By Stephen Downes
January 25, 2005
Future VLE - The Visual Version
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and
sometimes it's worth a lot more. This picture posted by
Scott Wilson is one of the latter variety, as he nails the
vision once again. Note the intersection between FOAF, RSS
and portfolio. This is the semantic social network. By
Scott Wilson, Scott's Workblog, January 25, 2005
The Six Laws of the New Software
Most educational designers don't think of themselves as
software architects, but of course, that's what they are.
And as such, this document - which starts from the premise
that most people already have the software they need - will
be relevant. Especially in education, designers are
competing with existing products - the classroom, the
television, the telephone, the book. This article outlines
the six principles needed to make an impact: do one thing,
not everything; collaborate with existing software; make
the interface unobtrustive; simplify use; release early and
often; comply with standards instead of building new ones.
By Dror Eyal, Change This, January 25, 2005
Information Wants to be Liquid
site is responding very slowly at the moment, suggesting
that the concept may not be ready for prime time. But it's
a neat idea with educational implications: make every word
on a web page a hyperlink to something else. "Further,
every link can point to more than one place, pulling up all
kinds of background context from the web as a whole."
Sounds like the old Xanadu
project. By Jason Walsh, Wired News, January 25, 2005
Academics Give Lessons on Blogs
Nothing that will be new to readers of OLDaily, but it's
interesting to see that educational blogging has reached
the mainstream news. By Shola Adenekan, BBC News, January
23, 2005
What Are JSON, JSON-RPC and
Introducing JSON
(JavaScript Object Notation), "a lightweight
data-interchange format with language bindings for C, C++,
C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, TCL and others." JSON is the
scripting language that makes things like Google's GMail so
much faster than other browser-based tools. "The
XMLHttpRequest object (or MSXML ActiveX in the case of
Internet Explorer) is used in the browser to call remote
methods on the server without the need for reloading the
page." By Hemos, Slashdot, January 24, 2005
Making Memories Stick
things happen every day, but we remember only some of them.
Why? "When an event is important enough or is repeated
enough, synapses fire to make the neuron in turn fire
neural impulses repeatedly and strongly, declaring 'this is
an event that should be recorded.' The relevant genes turn
on, and the synapses that are holding the short-term memory
when the synapse-strengthening proteins find them, become,
in effect, tattooed." By R. Douglas Fields, Scientific
American, January 24, 2004
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