Rosetta Stone has purchased an online language learning community, moving it much more firmly in the direction of distributed social learning. MOOC providers like Coursera should take note, as it points to a community and cloud based future (like cMOOCs) rather than the old-style 'follow the lectures of experts' mode of learning. Indeed, when one thinks of language learning, the whole model of 'learning from the greatest experts in the world' seems very suspect. Rosetta Stone writes, in a press release, "Livemocha will enable us to quickly migrate our legacy products to a future-proof technology stack with a modern, cloud-based architecture and contemporary means of distribution," said Rosetta Stone Chief Product Officer West Stringfellow. "But even more exciting, it gives our customers more choice. Livemocha presents us with a low-cost or even free alternative product to offer learners around the world. It becomes a 'ladder of learning and value' for our customers." Via TechCrunch.
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