by Stephen Downes
April 1, 2009
Personal Professional Development
Presentation by Stephen Downes, LearnX, Sydney, Australia, [Link]
Sydney, Australia
Still in Sydney, still adding photos to the set.
Stephen Downes,
April 1, 2009 [Link] [Tags: Flickr, Australia]
Contra NC - Mostly
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a long, detailed and well thought-out response to my position on open licensing, and this is what David Wiley offers in this post. He writes, "The proliferation of licenses with copyleft clauses would be a complete disaster for the open content and open education. Imagine a world in which their were 10 popular copyleft licenses for open content, and that adoption of the licenses was even distributed."
David Wiley,
iterating toward openness,
April 1, 2009 [Link] [Tags: Open Content]
Blackboard'S Market Share Erosion
Michael Feldstein's account of Blackboard's market share is consistent with other reports I've seen over the last few years: they are losing the smaller markets, but focusing and hanging on to the large enterprises, so they can overall. Though, I would say, the fewer clients Blackboard has, even (and perhaps especially) if they're larger clients, the more vulnerable they become to competition.
Michael Feldstein,
April 1, 2009 [Link] [Tags: Blackboard Inc.]
Generate Your Own Tree Clouds!
You totally want to have a look through this slide presentation on the creation and use of visualizations of your learning and other materials. In particular, "Philippe Gambette has made available Python software to generate tree clouds. Together with Jean Veronis, he also gave a presentation on the topic recently." See also George Siemens, visualizing search results.
Daniel Lemire,
April 1, 2009 [Link] [Tags: Visualization]
LMS and Social Learning : eLearning Technology
This sounds about right: "Do they really think I'm going to create a ‘friends' list in the LMS? Seriously?"
Tony Karrer,
eLearning Technology,
April 1, 2009 [Link] [Tags: Online Learning]
Rule 3: Every Brain Is Wired Differently
The title pretty much sums it up. And it leaves me wondering how people could think that some single general principle of learning could apply. Shepher's other rules: number 2, "the brain evolved too," and number 1, "exercise boosts brain power."
Clive Shepherd,
Clive on Learning,
April 1, 2009 [Link] [Tags: none]
Communities, PLEs, Small Groups, & Power
I have in the past said that what distinguishes most of the learning I offer with what you find in corporate or academic learning is that you can gt up and walk out of mine with no repercussions. Ownership over process is key to learning. As Gina Minks says, "I think that this idea - power residing in the mechanisms that connect or disconnect networks - is really key to designing communities and educational events. We have to figure out how to empower members and learners to create a dedicated connection to the community we have built."
Gina Minks,
Adventures in Corporate Education,
April 1, 2009 [Link] [Tags: Online Learning, Networks, Academia]
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