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How Open Source Learning Helps Us All Achieve Industrial Revolution 4.0, SDG by SDG
Cristian T. Duque, LMS Pulse, 2019/06/27


There's a lot of jargon in the title. SDG means 'Sustainable Development Goal', and there are 17 of these defined by the United Nations and articulated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Industry 4.0 is a term coined by the Davos set to describe " a more comprehensive, interlinked, and holistic approach to manufacturing" featuring internet of things, robotics, AI and interconnectivity. The two are often at cross-purposes with each other, but in this article they are linked by means of 'open source learning', here fairly widely defined to include open evidence gathering methods, open sustainability models (including business models), and more. The article proceeds through the list goal by goal showing how open education can have an impact.

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Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA
W3C, 2019/06/27


The "Completely Automated Public Turing Test, to Tell Computers and Humans Apart" (CAPTCHA) can be found all over the internet. I have a terrible time with it because my eyes just aren't good enough to count school buses on tiny images. As the W3C says in this report, "asking users who are blind, visually impaired or dyslexic to identify textual characters in a distorted graphic is asking them to perform a task they are intrinsically least able to accomplish." The alternative audio isn't any better. As the article notes, “Hotmail’s sound output, which is itself distorted to avoid the same programmatic abuse, was unintelligible to all four test subjects, all of whom had good hearing.” That's my experience as well. The article goes on to review a variety of approaches, but ultimately, there's no single best technology.

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