The regular price for 1TB of Google Drive storage is $50/month, so Google offers $1800 of storage for only $1300 and the hardware is "free". Obviously, there's a big difference between monthly payments and an upfront payment, not to mention that you may not need 1TB of storage right now and you can always upgrade later.

Google only offers 100GB of storage for 2 years when you buy any other current-generation Chromebook (Samsung Series 3, Samsung 550, Acer C7, HP Pavilion 14), so you only get $120 worth of storage. Chromebook Pixel users get 10 times more storage and an additional year for using it. And that's not the only "goody": "your Chromebook comes with 12 free [Gogo in-air internet] passes that you can use over 2 years on domestic US flights."
I think it's far past time for Google to just offer unlimited storage PERIOD. I love Google and I'm a true power-user, but the money I spend on storage is RIDICULOUS. Hell, even old-school AOL provides unlimited storage.
ReplyDeleteFor being so progressive and cutting-edge, they sure are stuck in a time warp, circa 2003.
The cost comparison also assumes the $600/TB/year is a constant over the next three years, it better not be or Google is going to be milk-shake-free when it comes to having a successful online storage business.
ReplyDeleteAnd that to do with this so called 1TB? GoogleDrive is awful in term of usability. That meaning in storage where you need to do everything via web or special app? In example Yandex made their storage on WebDav with generic-fs-like access possible.
ReplyDeleteI will agree that the Google Drive cloud service is not my ideal choice for cloud storage, but it's not as bad as you make it sound. Yes it could use some changes in general, but overall it has what I need to get by on a regular basis and the file manager/sync tools for windows are decent as well. That covers my needs, all I ask is that I have direct access and opening/editing capabilities within my storage space, and that it allows me to specify what folders or sets to synchronize between my cloud and computers, that said I can live with Google Drive for a few years for a free terabyte. I'm actually getting ready to activate my free terabyte on drive in a minute, OH Yeah I guess I forgot to mention that I just received my Chromebook Pixel (LTE) today and it truly is a nice piece of technology in several ways. Don't get me wrong, it is very over priced considering some limitations that both the Chrome OS and even hardware have compared to similarly priced ultrabooks. But, I like it and will be able to put it to great use, especially after I dual boot it with another Linux OS (probably Mint or Ubuntu). Also I was able to basically cover the cost of it between 2 new projects/clients I took on simply because I knew I could use that as an excuse to get a Pixel. Also I am teaching a Chromebook class next semester so I even got to throw that into my excuse column. I feel bad for my Sam Series 5-550 because it's already dual booting and I think it's going to be neglected for some time now. Any way I'm satisfied with not only the Google Drive Terabyte of storage but even more so with my Chromebook Pixel (LTE), also that verizon 4G LTE service is seriously quick for mobile data. I guess the only thing I would do differently is just as another person noted in their post.... I prefer Dropbox for my cloud service and they offer UNLIMITED storage space for up to 5 different users and it only costs $800 last I checked. Google does need to keep that in mind and step up their offers. But I'm good, so not worried about it until 3 years down the road.
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