OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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August 6, 2013

Students are cool with MOOCs, so why aren’t profs?
Konrad Yakabuski, Globe, Mail, August 5, 2013

Best line of the article? "The MOOC (a term apparently coined by Canadian academics)..." This from "Canada's national newspaper," which didn't even bother to check.

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The Quality of Life
Venkatesh Rao, ribbonfarm, August 2, 2013


Interesting if offputting (there's this 'in your face' style of writing people south of the border seem to like) essay that looks at (and struggles with) the question of autonomy. "An objective, defensible notion of quality of life must exhibit, at the philosophical level, a certain context-independent universality  that reflects the shared human condition embedded within technological realities. At the same time, at the subjective level, it must start with a freedom to define quality-of-life in more tangible, non-philosophical terms, for oneself." My own model of autonomy is here.

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