OK, here's one I can't comfirm, not completely, but it appears credible at first glance (judge for yourself): From Leah dawn to the WWWEDU mailing list: "Intel is looking for teachers who are using computers and/or relatedCRLFtechnology in interesting and innovative ways, and who are willing to shareCRLFtheir story as part of the Intel new Innovation Odyssey. Stories can beCRLFcutting edge or practical and everyday from anywhere in the world. StoriesCRLFcan occur during school, after school, or in a non-school setting. TheCRLFsetting can be a kindergarten or a community college, a two-room school, aCRLFhome school or a 4,000-student mega-high school. Everyone submitting aCRLFstory, even if not used, gets a free computer microscope or digital camera." I checked out the web page and they do have a subscription list with the content described, so there seems to be something to this. One thing - OLDaily is never ever going to be able to give away cameras for submissions. Ah, well.
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