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Seb Schmoller's Fortnightly Mailing Home Page on January 14, 2006 at 8:49 p.m..
Unfortunate URLs
Brian Millar has suggested yet another URL that changes its meaning depending on where you mentally divide the words: (More here...) [Tags: humor brianMillar]... From
Joho the Blog on January 14, 2006 at 4:48 p.m..
Elizabeth Holtsman: Impeach Bush
Elizabeth Holtzman, who was on the House Judiciary Committee during Nixon's impeachment — ah, memories! — systematically goes through the reasons to impeach Bush now. A snippet: At the time, I hoped that our committee's work would send a strong signal to future Presidents that they had to obey the rule of law. I was wrong. Like many others, I have been deeply troubled by Bush's breathtaking scorn for our international treaty obligations under the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Conventions. I have also been disturbed by the torture scandals and the violations o From
Joho the Blog on January 14, 2006 at 4:48 p.m..
NYC Talks/Signings
Two Get Back in the Box talk/signings coming up that you're all invited to:Tuesday January 17. Barnes and Noble, Chelsea. 7pm. 675 6th Avenue, New York.Tuesday January 24. Community Books, Park Slope. 7pm. 7th Ave and Carroll St, Brooklyn.I'll be happy to answer any questions about the new comic, Testament, as well! From on January 14, 2006 at 11:45 a.m..
Can Wikipedia Survive Its Own Success?
Wikipedia, die freie Online-Bibliothek, kommt aus den Schlagzeilen nicht mehr raus: Vandalismus, inkorrekte Einträge sowie der fortwährende Vergleich mit der Encyclopaedia Britannica (eine Frage, die mit der jüngsten Studie von Nature, in der keine signifikanten Qualitätsunterschiede festgestellt wurden, erst einmal... From on January 14, 2006 at 10:51 a.m..
Indigo RageBoy
Chris Locke writes about "Indigo Children," a meme reported on by the New York Times. The Indigo idea sounds like it pushes a whole bunch of buttons all at once — New Age, angels, the paranormal, child-worship, ADD. If it had some anti-child-porn hysteria about it, it'd be perfect. As one of the people in the NYT article says, this is basically the same social world view as Harry Potter's muggles v. wizards set up. Anyway, it is a great example of what Chris has been talking about over at Mystic Bourgeoisie, America's Toughest to Spell weblog. [Tags: chrisLocke rageboy... From
Joho the Blog on January 14, 2006 at 9:48 a.m..
Launch of Rosenfeld Media
Lou Rosenfeld has announced the launch of Rosenfeld Media, a new publishing house devoted to releasing titles on usability, information architecture and the like. To quote: I've been planning Rosenfeld Media for about five months, and blogged the news of... From
Column Two on January 14, 2006 at 6:47 a.m..
First CM Pros Meeting in Sydney (Australia)
For those in Sydney with an interest in content management systems. If you are attending please RSVP to David Warwick (details below).You are also welcome to add yourself to the CM Pros Australian mailing list, to hear about future events.... From
Column Two on January 14, 2006 at 6:47 a.m..
Training intranet content providers
Nick Besseling has written an article on training intranet content authors. To quote: With the increasing implementation of distributed publishing throughout organisations there is an increasing need to train content providers to help develop a more consistent approach and style... From
Column Two on January 14, 2006 at 5:47 a.m..
Carol Anne McGuire's MacWorld Session on Accessibility
A Great Session on Mac’s and Accessibility: Dave Warlick attended Carol Anne McGuire's MacWorld session on the use of technology by students from Imperial Elementary School in the Orange Unified District.... Carol is a Disney award winning teacher at Imperial Elementary who uses tools such as Garage Band and iMovie with her students. From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on January 14, 2006 at 12:50 a.m..
Carol Anne McGuire's MacWorld Session on Accessibility
A Great Session on Mac’s and Accessibility: Dave Warlick attended Carol Anne McGuire's MacWorld session on the use of technology by students from Imperial Elementary School in the Orange Unified District.... Carol is a Disney award winning teacher at Imperial Elementary who uses tools such as Garage Band and iMovie with her students. From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on January 14, 2006 at 12:50 a.m..
Technophobes wanted for research - BBC
The analogue TV signal will be switched off between 2008-2012. Researchers are looking for volunteers over the age of 40 who find it hard to adapt as digital technology becomes increasingly complex. The University of Dundee is looking for people who acc From
Techno-News Blog on January 14, 2006 at 12:50 a.m..
Can Data Ever Be Deleted? - Drew Robb, Internet News
Inspired by Enron and other data cover-up fiascos, legislative bodies around the country appear to be taking the words of Joni Mitchell to heart: "Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone." In this case, though, they From
Techno-News Blog on January 14, 2006 at 12:50 a.m..