Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ IBM Gets Smart with its Own Tags

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
This one is making the rounds in e-learning lists so the record must be set straight. The story is that IBM is creating Microsoft-like smart tags by means of a partnership with a company called Atomica. Not so. First of all, Atomica, originally called GuruNet, predates smart tags by at least two years. This means that Mircosoft was copying Atomica when it created smart tags, not the other way around (as the story implies). Also, Atomica does not insert 'links' into pages. It lets you alt-click any word to obtain a dictionary definition, thesaurus entry, and other resources (you get a list of resources). Very different from smart tags. I have Atomica on my desktop. I love it. No student or instructor should be without it (see Atomica). By Matt Berger, IDG News Service, August 27, 2001.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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