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Cenk Dominic Özbakır, 2019/08/05


This is a lovely product, and with the Firefox extension works seamlessly in my workflow. The idea is, if you want to site something from the web, provide the URL (or click the extension button) and you get automatically-created properly formatted references. Like I said, lovely. Of course, the publishers will immediately try to ruin this for everyone.

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6 Learning Technology Trends That are Shaping the Future of Work
Bevan Rees, Headspring, 2019/08/05


This article made me want to write an article along the lines of "6 tips for writing listicles" or "six dimensions of taxonomies for educators". Anyhow, here are the learning technology trends: humanisation, integration, personalisation, data capitalisation, decentralisation, and cultivation. So we can see that the idea here is to try to present technology in non-technological terms. Aren't these 'technology' trends? I mean, it's the same list we've seen dozens of times - UX, APIs, VR, analytics, blockchain, xAPI. But this time described with less reference to these technologies, and more with an eye to "why" these technologies are useful. Fair enough. But it's still a tech-led list, without (to my eye) a sense of why we need (say) data capitalisation.

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Maren Deepwell in conversation with… Sue Beckingham
Maren Deepwell, Alt-C, 2019/08/05


Maren Deepwell has posted a number of these conversations recently. The questions are pretty light ("Current recommended reading?", "In work travel, you are never without..?") and though we don't get to see a lot of substance, we get... some. For example: "The SMASH (Social media for Academic Studies at Hallam) team formed in in 2016 will be looking to share an open web site of resources and activities they have co-created." And "a weekly conversation on all things learning and teaching... take a look at  https://lthechat.com."

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Earn & Learn Banking: Stackable Credential Career Pathway in Financial Services
Tom Vander Ark, Getting Smart, 2019/08/05


The focus of this article is on "stackable" credentials, and I was drawn to it because of the use of the word "banking" in the title, which suggested a commentary based on Friere's critique of the 'banking model' of pedagogy. Maybe the critique applies, maybe not. But I was then struck by this: " Keyona’s story of career advancement points to the importance of relationship—her family had a thick, multifaceted relationship with a trusted community partner." In this case, the 'trusted' partner was her bank. And then she ends up working in a bank. And it all seems too... cosy. It's an odd image of a future where we are educated by corporations that we then work for.

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ERNIE: Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration
Yu Sun, et.al., arXiv, 2019/08/05


If somebody in tech talks to you about BERT and ERNIE, they're not talking about children's television, they're talking about AI frameworks for language understanding. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) was introduced in a recent paper published by researchers at Google. And ERNIE (Enhanced Representation through kNowledge IntEgration) has just been released by Baidu. What makes them special is that they read languages bidirectionally, giving them greater context awareness.

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