How do you promote e-learning?
Grainne Conole,,
May 06, 2015
Grainne Conole has the task "to promote the use of technology for learning, teaching and research" in her new position at Bath. My first reaction was, people still need to be convinced? But, OK, I get that. Then I looked at her suggestions for activites, and to me at least, they seemed to be based mostly on in-person events, or in one case, participation in e-learning sessions. This caused me to reflect on how I would do it, if I were in a similar role. When I was at Assiniboine Community College in 1995 I had a similar task (hence my first reaction, some 20 years later!) and the one thing that had the greatest effect was to send all staff a copy of the budget through their email even before it was covered in the evening news. And I think that's key -- don't tell them how, make them see ehy. If they understand it's important, they'll figure it out (and then you can't help), but if they don't get it, all the how-to sessions in the world won't help.
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