OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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November 23, 2012

Open Discussion on the LMS and the MOOC
Stephen Downes, November 23, 2012, MoodleMoodUY, Montevideo, Uruguay

Discussion of the keynote on the topic of the LMS and the MOOC model. Some interesting topics covered, including the question of curriculum, assessment, and the nature of critical literacy.

[Link] [Audio]

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Temoa Resource Provider Directory
Various Authors, Website, November 23, 2012.

Email sent to the UNESCO OER mapping list: "In the last five years we have been evaluating more than 1,194 OER initiatives (webpages and repositories) including OpenCourseWare, OLI, OYC, NPTEL. You can take a look at: www.temoa.info/providers We have a process and an evaluation criteria for OER Providers (www.temoa.info/en/oer-criteria) and we also have defined a group of descriptors (metadata) to categorize each OER Initiative." I am thinking UNESCO's first move in the mapping initiatuve should have been to map mapping initiatuves, not OER providers directly.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Open Educational Resources, UNESCO, OpenCourseWare, Learning Object Repositories, Metadata, Ontologies]

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Open Tapestry
Various Authors, Website, November 23, 2012.

Email from Edward Cherlin sent to the UNESCO list on OER mapping: "You should take a look at the OER database at http://www.opentapestry.com/ Open Tapestry 110,000 listings. Replaces OER Recommender." It's interesting, though I do not like the 'clippings' method of presentation - it's slow and wastes screen space. (Again, note the list archives are open only to list subscribers - I think they should be open to all, so contents are searchable and discoverable on the open web).

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Open Educational Resources, UNESCO]

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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