I haven't watched this yet, but Anya Kamenetz's keynote at the Sakai conference is an odd enough mix to be intriguing. Michael Feldstein gives the talk (which starts about 23 minutes into the video) a polite, almost enthusiastic, write-up. "The keynote," he writes, "provides a significantly evolved and refined version of her argument." In order to grow DIY U ("which I'm increasingly inclined to think of as simply a trendier and more provocative name for open education," he writes) we need to pay attention to content, socialization, and accreditation. Or, as George Siemens has said more clearly, we are creating open learning in three phases: open content, open classes, open assessment. Feldstein finishes with what I would consider the starting point of the personal learning environment project: "it's worth asking ourselves how technology can help scaffold learning experiences to foster a sense of autonomy, increasing mastery, and greater purpose."
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