Models for Sustainable Open Educational Resources
Though there is great temptation to depict the sustainability of OERs in terms of funding models, technical models or even content models - and no shortage of recommendations regarding how each of these should proceed - it seems evident that any number of such models can be successful. But at the same time, it also seems clear that the sustainability of OERs - in a fashion that renders then at once both affordable and usable - requires that we think of OERs as only part of a larger picture, one that includes volunteers and incentives, community and partnerships, co-production and sharing, dist From
OLDaily on January 30, 2006 at 8:45 p.m..
Event Apart registration begins
Registration is now available for An Event Apart Atlanta. Seating is limited, first come, first served. Sign up before 3 March 2006 to reserve your seat and lock in the early bird rate of $499. Additional savings are available for groups. 30 January 2006 From
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report on January 30, 2006 at 7:49 p.m..
Is E-Learning 2.0 For Real?
Nach einigen doch sehr pragmatischen Artikeln, die ich zum Thema Weblogs, Wikis und Podcasts gelesen habe, tut es gut, wieder an Grundsätzliches erinnert zu werden. Dieser Eintrag ist lang, philosophisch, unsystematisch, kurz: Lesenswert! Ich könnte viele Sätze zitieren, will mich... From on January 30, 2006 at 6:51 p.m..
Changing blogging platform
You are in love. You know he is not perfect (nobody is), but there is some magic in between and it seems to work well. You want to be together and live long and happily. Over time you go through good and bad, you learn workarounds, you relationship becomes deeper and more complex tying you closer to each other. It's not without problems, but being together is so rewarding that those get sorted. When things start to crack more you work harder to sort them out. You want it to work. But one day you realise that From
Mathemagenic on January 30, 2006 at 5:52 p.m..
Empire State Buildings
All photos taken at the Empire State Building gift shop. Statue of Liberty through the lens of a pay-per-view telescope [Tags: empire state building nyc photos]... From
Joho the Blog on January 30, 2006 at 3:48 p.m..
Fact-based ethics for bloggers
Coming up with a "code of ethics" for bloggers makes about as much sense as coming up with a code of ethics for people who say things. The diversity of blogs makes a code of ethics not even a pipe dream but a pipe nightmare. But... We in fact do have some ethical expectations for people who say things. We expect you not to lie (without good cause), to let us know if you know you're unreasonably biased (e.g., "Of course, that company does pay my salary" or "But, I was married to her for six years, so maybe that's... From
Joho the Blog on January 30, 2006 at 2:48 p.m..
Weekend in NYC
Having asked for your help trying to figure out what the four of us should do in NYC this past weekend, here are some highlights of what we ended up doing. Keep in mind our multiple restrictions: two shabbos-keepers, four vegetarians, one crutch-assisted walker, one whiny adult... On Saturday we got up late and went to the Museum of Modern Art's Pixar exhibit. (We'd bought tickets ahead of time online, but there wasn't much of a line.) Somewhat disappointing. The wide-wide-wide screen movie they put together for the exhibit was mesmerizing and makes you wish Pixar gave itself pe From
Joho the Blog on January 30, 2006 at 12:48 p.m..
Being Reasonable
Marc Babej's site, Being Reasonable, is always interesting for his ability to apply logic to the BS-stymied thinking surrounding business, marketing, and communications. I share his radical belief that the best way for a product to communicate its value is through its value. In other words, the best advertisement for a good hammer is a good hammer. He's been a friend of "Get Back in the Box" since before publication, and has just done
another From on January 30, 2006 at 11:45 a.m..
How Journalism, and Writing, is Changing
Jumping off of the CUNY discussion from yesterday comes
this piece in today's Times about how a Swiss magazine decided to cover the recent riots in the Paris suburbs. It's a great comparison of how traditional methods are being replaced by the immediacy of the new tools.
The blog turned their work routine upside down. Typically, they would do their reporting, then write the main pi From
weblogged News on January 30, 2006 at 6:47 a.m..
Blogs de grupos de investigación hispanoamericanos
Estoy recopilando weblogs de grupos académicos de investigación de España y de América Latina: Evaluación de la Ciencia y la Comunicación CientÃfica (Grupo de Investigación EC3, Universidad de Granada) Integrative Ecology Group Weblog (Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC) Recursos Marinos y PesquerÃas @ UDC (Grupo de Recursos Marinos y PesquerÃas, Universidade ... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on January 30, 2006 at 3:52 a.m..
Die Zukunft gehört den Kreativen
Momentan recherchiere ich für meine LEARNTEC-Präsentation gerade den Knowledge Workern hinterher. Dabei bin ich wieder einmal auf die Kreativen gestoßen, diese letzte Ausprägung der Wissensarbeiter, die signalisieren soll, dass im Zeitalter des globalen Wirtschaftens Knowledge allein kein Unterscheidungsmerkmal mehr ist.... From on January 30, 2006 at 2:51 a.m..
Skype Does Video - Richard Baguley, PC World
The big news with this new version of Skype's software is video: Version 2 of Skype's software allows you to make video as well as voice calls over the Internet. Skype isn't the first to offer this capability, though: Programs like Yahoo Messenger and ICQ From
Techno-News Blog on January 29, 2006 at 11:49 p.m..