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How Little People Can Be Invisible in the Open
Maha Bali, Reflecting Allowed, 2019/01/25


Maha Bali writes, "powerful people’s voices are louder, get heard, used, perpetuated, even when they’ve been influenced by little people" and raises in particular David Wiley's being credited for use of the term "OER-Enabled pedagogy" without any mention of the larger discussion that led to this new terminology. Wiley agrees "she (and many others) are definitely omitted from the discussion here about how the term came to be" and outlines the rather lengthy discussion that led to the new term. I think Mali's experience is quite common. But when it comes up in my own life (and it does, a lot) I say this: "you can change the world, or get credit for it. Not both." So just remember: the people getting the awards and the accolades are almost always not the people who did the work, they're just the ones getting the credit. This is true in general, not just in the case of open education. It all boils down to how you want to spend your time on this earth: seeking fame, or deserving it. Image: Open Practices Briefing Paper (Beetham et al., 2012).

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