Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Can you blame iPhone for this? Cisco is closing Flip Video camera business

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
Cisco is killing the Flip Camera. In its day (ie., last year) it was the greatest advance even in digital video - a video camera that uploaded to your computer without a complicated video import process. "Flip had 22.5 percent portable video market share in 2010, as measured in units, down from 23.9 percent a year earlier." And the cameras were incredibly cheap compared to their digital video predecessors. It's actually a bit hard to believe Cisco is shutting down the line. "Still, why should Cisco just give up? Why not sell as Baker suggested? Or, better -- take the Flip technology mobile, starting with a Flip video conference solution for smartphones and future stand-alone video cameras." Cisco, I guess, prefers its big government contracts instead of producing quality produces at affordable prices for consumer markets. Kodak, meanwhile, produces a fine videocamera that will make an admirable replacement for my Flip. See also Tom Hoffman, who notes the irony of the whole "run schools like a business" mantra after watching Cisco blow through $590 million with nothing to show for it. "School districts wouldn't compete with charters, they'd buy them and run them into the ground."

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025 03:14 a.m.

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