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by Stephen Downes
April 23, 2007


Photos from Colombia, including this from Villa de Leyva, a small town about four hours north of Bogota. Stephen Downes, Picasa April 23, 2007 [Link] [Tags: ] [Comment]

Naming Does Not Necessitate Existence
Response to Learning is Scaffolded Construction, an ITForum paper posted by Mark H. Bickhard. Includes n extended response to Bickhard's reply. The length of this item quite explains why this newsletter is a bit brief. Stephen Downes, Half an Hour April 23, 2007 [Link] [Tags: ] [Comment]

Educational Change? What the Research Says
When introducing technological change to teachers, according to this post, we should keep in mind that "competence/credibility (is) defined by the degree to which a communication source or channel is perceived as knowledgeable and expert" and "defined by the degree to which a communication source or channel is perceived as trustworthy… not likely suspect… of having selfish motives or manipulative intentions." Pete Reilly, Ed Tech Journeys April 23, 2007 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]

You Do Not Enumerate the Freedoms You Want
A slightly different take on the 'code of conduct' debate: "Am I being overly simplistic to equate this to the contrast between a 'planned' society - where everything is banned unless specifically permitted in an enumerated list of freedoms - and an 'evolving' society - where everything is permitted unless specifically banned? ... How do I know what freedoms I want until I've experimented? How can I even explain them until I've experienced them? Should the progress of tomorrow really be shackled by registering as law the prejudices and errors of today?" Dan Lockton, Architectures of Control April 23, 2007 [Link] [Tags: ] [Comment]

Cross Now Claims to Have Invented Personal Knowledge Managment
I'm not sure there's a side to take here. I have been reading both Cross and Pollard for a long time and am the 'other participant' in the conversation where he is said to have made the claim. Certainly Pollard has done a lot of work in personal knowledge management. But Cross doesn't appear to have made any laim to have invented. And in any case, the PLE is not the same as personal knowledge management. But the reason I am linking here is not the controversy, it's that this is an article with links to numerous resource on the subject(s). Bill Brantley, Design of Knowledge April 23, 2007 [Link] [Tags: , ] [Comment]


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Copyright 2007 Stephen Downes

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