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ChatGPT shows hiring bias against people with disabilities
Stefan Milne-U. Washington, Futurity, 2024/06/26


"According to new research," says this article, "ChatGPT shows bias against resumes with credentials that imply a disability." For example, "it noted that a candidate with depression had "additional focus on DEI and personal challenges," which "detract from the core technical and research-oriented aspects of the role." This is a problem, obviously. But in assessing issues of this type, two additional questions need to be asked: first, how does the AI performance compare with human performance? After all, it is very likely the AI is drawing on actual human discrimination when it learns how to assess applications. And second, how much easier is it to correct the AI behaviour as compared to the human behaviour? This article doesn't really consider the comparison with humans. But it does show the AI can be corrected. How about the human counterparts?

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Positive Artifcial Intelligence in Education (P‐AIED): A Roadmap
Ig Ibert Bittencourt, et al., International Journal of Artifcial Intelligence in Education, 2024/06/26


A lot of the discussion has focused on the use of AI to address learning outcomes. This paper, by contrast, looks at "the strengths and the positive aspects of the learning process to promote wellbeing" - in other words, AI-based learning technology that cares. "Despite focusing only on the learning system's inefciencies and on the hegemony of solutions to tackle the learning gap, we also need to shed light on the strengths and the positive aspects of the learning process to promote wellbeing." Drawing on John Self's writing about the defning characteristics of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, the authors outline how "ITSs care not only about what the student knows and misunderstands but also about what the student feels and how such interaction afects them." I'm sure a few readers are sceptical, but I've never felt a single-minded focus on 'learning outcomes' was ever the intended objective of educational technology, or education generally.

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