Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Discovery learning is the new higher learning

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

Don Tapscott wrote an odd column in the Globe and Mail this week touting discovery learning as "the new higher learning." Maybe he's playing straight man to people like Willingham and Kirschner, who like to attack anything new under the heading (and straw man characterization) of 'discovery learning'. Or maybe he just doesn't have a 21st century vocabulary to describe what he's seeing: "university should be part of a network and an ecosystem, not a tower... universities and professors should contribute to an open platform of world-class educational resources that students everywhere could access throughout their lifetime." I love how he decides to give this a name, as though he's the first person to land on its untouched shores. I'm glad Tapscott is exploring new vistas. But maybe the Globe and Mail should consider hiring someone who spends less time in the boardroom and more time working with schools and teachers and technology - a Doug Peterson, for example. (p.s. the Globe and Mail will be instituting a paywall in a few days, at which point all coverage of Globe and Mail articles in these pages will cease. Sorry. Write them).

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Oct 02, 2024 05:02 a.m.

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