OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
Jan 12, 2016

Thinking Together: A Duoethnographic Inquiry Into the Implementation of a Field Experience Curriculum
Jackie Seidel, Laurie Hill, in education, 2016/01/12


As an empiricist, I am both fascinated and challenged by the papers in in education. They do not, to say the least, follow the typical pseudo-scientific methodology of sample group, interventions and analysis employed by putative research journals in our field. This is good. At the same time, they go so far out there it's hard to bring them back to some sort of ground or centre. This paper is one that comes the closest to where I sit (it reminds me of the methodology I applied in Connective Knowledge, in the sense that it "uncovers and reinscribes the complexity and emotionality as well as the time-consuming, life-altering, and deeply challenging personal nature of such pedagogical curriculum work." But we can go further - we can look at ways of seeing Innu poetry in our ways of seeing (it makes me think of the dissertation published as graphic art). Or this account of Bush Cree storytelling methodology, told using Bush Cree storytelling methodology. I like stuff like this, and I think you can't understand learning unless you can understand how to embrace it. But it's hard to evaluate, or to turn around and present in terms of a business model. Which may be the point.

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