ASTD TechKnowledge
Harold Jarche, Judy Brown, and I — the entire Unworkshop faculty — will be attending ASTD TechKnowledge in Las Vegas January 30 - February 2. Next week we’ll have a special announcement about what we’ll be doing at the show. I just reserved my room at the Riviera. The ASTD Special rate is $89/night. My usual [...] From
Internet Time Blog on December 8, 2006 at 6:45 p.m..
Josie Fraser - Edublog Award Nominations
The EduBlog Award nominations hve been posted. Not surprisingly, the Techlearn-K12 crowd dominate the categories with numerous nominations. Canada has been effectively shut out of the nominations this year despite a dominating presence in previous years. The
demographics have shifted, I guess. You have one week to vote for your favorites. [
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OLDaily on December 8, 2006 at 5:45 p.m..
Various authors - Defending the Collegiate Press - Harvard Crimson
As a former student newspaper editor, one twice elected by the newspaper staff, I am certain to echo the opinion expressed by the editors of 20 student newspapers across the United States protesting the refusal of the administration at the University of Southern California to accept the election of Zach Fox to the post of editor in chief of the Daily Trojan. "A meddling administration undermines the educational value of student journalism. Interventions like this assault the core values of student newspapersx"objectivity and comprehensive coverage. They compromise journalistic integrity and ta From
OLDaily on December 8, 2006 at 5:45 p.m..
Craig Graham - iLearnium
Oddly named new portal for online learning. Craig Graham writes, "The site features blog aggregation, product ratings and reviews, a discussion forum , and a social networking component - targeted to e-learning professionals." While I applaud the effort, I have to ask whether we need another e-learning portal. Which, of course, raises the question, what do we need? [
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Online Learning,
OLDaily on December 8, 2006 at 5:45 p.m..
Michael Arrington - Swivel Aims To Become The Internet Archive For Data - Techcrunch
"Academic types are going to go nuts over this," writes the author. Here's why: "We use farms of powerful computers and algorithms at the Swivel data centers to transform a lonely grid of numbers and letters into hundreds - sometimes thousands - of graphs that can be explored and compared with any other public data in Swivel." This could open some very interesting possibilities - but we have to keep in mind, people aren't lining up to view data sets the way they're lining up to view videos. [
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OLDaily on December 8, 2006 at 5:45 p.m..
Tom Haskins - How Changes Come About - growing changing learning creating
Nice list (and for every one of them I could imagine the outline of a plot for a Star Trek episode). Though I suppose Tom Haskins's examples are better. I wonder whether he deliberately created the double meaning in his title - to 'come about' as in 'to occur', and to 'come about' as in sailing, meaning to change directions when tacking against the wind. [
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Comment] From
OLDaily on December 8, 2006 at 5:45 p.m..
Kathy Sierra - The Asymptotic Twitter Curve - Creating Passionate Users
I liked this article, but I liked it better near the beginning when I thought Kathy Sierra was making a different point. She begins by looking at Twitter - "A global community of friends and strangers answering one simple question: What are you doing?" - and draws the 'Twitter Curve', mapping the adoption of various technologies with the frequency of interruption. So far so good, but this then wanders into a hackneyed discussion of how interruptions make it hard to get into the flow of things, which we've read a million times before. Where I thought she might go, and wher From
OLDaily on December 8, 2006 at 5:45 p.m..
Rants: Life Well-Lived and Lost
Readers respond to the tragic death of CNET editor James Kim and reflect on the Luddite's Renaissance man. Plus: Links to our most commented-upon blogs. From
Wired News on December 7, 2006 at 11:45 p.m..
Clues to NSA Spy Strategies
Speculation swirls about the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance of Americans' communications. In 27B Stroke 6. From
Wired News on December 7, 2006 at 11:45 p.m..
BitTorrent Acquires µTorrent
A wealth of users and "exceptionally well-written codebase" drive Bram Cohen's company to purchase the lightweight torrent client. Could BitTorrent-powered movie downloads be headed for a mobile device near you? In Monkey Bites. From
Wired News on December 7, 2006 at 11:45 p.m..
Sex Offender E-Mail List Proposed
A bipartisan bill would force sex offenders to provide their e-mail addresses to a national database so MySpace and similar sites could more easily ban them. But the proposal would apply to minor deviants, while exempting some serious offenders. In 27B Stroke 6. From
Wired News on December 7, 2006 at 11:45 p.m..
Firefly Reborn as Online Universe
The canceled sci-fi series enjoys a fan base as dedicated as the show's run was short. Now Firefly fanatics will be able to live in a massively multiplayer online universe carved from Joss Whedon's vision. A Wired News exclusive by Mark Wallace. From
Wired News on December 7, 2006 at 11:45 p.m..