OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
Aug 05, 2014

Further thoughts and discussion about rhizomatic learning
Jenny Mackness, Jenny Connected, Aug 01, 2014

Audio and video recording of a presentation given by Jenny Mackness and Frances Bell at the ALTMOOCSIG conference last month.In  preparation for the talk, "a series of blog posts prior to the conference. Here is the post with information and links about this.  And here is a link to the complete Prezi that we prepared for the presentation." While the content is interesting in itself, other speakers at conferences should take this as an object lesson in how to provide good resources for your session.

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Canadian University Social Software Guidelines and Academic Freedom: An Alarming Labour Trend
Taryn Lough;Toni Samek, International Review of Information Ethics, Jul 31, 2014

Most universities have adopted guidelines for the use of social media, but their reach and impact has not been benign, according to the authors. "The guidelines attempt to blur what is appropriate in what space, revealing a repressive impulse on the part of university administrations. These guidelines are read as obvious attempts to control rather than merely guide, and speak to the nature of institutional over-reach."

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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