OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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May 7, 2013

Massive Open Online Support for Education (MOOSE)
Stephen Downes, May 6, 2013, University College of the North, Thompson, Manitoba via Google Hangout

Discussion of the concept of Massive Open Online Courses as they evolved from the development of open online learning and evolved into a means of offering social and immersive learning online. The context was a discussion of officials from the University College of the North in manitoba, which is mandated to provide learning to numerous communities scattered across a large northern environment.

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HTTP signatures
Ben Werdmuller, May 7, 2013

Post describing an internet draft specification to sign HTTP requests with encrypted signatures. I've long been in favour of such an idea, provided that we get to choose our own signatures (ie., we can have 'work identity', 'home identity', 'browsing drunk identity', etc.). "Several web service providers have invented their own schemes for signing HTTP requests, but to date, none have been placed in the public domain as a standard. This document serves that purpose."

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I still love Kierkegaard
Julian Baggini, Aeon, May 7, 2013


"Perhaps Kierkegaard’s most provocative message is that both work on the self and on understanding the world requires your whole being and cannot be just a compartmentalised, academic pursuit. His life and work both have a deep ethical seriousness, as well as plenty of playful, ironic elements. This has been lost today." Happy 200th birthday Soren Kierkegaard.

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The pedagogical foundations of massive open online courses
David George Glance, Martin Forsey, Myles Riley, First Monday, May 7, 2013

This article focuses exclusively on xMOOCs - it's interesting to me to see how the research method effectively steered the author completely away from cMOOCs. It was, essentially: using keywords  when searching as follows: 'online learning', 'retrieval learning', 'mastery learning', 'peer assessment', 'short video AND lectures', 'short videos AND education' and 'online forums AND learning' - yes, that will pretty effective eliminate any discussion of cMOOCs; this is what you call presupposing your research outcome in your search methodology. The authors note more than once how off it is that the MOOCs they were studying resembled traditional online courses.

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The Learner’s Narrative Project (Brainstorm)
Shawn White, explorations, May 7, 2013


Shawn White blogs infrequently (none of his posts is dated, which bothers my sense of order) but a recent post on a learner's narrative project he is contemplating caught my eye. "I would like to have students recount the narrative of their educational experience," he writes, "focusing on who they have been and currently are as a learner, and even as a person, an educational autobiography of sorts... The idea of narrative therapy is to, through essentially a self-fulfilling prophecy-type manner, begin to redefine the narrative in better terms, focusing on strengths, on successes, on the times when things did 'work', on the times that felt right." Tghis would be a useful preoject; my hope is that this post will encourage him to carry out this plan.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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