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by Stephen Downes
Aug 22, 2016

How to Turn Around a Failing School
Alex Hill, Liz Mellon, Jules Goddard, Ben Laker, Harvard Business Review, 2016/08/22


This was an interesting article. Based on research covering changes made by 160 UK academies put into remdiation a number of years ago, it recommends that several changes undertaken, crucially, in the right order offer the best chance of remediating schools. First, create the right environment at the top by improving governance (the article doesn't say how, exactly). Second, focus on student behaviour (the article recommends excluding misbehaving students). Finally, focus on teaching. It suggests more money will have to be spent in the short term to ensure resources are in place, and that schools teach the full age-range from 5 to 18. What is done with the administrators, teachers and students who don't make the grade is left as an exercise for the reader.

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