OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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October 10, 2012

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Potsdam, Germany
Stephen Downes, Flickr, October 10, 2012.

An all-HDR set - trying to improve my photography

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Sakai OAE: a bazaar in the cathedral?
Guilia Forsythe, G-LOG, October 10, 2012.

Can't disagree with this. Giulia Forsythe writes, "After reading some really thoughtful posts by Ken Romeo, Phil Hill and Michael Feldstein, I can’t help but wonder if the Sakai Foundationhas taken too much of its process from the Cathedral style of development and not enough from the Bazaar? As the first commenter, Bruce states: Organization and labor. No real developer community; only paid developers. That’s not sustainable."

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50 months to save the world – interactive
David Anderson, E-learning Examples, October 10, 2012.

Interesting interactive on global warming. "The world has 50 months to go before the dice become loaded against us in terms of keeping under a 2C temperature rise. We asked Guardian readers and public figures what they would do to lead us out of this climate predicament. From mass protest to pensions to personal carbon targets, here are their suggestions." But as I comment (awaiting moderation) "Actually there may well be considerably less than 50 months available, and so planning to use all 50 months – or to even talk about them as though we can do nothing for that time – is taking the riskier route."

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Could a MOOCl Contribute to the Education of the World’s Poorest Children?
John Connell, Weblog, October 10, 2012.

John Connell writes, "The last thing this global emer­gency needs is any kind of quick fix. But I do believe that there is a poten­tially pow­er­ful appli­ca­tion of dig­i­tal and net­work­ing tech­nolo­gies that could play a sig­nif­i­cant role, along­side all the other big invest­ments needed, in con­tribut­ing to a much bet­ter qual­ity edu­ca­tion for many mil­lions of the poor­est chil­dren in the poor­est coun­tries around the world."

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The Flip: End of a Love Affair
Shelly Wright, Powerful Learning Practice, October 9, 2012.

Interesting article documenting the reasons why one teacher drifted away from 'the flip' in her classroom. A 'flipped classroom', recall, is one where videos are assigned for viewing as homework, while class time is used for discussions and project work. It's a good idea - except that the videos are redundant. Shelly Wright writes, "As this new way of learning played out over time, my students found they didn’t need me to locate or create videos for them. Instead, they learned how to learn, and they were able to find their own resources. For me, this was a much more important skill than following my directions or using the resources I told them to use."

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Being Regular is Good
Dean Shareski, Ideas and Thoughts, October 4, 2012.

There's always good fibre in Dean Shareski's posts, and this one is no exception. "Being regular," he writes, "is about trying to be consistent and persistent in sharing ideas and content." Quite so. The one really major thing that has been central to my professional development over the years has been the regular reading and writing of these posts. He also says, "I think I need to podcast more often. Remind me to do that. Someone who's been doing a great job lately is my buddy Darren. Check out some of his short, but awesome video blogs." Maybe I should do more. I probably have enough ideas for a whole slew of three-minute videos. Related: Graham Wegner ponders whether Twitter "is a low hanging fruit for online thinking and learning."

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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