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by Stephen Downes
November 11, 2009

LaaN vs. Activity Theory

I'm working on my 'Speaking in LOLCats' presentation for tomorrow - I have way too much to say (it ought to be a book) and it's hard to organize. But this bit is a nice little coda to one section, where I want to talk about theories of change, movement and dynamism. Learning-as-a-Network (LaaN) explicitly recognizes the dynamic aspect (CCK09 students should think of how we tell them to surf through the content like a wave, instead of trying to consume it). So this image, and this discussion, is a nice addition. Mohamed Amine Chatti, Technology Enhanced Learning, November 11, 2009 [Link] [Tags: none] [Comment]

Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning
Like most anyone else, I believe in evidence. It does not follow, however, that I believe any statement that is supported by evidence. What he evidence shows very much depends on what you ask, and you have to ask the right questions if you want evidence to work for you. Consider: "Which gets better learning: Base text and graphic, or Interesting anecdotes added to base lesson." The "answer" here is the simple version, because "The interest factor did not serve learning. Distracting." How can this be? If you are asking about learning as remembering, then sure, anything not being remembered is a distraction. But if you are asking about learning as knowing, then interest and context are equally important.
Cammy Bean, Learning Visions, November 11, 2009 [Link] [Tags: ] [Comment]

Linked, open, semantic?
It's a simple point, but worth reiterating: "It seems to me that the following are true:
1. data can be open, while not being linked
2. data can be linked, while not being open
3. data which is both open and linked is increasingly viable
4. the Semantic Web can only function with data which is both open and linked."
This is why, when I talk about educational technology, I talk about both the openness of learning content, as well as the semantics (the linking) of it." Paul Walk, Weblog, November 11, 2009 [Link] [Tags: , , ] [Comment]

Beyond Social Media
The problem Doc Searles has with social media is the same problem I hav with it. "Here's my other problem with 'social media' as it shows up in too many of the 103 million results it currently brings up on Google: as a concept (if not as a practice) it subordinates the personal." All the attention - and all the investment - is focused on the social. But the future of the web is the personal. Doc Searles, Weblog, November 11, 2009 [Link] [Tags: ] [Comment]

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