By Stephen Downes
August 6, 2003
Edu_RSS MERLOT 2003 Continuing
The wireless access is a bit spotty but
the MERLOT conference RSS service is working beautifully
with pictures, session notes and more all aggregated into a
single space. Take a look. By Stephen Downes, Stephen's
Web, August 5, 2003
Intelligence and Its Artifacts
your thought piece for the day, Steve Talbott raises the
question of what happens when we lose touch with the
"originating intelligence" in electronic communications.
The mind creates ideas, the ideas are translated into
words, and these - tokens of our thoughts, not the
throughts themselves - are sent into the ether. But in this
process, as the distance increases and the intermediating
technologies become more complex, the token is confused for
the idea itself. Talbott asks, "What might the opposite
process -- a genuine re-ensouling of language -- look like?
If in fact we are the ones who speak technology into
existence, how could our speaking become
more profound?" We need, I think, cues. Our writing needs
to be more open, more passionate, more personal. Whether
spoken or online, my words are effective only if, through
them, you get to peer inside my soul. You may not always
like what you see, but at least you know that it's me - and
not my word processor - speaking. By Stephen L. Talbott,
NetFuture, August 5, 2003
E-poll Findings Show Flexible Learning is
Here to Stay!
Australia's Flexible Learning
Framework has been conducting a poll to evaluate the impact
of the approach, and according to the feedback received,
flexible learning is, as the headline says, here to stay.
"Flexible learning expands choices on what, when, where and
how people learn. It supports different styles of learning,
including e-learning. By applying flexible training
programs, practitioners and providers are saying their
prime concern is the skill needs and delivery requirements
of clients and not the interests of trainers or providers.
They are confirming that they want to give as much control
as possible over what, when, where and how their clients
learn and make use of the delivery methods most useful for
clients, especially e-learning." By Various Authors,
Australian Flexible Learning Framework, August 5, 2003
Observing Quality in
Obviously we need some means of
telling the difference between quality online learning
content and that which is of, shall we say, lesser value.
But is this the way to go about it? "The European Quality
Observatory (EQO), a repository that will store information
about diversity of quality approaches in the European
educational community, promotes the idea of diversity, and
enhances transfer into practice. The key is to encourage
transparency of quality in ICT-based training, learning and
education." I guess it depends on how this knowledge is
applied, and whether the transparency of quality becomes
visible at the user's end. By Riina Vuorikari, European
Schoolnet News, August 6, 2003
Richard Shim
In conversation
yesterday I expressed the view that the use of patents
these days has become more an exercise in restraining
international competition than one of protecting the
inventor and developer of a new technology. I suspect the
developers at Research in Motion (RIM) feel the same way
today as - from where I sit - their hard earned research
and development is in the process of being stolen by a
Virginia court judge. An appeal is expected, at at least
RIM can be thankful no sanctions will be applied until that
judgement comes down. But how long can it be before
somebody with some clout makes the connection between "the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office" and "unfair restraint of
trade." By Richard Shim , CNet, August 5, 2003
The Meaning of
Arun-Kumar Tripathi picked this iten
to run today, and though it's several years old, it still
captures a common sentiment. And while I think that Albert
Borgmann is right when he calls on people to restrain the
influence of technology, I don't agree with the value
system he proposes to adjudicate that moderation (and
therein lies the dilemma). "Family values are neither
commodities nor disembodied fragrances that make for a
pleasant atmosphere," he writes, describing "a society
centered on focal things in the private realm and on
communal celebrations in the public." Well maybe, but what
I see when I see this sort of picture is a retreat into our
collective enclaves, a vision of walled communities,
male-dominated hierarchal structures controlled by dogma
and bloodlines. Borgmann's unfortunate choice of a musical
example (read between the lines) displays the darker side
of this ethos, one which technology, thankfully, allows us
to transcend. What Borgmann doesn't get is that the
community that is created online is a means to slip free
from the bonds of family and community, a doorway to a
larger world, the light outside the cave, a reality where
we see there are other possibilities, other ways of being.
Borgmann would have us give that up, and return to the
shadows. Unacceptable. By Albert Borgmann, The World and I,
March, 1996
Why I
Copyright legislation may be dry and
boring but the topic holds sway over a range of human
emotions. This strongly worded article captures some of
this. The author writes, "I think it's a scam. Rich guys
who own everything trade stocks, and the rest of us, who
own the vast majority of nothing, watch welfare wither
away. If we make something beautiful and try to make a
living by selling it, we can't own it. My beautiful thing
will be the property of some company that has slapped a
cover on it." By Annalee Newitz, AlterNet, July 30, 2003
Providing eLearning Opportunities to Students
and Adult Learners
I heard some talk about this
project while I was in Portugal but it has been mostly
below the radar. This article, though, is a nice summary of
the Avicenna Virtual Campus, an e-learning bridge from
Europe to the nations of North Africa. This article looks
in detail at the centre for Malta, a country often
overlooked in any talk of e-learning. "Named after Ibn Sina
(981 – 1037 AD), the most famous philosopher, mathematician
and astronomer of his time, the virtual campus project will
create a network of eLearning centres around the
Mediterranean." By Staff, The Malta Independent, July 31,
Google has launched a
new, experimental service. NewsAlerts allows you to select
keywords and receive news updates. Not sure how broad the
coverage is (Google News only indexed traditional
publications). By Various Authors, Google, August 5, 2003
Uni Staff PCs scanned for MP3s
Staff computers at the Queensland University
of Technology are being scanned for MP3 files as a
consequence of legal action undertaken by the music
industry. Several Australian universities were also taken
to court earlier this year and forced to give investigators
access to networks and back-up tapes. While they're at it,
why don't they scan for subversive literature and shady
real estate deals. Heck, why not allow investigators to do
pre-emptive sweeps of people's homes and offices, just in
case they're breaking the law. Just think of how much crime
we could prevent if we simply dispensed with any pretense
of civil liberties. As a postscript, an interesting analysis in today's Globe and
Mail suggests that it would be difficult, if not
impossible, to try the same approach in Canada.
By Kate Mackenzie, The Australian, August 5, 2003
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