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How To Beat Procrastination (backed by science)
Darius Foroux, 2018/02/28


I'm just adding this link here so I remember to get around to reading this article later. Tomnorrow, maybe.

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Exploring the Benefit Mindset
Robert Ward, Edutopia, 2018/02/28


I wouldn't say I buy into the Benefit Mindset as branded here but I learned a lot about managing to benefits while I was a program manager a few years ago and appeciate several aspects of the concept. The core idea is to examine a product or service from the perspective of the benefits it produces (as opposed to its function or output). A benefit can be financial (more revenue, lower costs) but if often non-financial (happiness, security, comfort, speed, style). This article, in my view, interprets the concept very narrowly: "Acceptance and affinity are especially important in the classroom... Feelings of community and collaboration make learning meaningful." These may be among the benefits of a classroom, but other people may be seeking much more tangible benefits.

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]

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