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Seb Schmoller's Fortnightly Mailing Home Page on January 15, 2006 at 8:49 p.m..
Teaching to the Test = $
Aaron Campbell) I just really, really hate
this kind of stuff: Over the objections of the teachers' union, the Board of Education here [Houston, TX] on Thursday unanimously approved the nation's largest merit pay program, which calls for rewarding teachers based on how well their students perform on standardized tests. Oy. Somehow this is not something that would make me want t From
weblogged News on January 15, 2006 at 8:47 p.m..
Blogs (and Other Stuff) Blooming
I never really got the chance to write about my Seton Hall weekend, but some interesting bloggy things have been happening with the cohort. One of the assignments that the 33 Ed.D. students have is to identify a problem in their district that could be ameliorated with the use of blogs, wikis, RSS and the like, create a plan to implement some of those tools, and then use their own blogs to reflect on the process. Last weekend was our first chance to talk about their progress, and the reports back were mixed, to put From
weblogged News on January 15, 2006 at 7:47 p.m..
Why I hate time
Here's what it's like to write a book: You get a contract in, say, July '05 and start writing, with a deadline of July '06, for a book that will be in the stores in January '07. As you work on your chapters, you live in dread of a day like today when Parade magazine, one of the most-read magazines in America, has a front-page story on a topic you wrote about in Chapter One 7 months ago. Yup, Parade has a cover story called "How Many Planets Are There?" by David H. Levy. It includes a sidebar on the... From
Joho the Blog on January 15, 2006 at 4:48 p.m..
ASTD Visit
Pat, Nancy, and Brenda are the trio taking ASTD in new directions. Over lunch at Stella's, they updated me on what's new and forthcoming. It's going to be a very active year for ASTD. This would be a good time to become a member. Why don't I list their last names? They'd get even more [...] From
Internet Time Blog on January 15, 2006 at 4:45 p.m..
Library of Congress
One reason I blog is to free up space in my head to make room for new ideas: so many thoughts, so little time. Austin and I just returned from visiting my parents in a bandwidth-deprived area of Northern Virginia. I haven't blogged in days. I'm about ready to explode from too many new ideas [...] From
Internet Time Blog on January 15, 2006 at 3:45 p.m..
In lieu of a brown bag
Discussing the future of learning with Jeanne Meister and friends while supping on the most scrumptuous oysters and swordfish imaginable. Blue Point Grill, Alexandria. Technorati Tags: seafood From
Internet Time Blog on January 15, 2006 at 3:45 p.m..
Los Nuevos Renacentistas
Hubo un tiempo en el que los bloggers diseñaban la apariencia de sus webs, las programaban y escribÃan sus opiniones en forma de posts. Como nuevos renacentistas, condensaban todo el saber del momento (o de este universo), una situación que sólo se produce excepcionalmente en la historia. Leonardo o, de ... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on January 15, 2006 at 11:52 a.m..
Faceted classification at work
North Carolina State University now lets you search its libraries' collections using faceted classification. Go to the libraries' search page and search for any term. For example: On the search page, enter "military music" (no quotes). It returns a straightforward list of works about military music. But, on the left of the search page are the facets under which the works on the returns list are classified, e.g. Topic, Format, etc. Under each of those is a list of the types available under that facet. E.g., Under Format we see there are 146 books and 16 DVDs about military music.... From
Joho the Blog on January 15, 2006 at 11:49 a.m..
X bombs Y
Pakistan bombs Baltimore house — 17 killed Pakistan today bombed three houses in Baltimore based on information that the #2 person in Al Qaeda was staying in one of them. Seventeen people were killed, including children, but the Al Qaeda chief escaped. US officials registered a vigorous protest with the Pakistani government. US bombs Tokyo house — 17 killed The US today bombed three houses in Tokyo based on information that the #2 person in Al Qaeda was staying in one of them. Seventeen people were killed, including children, but the Al Qaeda chief escaped. Japanese officials regis From
Joho the Blog on January 15, 2006 at 11:48 a.m..
Intel Inside Apple Now - David Needle, Internet News
Steve Jobs earns a well-deserved reputation for hype, but he also gets less credit for a tendency to under-promise and over-deliver. This was evident in Job's big announcement at Macworld today where the rumored Intel-based Macs were announced with great From
Techno-News Blog on January 15, 2006 at 2:50 a.m..
Adult Literacy Education (ALE) Wiki
The ALE Wiki allows users to learn about the field and contribute knowledge from research, experience teaching adult learners, or experience as an adult learner. Topics include Corrections Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Family Literacy, the GED, Health... From
Adult/Continuing Education on January 15, 2006 at 12:50 a.m..