Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002: Readiness for the Networked WorldCRLF

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
This report is probably going to be headline news by this time tomorrow (or next week), and unfortunately so because - as some of the more detailed discussion shows - it is a deeply flawed report. Chapter summaries and teasers only are available online (which should show how the authors and publishers deeply do not get the internet), the report is intended more to promote a specific vision of the internet (and internet commerce) than it is to provide an empirical survey. I would advise people to read the report and draw their own conclusions. The online ordering search system at Oxford University Press doesn't have it listed yet - more brilliance from the e-commerce gurus - but you can find it listed for $US 65 here.CRLFAs for the rest of you: well, you don't have enough money to form your own opinions (the new Information Order the Harvard Way). The report is scheduled to be released in March.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025 12:46 a.m.

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