OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
March 10, 2014

The MOOC of One
Stephen Downes, March 10, 2014, INTED 2014, Valencia

In this talk I examine the transition from the idea of the massive open online course - MOOC - to the idea of the personal learning environment. In the process of this discussion I question what it is to become 'one' - whether it be one course graduate, one citizen of the community, or one educated person. I argue that (say) 'being a doctor' isn't about having remembered the right content, not about having done the right things, not even about having the right feelings, nor about having the right mental representations - being one is about growing and developing a certain way.

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Invasion of the MOOCs: The Promises and Perils of Massive Open Online Courses
Steven D. Krause, Charles Lowe, Parlor Press, March 10, 2014

Poor bandwidth means a leaan newsletter, but here's a book on MOOCs that you migth want to read. (I'm in Valencia where I gave a talk today.) "Unlike accounts in the mainstream media and educational press, Invasion of the MOOCs is not written from the perspective of removed administrators, would-be education entrepreneurs/venture capitalists, or political pundits. Rather, this collection of essays comes from faculty who developed and taught MOOCs in 2012 and 2013, students who participated in those MOOCs, and academics and observers who have first hand experience with MOOCs and higher education."

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Getty Images allows free embed of 35 million photographs
Timothy Vollmer, Creative Commons, March 8, 2014

It's not quite the same as licensing the content for reuse, of course, since the user has to be online to view embedded photos, and the photos are send froma Getty server, which means that websites can ensure speed of delivery, and that the Getty server logs all transactions. But hey, since so many people make use of online images in this way in any case (yours truly included) it's a welsome development, and dare I say, the de facto standard operating procedure for the use of web media (indeed, Getty may be getting ahead of the curve by allowing this use, which implies that it could refuse permission, rather than simply accepting the default premise that anyone can embed web imagery.


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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.