal, Online via the Via Conferencing System. Association for the Educational Application of Computer Technology at the Post-Secondary Level-Montréal (APOP).

A Conversation on Social Learning. Mar 16, 2010. LearningWave, Holland, via Skype. LearningWave.

gRSShopper: Creating the Personal Web. Jul 07, 2009. Internal: Presentation to PLE group, Moncton. NRC.

Educamp 2009. Apr 18, 2009. Educamp09, Ilmenau, Germany, via Skype. Educamp.

Learning 2.0: Learning Today and Tomorrow. Apr 06, 2009. ACER Melbourne 2009, Melbourne, Australia. Australian Council for Educational Research.

Technology Update. Feb 24, 2009. LERN Seminar, Online - teleconference. Learning Resources Network.

Future Learning. Feb 24, 2009. EC&I 831: Computers in the Classroom, Online, Elluminate. University of Regina.

CCK08 Course Recap. Feb 23, 2009. Special Seminar, Online, Elluminate. University of Manitoba.

The Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course. Feb 18, 2009. Boeing Employees Seminar, Online, Elluminate. Boeing.

CCK08:The Connectivism & Connective Knowledge Course. Dec 04, 2008. Invited Presentation, Ottawa, Ontario. National Research Council.

Educamp Colombia Qustions and Answers. Nov 18, 2008. Educamp 2008, Bogota, Colombia, by Skype. Educamp Colombia.

Integrating the Internet Into the Classroom (Seminar Version). Oct 22, 2008. Annual Conference 2008, Charlottetown, PEI. PEI Teachers Federation.

Open Educational Resources. Sept 26, 2008. Innovations in Learning 2008, San Jose, California. Brandon Hall.

MOOC and Mookies: The Connectivism & Connective Knowledge Online Course. Sept 10, 2008. eFest 2008 - Connected Learning, Auckland, New Zealand by Elluminate. Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand.

Supporting Open Access. May 16, 2008. TLt Summit, Saskatoon, SK. Campus Saskatchewan and The Educational Technology Consortium.

Personal Learning. Mar 11, 2008. EC&I 831 class, Saskatchewan, via Elluminate. University of Regina.

How I Learn. Mar 05, 2008. Internal Presentation, Moncton, New Brunswick. National Research Council.

gRSShopper. Feb 26, 2008. NRC Koffee Klatch, Moncton, Fredericton by Videoconference, Adobe Connect. National Research Council.

Open Educational Resources and the Personal Learning Environment. Jun 10, 2007. International Conference on OpenCourseWare and e-Learning, Taipei, Taiwan. Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System (OOPS).

The Meaning is the Message. May 13, 2007. 2007 CADE/AMTEC conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canadian Association for Distance Education..

Personal Learning. Apr 21, 2007. E-Learning Guild 2007, Boston, USA. E-Learning Guild.

Networks and Learning. Apr 10, 2007. Invited presentation, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Outside the Envelope. Feb 21, 2007. Invitation, Teleconference. IBM Center for Advanced Learning.

Toward a New Knowledge Society. Feb 16, 2007. Invited Seminar, online. Virtual and E-mobility for Networking Universities in Society (VENUS).

Digital Rights Management. Jan 11, 2007. Online Conference, Online, via Centra. .

Web 2.0, E-Learning 2.0 and Personal Learning Environments. Dec 14, 2006. Special Session, Online (Centra). National University Telecommunications Network.

Understanding Learning Networks, Reprise. Nov 02, 2006. Invited Talk, Moncton, New Brunswick. Université de Moncton.

The Future of E-Learning. Oct 21, 2006. CGA Canada National Educators Meeting, Toronto, Ontario. Certified General Accountants (CGA).

Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge. Oct 16, 2006. Invited Session, Charlottetown, PEI. University of Prince Edward Island.

Online World. Sept 27, 2006. eFest, Wellington, New Zealand. Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand.

Digital Rights Management. Sept 15, 2006. IT Integrators Congerence, Sydney, Australia. Association of Independent Schools.

Future Learning Resources. Sept 12, 2006. Learning Technologies: The Next Five Years, Cape Town, South Africa. University of Cape Town.

E-Learning 2.0: Tools for Meaningful Learning. Sept 12, 2006. Invited Session, Cape Town, South Africa. University of Cape Town.

Learning Networks and the Personal Learning Environment. Jun 12, 2006. Invited Seminar, Vienna, Austria. Centre for Social Innovation.

The Students Own Education. Jun 05, 2006. Invited Talk, Milton Keynes, UK. The Open University.

A Conversation With Stephen Downes. Apr 21, 2006. BCEd Online Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. BC Education.

E-Learning 2.0 at the E-Learning Forum. Feb 22, 2006. E-Learning Forum, Online (to California). E-Learning Forum.

Models for Sustainable Open Education Resources. Feb 07, 2006. OECD Expert Meeting in Malmo, Malmo, Sweden. OECD.

Learning Networks. Jan 25, 2006. In-House Presentation, Saint John, New Brunswick, Online. Innovatia.

Open Learning and the Metauniversity. Nov 14, 2005. Open Source for Education in Europe, Heerlen, Netherlands. Open University of the Netherlands.

What E-Learning 2.0 Means To You. Sept 14, 2005. Transitions in Advanced Learning, Ottawa, Ontario. Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI).

Reaching the Blogosphere. Sept 13, 2005. News vs. Noise Conference, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. Public Works Canada.

E-Learning: A Kaleidoscope of Options. Jun 01, 2005. CAPE, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Canadian Association of Police Educators.

The Living Arts: The Future of Learning Online. May 25, 2005. Invited Presentation, Guelph, Ontario. University of Guelph.

Open Digital Rights Management. Nov 10, 2004. Maritime Open Source Technologies, Moncton, New Brunswick. Moncton Cybersocials.

Knowledge and Learning. Oct 11, 2004. Special Sessions, Perth, WA, Australia. West One.

Positioning Tasmania as a Leader in ICT Enabled Education and Training. Oct 04, 2004. Invited Seminar, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The Office of Post-CompulsoryEducation and Training, Department of Education.

ICT Roundtable. Oct 01, 2004. Invited Seminar, Hobart, Tasmania. The Office of Post-Compulsory Education and Training, Department of Education.

Invited Presentation. Oct 01, 2004. ICT Roundtable, Hobart, Tasmania. The Office of Post-Compulsory Education and Training, Department of Education, State of Tasmania.

Collaboration Workshop. Sept 29, 2004. Special Session, Adelaide, SA, Australia. Flexible Learning Leaders.

Blogs, Learning Objects and Other Cool Stuff!. Sept 27, 2004. Invited Presentation, Alice Springs, NT, Australia. School of the Air.

Open Education, the Semantic Web and the Personalisation of eLearning. Sept 22, 2004. Invited Session, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. eLearn Australia in association with the Queensland Flexible Learning Leaders.

Knowledge, Learning Objects and The New Student. Sept 22, 2004. Invited Session, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. eLearn Australia in association with the Queensland Flexible Learning Leaders.

A Dog's Breakfast: Roles and Responsibilities for Managers in the Cyber Era. Sept 22, 2004. Invited Session, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. eLearn Australia in association with the Queensland Flexible Learning Leaders.

Open Education, the Semantic Web and the Personalisation of eLearning. Sept 20, 2004. Invited Session, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Sunshine Coast University.

Knowledge, Learning Objects and The New Student. Sept 20, 2004. Invited Session, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Sunshine Coast University.

A Dog's Breakfast: Roles and Responsibilities for Managers in the Cyber Era. Sept 20, 2004. Invited Session, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Sunshine Coast University.

Edging the Techno Frontier. Sept 17, 2004. Invited Roundtable, Canberra, ACT, Australia. Australian National University.

Quality Standards: It's All About Teaching and Learning?. Jun 04, 2004. NUTN 2004, Kennebunkport, Maine. National University Telecommunications Network (NUTN).

The Evolving Concept of the Community of Practice. May 29, 2004. Building Distributed Communities of Practice, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. University of Saskatchewan.

Emerging Technologies in E-Learning. Mar 15, 2004. Rencontres internationales du multimédia d’apprentissage - International Conference on Educational Media (RIMA-ICEM), Quebec City, Quebec. l'Institut St Joseph.

Blogging and RSS in Learning. Jan 27, 2004. Invited Lecture, Online, Elluminate. Simon Fraser University.

Coping With Digital Rights Management. Jun 12, 2003. eduSource Industry Forum, Moncton, New Brunswick. eduSource.

Tomorrow's Online Teachers. Jun 11, 2003. Invited Presentation, Online, Groove, to Sydney, Australia. FAME course in Sydney, Australia.

Learning Objects in a Wider Context. Jun 09, 2003. CADE 2003, St. John's, Newfoundland. Canadian Association for Distance Education.

DLORN: Distributed Learning Object Repository Network. Apr 29, 2003. Open Education: Moving From Concept to Reality, Online. Open-Education.Org.

An Introduction to RSS for Educational Designers. Dec 03, 2002. Atlantic Regional Meeting, Moncton, Canada. eduSource.

Learning Object Repositories in Canada. Nov 20, 2002. CADE Wise and Witty Weekday, Teleconference. Canadian Association for Distance Education.

The Learning Marketplace. Oct 08, 2001. Invited Seminar, Sydney, Australia. TAFE NSW.

Virtual Community Real People. Oct 08, 2001. LearnScope, online. Australian Flexible Learning Framework.

Essentials of Knowledge Management. Mar 15, 2000. Invited Lecture, Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta.

Creating an Online Learning Community. Nov 25, 1999. Virtual Schools Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta. Alberta Education.

On-Line Learning: The New Dynamism of Distance Education. Nov 16, 1998. ACCC 1998, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Association of Community Colleges in Canada.

The Future of Online Learning. Oct 06, 1998. NAWeb 98, Fredericton, New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick.

Web-Based Courses: The Assiniboine Model. Oct 07, 1997. NAWeb97, Fredericton, New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick.

On-Line Teaching and Learning. Jan 29, 1996. CADE Wise and Witty Wednesdays, OPnline, via web, listserv, and MUD. Canadian Association for Distance Education.

The Painted Porch MAUD, or, Why MUDs are so much better than MOOs. Jun 01, 1995. Distance Education Conference, Online (MOO). Diversity University.

Expert Panels

Looking forward to 2022: Emerging Technologies for Education. Dec 15, 2021. CNIE Seminar, Online, via Zoom. Canadian Network for Innovation in Education.

Rethinking the role of young people in a rapidly changing world. Oct 29, 2021. e21 Symposium, Ottawa, via Zoom. e21 Consortium.

Sharing and collaborating our way out of the storm. May 10, 2021. Time for Action in Shaping HE 4.0, Online, via Zoom. European Distance and E-Learning Network.

Active Methodologies and Adaptive Learning. Nov 29, 2019. XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino Superior a Distância (ESUD) e o V Congresso Internacional de Educação Superior a Distância (CIESUD) 2019, Teresina, Brazil. Associação Universidade em Rede (UniRede).

The Future of Education. Oct 24, 2019. eLearning Africa 2019, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. eLearning Africa.

Recent Work in Connectivism. Mar 04, 2019. LAK19, Phoenix, Arizona, via Zoom. .

Blockchain in the Life Sciences. May 30, 2018. Life Sciences Day 2.0, Ottawa, Ontario. .

What is Open Education?. Apr 24, 2018. Educación para la Paz, Rionegro, Colombia. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

The Value and Price of Open Online Courses. Dec 02, 2016. OEB2016, Berlin, Germany. Online Educa Berlin.

Openness. Nov 06, 2016. Regional Forum on ICTs in Higher Education of the Arab States, Beirut, Lebanon. UNESCO.

MOOC Quality Malaysia. May 01, 2016. MOOC Experts Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Commonwealth of Learning.

Exploring the Future of Learning to Adapt to New Trends. Apr 06, 2016. Education Technology Strategies 2016, Toronto, Ontario. Strategy Institute.

The Agile Approach to Learning Design. Dec 03, 2015. Online Educa Berlin 2016, Berlin, Germany. Online Educa Berlin.

(Some) Pitfalls​ Of Agile Learning Design. Dec 02, 2015. Online Educa Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Online Educa Berlin.

Inspire: Learning!. Oct 29, 2015. Talent and the Future of Work, Online, via on24. Natural Resources Canada.

Disruptive Innovation in Universities. Mar 04, 2015. 4th International Conference e-Learning and Distance Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. National e-Learning Center KSA.

Reclaiming Personal Learning. Dec 05, 2014. Online Educa Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Online Educa Berlin.

MOOCs 4 Development. Apr 11, 2014. Education for Development, Philadelphia, PA. University of Pennsylvania.

MOOC Research Institute Panel on Supporting Learners. Dec 05, 2013. MOOC Research Institute 2013, Arlington, Texas. University of Texas at Arlington.

OERs and Open Online Courses. Oct 31, 2013. World Innovation Summit in Education, Doha, Qatar. World Innovation Summit in Education.

Debate Stephen Downes y Juan Domingo Farnós. Jun 27, 2013. Encuentro Internacional de Educación, Caracas, Venezuela. Telefonica Foundation.

Moocs and K12 Cloud: Privacy regulations and Risk Management. May 03, 2013. Ed Tech Innovation, Calgary, Alberta. Athabasca University.

MOOCs in Business. Mar 27, 2013. QMOOC, Online, via Google Hangout. Internet Time.

Open Discussion on the LMS and the MOOC. Nov 23, 2012. MoodleMoodUY, Montevideo, Uruguay. Universidad de la República Uruguay.

A True History of the MOOC. Sept 27, 2012. Future of Education, Online, via Blackboard Collaborate. FutureOfEducation.com.

Internet and E-commerce Law Round Table. Mar 29, 2012. Follow the Sun, Online, via Blackboard Collaborate. University of Leicester.

Education in movement - against what? Debate. Nov 13, 2011. NFF konferansen: Utdanning i bevegelse, Oslo, Norway. Norsk forbund for fjernundervisning og fleksibel utdanning.

Talking About All Things Open. May 04, 2011. Moodle Moot Canada 2011, Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta.

Facilitating Social Interactions. Nov 02, 2010. Webinar, Online. Campus Technology Magazine.

Facilitating Social Interactions: Measuring Engagement and Promoting Academic Success within the LMS. Oct 21, 2010. Webinar, Online. Campus Technology.

OER Panel. May 18, 2010. 2010 Conference, Saint John, NB. Canadian Network for Innovation in Education.

Technology and Communication: Education in the Digital Era. Apr 29, 2010. VI Congreso Internacional - Cultura del Trabajo, Cordoba, Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

D2L 2009 Expert Panel. Jul 16, 2009. D2L Fusion 2009, St. Paul, Minnesota. Desire2Learn.

Edupunk: Open Source Education. Mar 15, 2009. SXSW 2009, Austin, Texas. South by South West.

Taking the Pulse of Key Sectors: Advanced Learning Technologies. Oct 31, 2008. Innovation Forum, Saint John, New Brunswick. NRC.

Expert Panel. Jul 22, 2008. D2L Fusion 2008, Memphis, TN. Desire2Learn.

Interactive Unpanel: Industry Leaders Answer Your Questions. Sept 25, 2007. Research Innovations in Learning Conference, San Jose, California. Brandon Hall Associates.

Learning and Communities in the Web 2.0 Era. May 23, 2007. e-learning 2.0 Symposium, Moncton, New Brunswick. University of Moncton.

Imagining Canada's Best Online Course: An Open Access Project. May 14, 2007. 2007 CADE/AMTEC conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canadian Association for Distance Education.

E-Learning Panel. Apr 22, 2007. E-Learning Guild 2007, Boston, Massachusetts. .

EduPatents: The Gathering Storm. Nov 27, 2006. TeachU Seminar, Online (Elluminate). Ohio Learning Network.

LearnNB. Oct 06, 2006. LearnNB 2006, Fredericton, New Brunswick. LearnNB.

The Global University. Jun 05, 2006. Blue Ribbon Panel, Milton Keynes, UK. The Open University.

Collaboration Tools: What's Out There. Aug 09, 2005. Seminars on Academic Computing, Snowmass, Colorado. .

CSTD Panel on the Future of Learning. May 27, 2005. CSTD, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Canadian Society for Training and Development.

Blogging in Education Panel. Feb 20, 2005. Northern Voice, Vancouver, British Columbia. University of British Columbia.

Object Oriented Learning Objects. Nov 26, 2004. L'ingenierie pedagogique a l'heure des TIC, Montreal, Quebec. McGill University.

Issues in Digital Rights Management. Nov 11, 2003. E-learn 2003, Phoenix, Arizona. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Learner Centered by Practice: Applying What We Know About Learning and Cognition in Designing for the Online Environment. Jan 28, 2002. NLII Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA. EDUCAUSE.

Distance Education: The Dream. Nov 08, 2000. Net*Working 2000, online. Australian Flexible Leaning Network.


The Lecture Must Stand. Apr 14, 2011. Follow the Sun - Learning Futures Festival Online 2011, Leicester, via Adobe Connect. University of Leicester.

Downes-Wiley. Aug 12, 2009. Open Debate, Vancouver, British Columbia. .


Awards and Honours

2000. NAWeb, Best Educational Website, for MuniMall.

2001. NAWeb award for best educational website, for OLDaily.

2004. Buntine Oration, Perth, Australia.

2005. Edublog award for best individual blog, for OLDaily.

2007. NRC Outstanding achievement award, for Synergic3.

2016. Supporting Active Learning & Technological Innovation in Studies of Education (SALTISE), honorary member, 2016.

Stephen Downes
Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada



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