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Codes of conduct for algorithmic news recommendation: The Yandex.News controversy in Russia
Françoise Daucé and Benjamin Loveluck, First Monday, 2021/05/16


Yandex.News is a news aggregator offered by the Russian search engine Yandex, which has a market share in that country of about 45 percent. The question studied in this article is whether the selection of sources and resources to recommend reflects a particular point of view. The researchers found the 2020 selection "exclusively dominated by a small set of only 14 media outlets (news agencies, state-funded media and private publications which are 'loyal' to the government)." This opens the door to a discussion of "new 'codes of conduct' - involving both computer code and legal code - which may be set up in the networked public sphere in contemporary societies." And a similar discussion could be applied to learning content recommendation as "media players and news professionals, along with the new hurdles they face, are gradually developing critical views of the role and functioning of platforms and their algorithms."

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