I'm getting tired of reading that we're living in a changing world (or as O'Reilly has it, "volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous"). I think we all know that things are changing. It's nothing Toffler didn't see 40 years ago. I'm far more interested in promoting the changes we want and reshaping the changes we don't. For example, do we really want a caste system, as suggested by Google's Schmidt and Cohen? No? Then what are we going to do about it? I admit that I'm an utter failure as a manifesto writer, but at least I try (a Cyberspace Charter of Rights, The People's Manifesto). I don't expect we'll all come together on a vision for the future. But I think we can commit to working against a dystopia, can't we? Rather than simply embracing it as do the technocrats?
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