Jim Shimabukuro reviews six stories "that refuse to die":
- Issue #1: "Can current leaders take higher education into the 21st century? Most indications are no."
- Issue #2: "Are we past Web 2.0 yet? I think we are."
- Issue #3. "Is the F2F vs. online debate over? ...the debate will continue."
- Issue #4. "Is multimedia better than text? ... the choice isn’t always either-or."
- Issue #5. "Is synchronous better than asynchronous? This issue goes hand in hand with #4 above."
- Issue #6. "Is 'net generation' a misnomer for today’s students? ... it’s not a matter of how well they use the technology we’ve selected but what they expect in terms of content and pedagogy."
- Issue #1: "Can current leaders take higher education into the 21st century? Most indications are no."
- Issue #2: "Are we past Web 2.0 yet? I think we are."
- Issue #3. "Is the F2F vs. online debate over? ...the debate will continue."
- Issue #4. "Is multimedia better than text? ... the choice isn’t always either-or."
- Issue #5. "Is synchronous better than asynchronous? This issue goes hand in hand with #4 above."
- Issue #6. "Is 'net generation' a misnomer for today’s students? ... it’s not a matter of how well they use the technology we’ve selected but what they expect in terms of content and pedagogy."
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