Taming the Consumer's Computer
Jonathan L. Zittrain,
New York Times,
Mar 12, 2002
Editorial from the New York Times warning of the danger of proposed "trusted computers" soon to be prepared for the consumer market. The discussion - and the lobbying by the likes of Disney's Michael Eisner and News Corporations' Peter Chernin - comes in the context of legislation being floated by U.S. Senator Fritz Hollings that would "outlaw the creation, distribution, or sale of "any interactive digital device that does not include and utilize certified security technologies." The "trusted computers" are being promoted under the guise of being reliable computers - something we all want - but are intended to "determine what software will and won't be allowed to run, what we can and can't do with the information to which we're exposed, and what data about our online activities will be collected." CRLF
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