OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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November 12, 2010

Jon, Posthegemony , November 12, 2010.

From Jon at Posthegemony: "Kaplan: Where techno-utopianism meets neoliberal for-profit education. See how seamlessly they fit together..."

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It's Not Really Sharing When the Default Is Not
Alan Levine, CogDogBlog, November 12, 2010.

For me, as most people know, the default is to allow sharing (not reselling - that's a different thing altogether - but sharing) So I am sympathetic with Alan Levine's point here. Though I would hardy single out SlideShare - there are far worse culprits. Meanwhile, after this post, I think I should give Levine a pink pony and urge him to calm down. It's OK if an occasional Bryan Alexander slideshow is marked 'all rights reserved' by accident. These days, when someone asks me what my license is, I say "I don't care." Because, honestly, life is too short to spend worrying about copyright and licenses. Getting all heated up about these things benefits only the lawyers.

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Putting an object-orientation to work in the new humanities
Alex Reid, Digital Digs, November 12, 2010.

Alex Reid describes the "object-oriented" approach to the humanities "in really basic terms. Change the objects in the room. Change what you are studying, the activities the students engage in, the social network the curriculum establishes, and the products the students produce. Forget the old goals or objectives. Discover what is achieved, what in fact does happen in the classroom under these new conditions. Rather than operating from some grand narrative about ideology or humanism to explain what is happening and/or what should happen, pursue, in ANT-like fashion, the real associations."

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Wired's Boobs Cover
Matthew Creamer , Advertising Age, November 12, 2010.

It's disappointing, but the cover symbolizes just how far the magazine and editor Chris Anderson have drifted from what they could have been. Anderson says there's ""not enough high-profile women in the tech industry who are recognizable to sell a cover." Which of course isn't true. And is all the more so not true considering that what makes people high profile is being put on the covers of magazines. Not the other way around. That's why Wired can sell Will Farrell covers, but not Gates or Zuckerberg. I won't be buying Wired magazine any more. Not because of the cover, but because Anderson has basically admitted he doesn't know how to make a living any other way in the new economy besides putting boobs on magazine covers.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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