OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
March 14, 2014

My Take on the Proposed 5th R of Openness
Darren Draper, Drape's Takes, March 13, 2014

Darren Draper offers a reasonable take on what out to be a fifth 'R' of openness: 'Retain'. Maybe this is what's needed - or maybe what's needed is actual ownership of the digital things we access and use. But, he argues, "Why muddy the waters of openness with ownership, if ownership isn’t really what’s needed most?"

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The Red Herring of Big Data
Brian Croxall, March 13, 2014

I can summarize the centrakl argument about big data offered in this essay very easily:

  • Data need interpretation
  • Data don’t have to be big.
  • Data aren’t always the answer

But this doesn't really do it justice. It's not simply that data need interpretation, it is rather that sometimes the data suggest an interpretation, sometimes we bring our own interpretation to the party, and sometimes there just isn't an interpretaion to be had. But that said, "computer-assisted pattern recognition and interpretation is possible on many different levels." In particular, Brian Croxall consider two approaches: maps and graphs.

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Does teaching presence matter in a MOOC?
Terry Anderson, Virtual Canuck, March 13, 2014

Terry Anderson reports on a studty of a Coursera MOOC showing "that teacher presence had no significant relation to course completion, most badges awarded, intent to register in subsequent MOOCs or course satisfaction." This may concern teachers, but one of the aims of the MOOCs we've designed is to support presence with student-student interaction. And as Anderson says, "I argue that if one of the three forms of student interaction (student-student, student-teacher, student content) is at a high level, the other two can be reduced or even eliminated."

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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