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RFCDC Volumes - Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
Council of Europe, 2024/06/06


This document was discussed today here in Ireland and seems well worth passing along: "Volume one of the Reference Framework contains the model of competences for democratic culture... Volume two lists the descriptors of the competences for democratic culture... Volume three offers guidance on how the model of competences and the corresponding descriptors may be used in six education contexts."

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The Three As of Building A+ Platforms: Acceleration, Autonomy, and Accountability
Smruti Patel, InfoQ, 2024/06/06


These are lessons I thought I had learned alreayd, but you don't really internalize them until you live them, I think. Anyhow, based on my own experience, the observations offered in tbis article are on point: "A successful platform makes users highly autonomous; being intentional about what it offers, in order to bring velocity and efficiency to your users, making it easy to do what is right and hard what is wrong." Easy to say, hard to do.

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I’ve updated the Inverted Pyramid of Data Journalism — and brought together resources for every stage
Online Journalism Blog, 2024/06/06


Though this article is intended for online data journalists, it is a method and a compilation of resources that is quite useful to online instructors as well. The idea is that the various stages of data-based news article or investigation are presented with some background and resources, leading the reader from the development of an idea through compilation and clearning of the data to setting the context and telling the story, with numerous resources supporting each step.

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The Latest Digital Divide: Systems Thinking vs. Misinformation and Malfeasance
Jessamyn West, Information Today, 2024/06/06


"What is standing between people and their ability to do what they want online?" asks Jessamyn West. "The skills people were given—perhaps how to Google an error message or find an FAQ for an app—are increasingly getting manipulated not just by other people but by large language model-created spammy webpages that sound authoritative but are often nonsense. So, addressing this new digital divide is not just a digital literacy issue—although it is that too—but it also includes systems and network literacy."

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Why Substack launched a support chatbot
Timothy B Lee, Understanding AI, 2024/06/06


I think the way to think about the AI here is as a conversational alternative to search fields or menu items. The AI doesn't actually contain the answers to questions, it refers you to the answers. "A startup called Decagon is helping Substack automate routine support functions... Substack provided Decagon with a library of relevant documents—for example, copies of all the blog posts Substack has written over the years about its technology."

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