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The Five Stages Of AI Grief
Benjamin Bratton, NOEMA, 2024/07/23


I completely agree with this point and have even made it in the recent past: "What is today called 'artificial intelligence' should be counted as a Copernican Trauma in the making. It reveals that intelligence, cognition, even mind (definitions of these historical terms are clearly up for debate) are not what they seem to be, not what they feel like, and not unique to the human condition." Except, I didn't call it a "trauma", I called in (as it properly is) a "revolution". Via Bryan Alexander.

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Cory Doctorow, Pluralistic, 2024/07/23


Cory Doctorow sounds the warning about being dependent on platforms. "The platforms have rigged things so that you must have an account with them in order to function, but they also want to have the unilateral right to kick people off their systems. The combination of these demands represents more power than any company should have, and Big Tech has repeatedly demonstrated its unfitness to wield this kind of power." Too true.

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How to use Perplexity in your daily workflow
Michael Spencer, Alex McFarland, AI Supremacy, 2024/07/23


Perplexity is an AI chat application that answers questions for you. What makes it really useful is that it finds and cites its sources. I haven't worked with it yet (I certainly will) so I can't say how well it works, but this article is a really good starting point, offering practical applications and a number of examples.


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