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February 17, 2012

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Personalized Learning and School TechTools - Do they mix?
miguel Guhlin, Around the Corner, February 17, 2012.

Miguel Guhlin writes, "Isn't it amazing that self-directed learning is one of the key ways folks learn more in this report? Isn't self-directed learning (what) some may characterize as personalized learning? Could choosing the right technology tool to implement in your school district help students be more self-directed learners?"

No doubt, but let me take this opportunity once again to sistinguish between personal learning and personalized learning:
- 'personal learning' is when yopu create your own learning - self-directed learning is the typical instantiation of personal learning
- 'personalized learning' is when someone else creates some standard learning, and then tailors it ('personalizes' it) for you.

Companies can sell you 'personalized' learning, but only you can produce personal learning. Schools, as well, allow very little 'personal learning' (though they might make some time for personalized learning). That makes all the difference in the world!

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Schools, Personalization]

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Backup your data!
MK Stewart, UC Davis, February 17, 2012.

It's Friday, February 17th. Isn't it time you backed up your data? Do it now!

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So long and thanks for all the global beats Village 900
Clint Lalonde, ClintLalonde.net, February 17, 2012.

I almost became a radio person - I did some work for Carleton's CKCU and Calgary's CJSR but never stayed with it. I became a newspaper person instead (which is why you're reading this here newsletter). But I can certainly understand (indeed I embrace that understanding) of the importance of participating in college radio. So I too am sad at the passing of a legend, as Village 900 radio at Camosun College is going off the air on March 4th. Clint Lalonde writes, "By virtue of being a “campus” radio station, I had the opportunity to see both radio and the media in a whole different way than when I worked at a commercial radio station. In fact, it validated for me that community radio is what radio is supposed to be, and that commercial radio (and, by extension television as well) is, for the most part, a tragic waste of a publicly owned bandwidth."

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Video, Bandwidth, Newsletters]

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This Week in Ontario Edublogs
Doug Peterson, Off the Record, February 17, 2012.

Future civilizations will look back on ours and note with some perplexity the way so much of society and culture is expressed in commercial terms (the rest is expressed in militaristic terms, but that's another post). Take, for example, phrases like "x is the currency of y" - as in "reputation is the currency of social media" - and ponder seriously how something intangible like reputation can be through of in the same terms as a medium of exchange with which to buy bread. It's not just the blatant use of terms like "social capital", "human capital", etc., that represent people as the object of commercial exchange, it's the representation in general of anything that is a moral good as having "a value" - 'values' (commerce) and 'values' (morality) are thought of and expressed in the same way, in the same sentence! Most of the world is not the domain of commerce and enterprise, but you'd never know it reading a newspaper or even an education blog! The bankers and bean-counters are so persistently in charge that we cannot even think outside their language.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Web Logs]

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Interview with Dr. Stuart Johnstone
Susan Smith Nash, E-Learning Queen, February 17, 2012.

"Using brainwave-powered feedback is easier than ever thanks to affordable sensors and headsets, plus free apps that work on virtually any system, from smartphones to tablets to laptops," writes Susan Smith Nash. "This is a breakthrough for elearners wanting to make sure that they can effectively maintain attention and focus while maintaining a calm, relaxed state that is ideal for learning, especially for elearning, where distractions can be problematic." I agree, and I think direct brain-to-device interfaces are the next wave of input devices. This post is an interview with Stuart Johnstone, who is a research psychologist at the University of Wollongong (Australia). I do research into neurocognitive training for improving learning outcomes."

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Portable Computers, Research, Australia, Online Learning]

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Open Textbook Authoring Tools Part 3 – Book Sprints
Scott Leslie, EdTechPost, February 17, 2012.

Scott Leslie has wrapped up his series of OER / ebook authoring tools with two posts, part three on an authoring technique called 'book sprints', and part four on 'the rest'. Note at the bottom of part four the suggestion to look also at Book Type. "A book sprint 'brings together a group to produce a book in 3-5 days. There is no pre-production and the group is guided by a facilitator from zero to published book. The books produced are high quality content and are made available immediately at the end of the sprint via print-on-demand services and e-book formats.'" My first reaction is that I would find a book sprint to be an agonizing experience (mostly because my take on just about everything is very much at odds with most people's) but that could just be my inborn anti-sociality speaking.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Open Educational Resources, Books, Quality, Experience]

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The diplomacy of knowledge
david johnston , Globe and Mail, February 17, 2012.

Former University fo Watreloo president and current Canadian Governor General authored a piece in the Globe and Mail today on knowledge and diplomacy, "defined as our ability and willingness to work together and share our learning across disciplines and borders." Why are knowledge - and knowledge-sharing - so important?
- knowledge, rather than military might, is increasingly the path to prosperity
- it opens relationships and fosters harmony between peoples
- it is increasingly important to base decisions on scientific evidence to navigate change
- ideas are improved when shared and tested through action
- we must promote the practices that have served us well, including the scientific method
I think that the Governor General is right, and that we should more than ever value and share knowledge. This, though, shines a light on the dangers of turning our backs on knowledge and knowledge-sharing.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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