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by Stephen Downes
Mar 16, 2016

Visual self-directed informal learning in FutureLearn MOOC
Inge de Waard, Ignatia Webs, 2016/03/16


Inge de Warrd diagrams the results of her stidy of FuutureLearn open online course participants. "The key inhibitors or enablers of self-directed, informal learning are: motivation and learning goals," she writes. "Motivation (in most cases intrinsic motivation) keeps them wanting to learn more, which is not the same as following all the content of the MOOC, simply absorbing that content which is relevant to the learner. And if the learning goal/s are not felt as being benefited by the MOOC, learners stop engaging in the MOOC. The learning goals (which can be professionally or personally driven, or both for those happy with their jobs) are what make learners move above and beyond: they will solve tech problems, they will connect to others, they will overcome lack of confidence, they will organise their learning against the time constraints."

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