Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ New Standards

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
Good post on a Yahoo Group list (you will have to register and sign into elearningleaders (something I think the list owner really should change)) on why the author thinks that the IMS and SCORM standards are bound to fail. In a nutshell, the IMS and SCORM standards violate some fundamental principles of useful standards, specifically:
  • Standards must be completely platform neutral.CRLF
  • Standards must be international in scope.CRLF
  • Standards are all about consensus - not cool ideas.CRLF
  • Standards require the active participation of people from all vertical markets and all related professions.CRLF
  • Standards must be durable.CRLF
  • Standards must accommodate people with special needs.CRLF
  • Standards must remain pedagogy neutral.CRLF
  • Standards must harmonize with existing standards.CRLF
  • Standards must be embraced by a wide range providers.CRLF
  • Standards efforts must be governed in a neutral manner.CRLF
CRLFIt's hard not to agree with the argument presented in this article (each item above is discussed in more detail) and hard not to agree that the IMS and SCORM efforts violate at least some - if not all - of these provisions. Food for thought.CRLF

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Sept 01, 2024 07:18 a.m.

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