OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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November 27, 2012

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How to make #openbadges work for you and your organisation
Doug Belshaw, Open Educational Thinkering, November 27, 2012.

Some useful how-to guidance from Doug Belshaw on the use of badges. And some important caveats. "I’ve had people tell me that badges 'will inevitably lead to X,' that 'you can’t do Y with badges,' and that 'Mozilla need to make sure that Z'. The great thing about the Open Badges Infrastructure (OBI) is that it’s a platform for third parties – including you – to innovate and think differently about their organisation is set up to do." The article is useful, but I confess, I'm still puzzled. Belshaw has badges from here, for example - but you can't just work on a badge, you do other stuff and them, what, badges magically appear? All of that said - I will use badges in the future - they will be a part of my next MOOC (already well into the planning stages in my own mind). Because it's important to me to be able to show that we can do better than to charge students hundreds of dollars for worthwhile credentials.

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eLearn Hub
Rebecca OGrady-Marshall, eLearn Hub, November 27, 2012.

New site devoted to e-learning by Rebecca OGrady-Marshall. At this point it looks mostly like an aggregator site. She writes, in Facebook, "it's aimed at providing simple solutions & support to people wanting to put together online learning. Its a new site and I'm slowly building up the content and as this happens the site will develop further."

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OER Africa
Various Authors, Website, November 27, 2012.

Continuing with the recent theme related to open educational resources (OERs), this site is specific to Africal OERs. "OER Africa provides you access to information you will need to learn about and benefit from Open Educational Resources (OER). If you are just discovering OER, we provide an excellent starting point for finding OER, learning about the benefits of sharing. We currently focus on the supporting and developing OER in these thematic areas: agriculture, health education, foundation courses and teacher education."

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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