July 10, 2006


Roger Cohen[Edit][Delete]: Congratulations to Italy, International Herald Tribune [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: Hits]

Congratulations to Italy on their team's win in an exciting and well-played World Cup, and to their opponents France, who would also have been deserving of a championship. We watched the game on a big screen at the market in downtown Moncton. A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon, watching the best football in the world. [Tags: ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Unattributed[Edit][Delete]: Brazilians With Tiny Orange Laptops, L.A. Times [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: 1 Hits] See, this is just false: "Serious learning will always be boring compared to the entertainment bombarding young people 24/7 these days." But explaining why it's false takes a bit more doing. It's not simply that what Mill called the "higher pleasures" appeal to more mature minds. But more mature minds are more free and more able to engage in a topic of enquiry of their own choosing and for its own reward. Not that this article, purporting to cover NECC 2006, manages anything close to insight on this. The author tries to make the point by talking about riots. "Think about that. How many kids today would steal a flat-screen TV before they'd grab a laptop?" Leaving aside the prejudice to which this panders, surely the writer, had he thought about it, could have understood the appeal to looters of a $3000 (or much more!) TV screen to a $500 computer. [Tags: , ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Fraser Speirs[Edit][Delete]: Teaching 2.0, Teaching 2.0 [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: Hits] Heh. "If your project had a predecessor project, and people wear T-Shirts saying 'I survived Project XYZ', naming the predecessor, run a mile." This bit of wisdom comes from Fraser Speirs, who is now blogging at Teaching 2.0. Via Tim Lauer. [Tags: , ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Various authors[Edit][Delete]: Windows Live, Microsoft [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: 1 Hits] Google has been getting a lot of publicity, but Microsoft has been quietly unveiling its own versions of online applications and services. This page links to beta versions of a dozen or so applications, including Expo, an online social marketplace, and Academic, articles from thousands of academic and research journals. My biggest complaint so far? Microsoft has to do something about its Passport logon system (which was down, rendering the entire system inaccessible, when I tried to log on yesterday). [Tags: , , , , , ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia[Edit][Delete]: Beyond Bloom's Taxonomy: Rethinking Knowledge for the Knowledge Age, IKIT [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: Hits] This is an interesting idea. As Doug Belshaw comments, "The problem is that the bureaucrats who run education in many western education systems - the majority of whom have never taught - have an outdated conception of knowledge." He points to Louise Starkey, who observes that this conception "...was based on an underlying assumption that the mind behaves like a filing cabinet. This assumption is being challenged as the implications of learning in the digital age [are] explored further." She cites this paper, a 1998 proposal by Bereiter and Scardamalia that there are seven levels of increasingly sophisticated understandings of knowledge. I question the top level ("knowledge as semi-autonomous artifacts") and even the idea of a directionality in such a list. At the same time, I would be hesitant to dismiss it out of hand, as it certainly helps explain a lot. [Tags: ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Tim Goral[Edit][Delete]: Higher Ed at the Crossroads, University Business [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: Hits] A "perfect storm" of circumstances is converging to create a crisis in the higher education system that has been in the making for years. High and increasing tutition costs, increasing student loan interest rates, issues over accreditation and articulation - all this against a background of high faculty costs, escalating infrastructure costs, and a private sector that is nipping at the heels of an increasingly embattled (and yet strangely unresponsive) public system. Also, see more from the July issue of University Business. [Tags: ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Elia Powers[Edit][Delete]: How to Judge For-Profits, Inside Higher Ed [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: 3 Hits] Interesting. "Many for-profits are pushing for standardization of curriculum across institutions so that it becomes easier to size up comparable programs." One wonders how a Harvard or a Cambridge will adjust its curriculum so it can be compared with, say, Argosy University. Sounds impossible? It is not beyond the pale to imagine the day when the private sector institutions have the clout to push educational standards in the same way they have already pushed things like educational metadata standards. [Tags: , ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Nancy McKeand[Edit][Delete]: Copyright Issues, Random Thoughts [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: Hits] With the assistance of a good media push, the TeachersPayTeachers concept has been spreading across the internet. So I appreciate this response from Nancy McKeand, who has decided to attach a Creative Commons license to her blog and explains that it is "not because I am worried about anyone stealing abything they find here but rather because I want to make a statement. I believe in Creative Commons licensing. I believe in sharing our thoughts and ideas and our words." Via Jo McLeay. [Tags: ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Wesley Fryer[Edit][Delete]: Intel Supports the WRONG vision of 1:1 in Schools, Moving at the Speed of Creativity [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: Hits] I have to agree with the headline. And I would add that Intel has crossed the line between pandering to fears and giving the customers what they want. The ClassMates PC is apparently an answer to the $100 computer project. But, "Teachers will be able to conduct lessons on laptops while students follow on the Classmates. If students try to surf the Web while class is in session, the computer will block them and warn them politely to pay attention." This is exactly the wrong way to use computers in the classroom. And Intel should know this. [Tags: , ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

Miguel Guhlin[Edit][Delete]: Feature - Download a la Mode Series, Around the Corner [Edit][Delete] July 10, 2006
[link: 5 Hits] It's hard to go wrong with resource, a list of basic educational technology how-to articles varying from how to install an FTP server to how ease concerns abput data theft or loss. Both text-based articles and audio recordings are available. This page is now also available as an ISO, which means it can be burned onto a CD and distributed as a local resource. [Tags: ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]

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Stephen Downes

Copyright � 2006 Stephen Downes
National Research Council Canada

Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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I want and visualize and aspire toward a system of society and learning where each person is able to rise to his or her fullest potential without social or financial encumberance, where they may express themselves fully and without reservation through art, writing, athletics, invention, or even through their avocations or lifestyle.

Where they are able to form networks of meaningful and rewarding relationships with their peers, with people who share the same interests or hobbies, the same political or religious affiliations - or different interests or affiliations, as the case may be.

This to me is a society where knowledge and learning are public goods, freely created and shared, not hoarded or withheld in order to extract wealth or influence.

This is what I aspire toward, this is what I work toward. - Stephen Downes


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